39,836 research outputs found

    Creating Online Graduate Engineering Degrees at the University of New Mexico

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    This paper describes the motivation, strategies, and implementation details that lead to the creation of online graduate-level degree programs in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico. It also presents some of the benefits as well as the challenges encountered when designing and implementing these programs. The paper concludes with a discussion of lessons learned and the future directions of the program

    Engineering at San Jose State University, Winter 2014

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    Multinational perspectives on information technology from academia and industry

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    As the term \u27information technology\u27 has many meanings for various stakeholders and continues to evolve, this work presents a comprehensive approach for developing curriculum guidelines for rigorous, high quality, bachelor\u27s degree programs in information technology (IT) to prepare successful graduates for a future global technological society. The aim is to address three research questions in the context of IT concerning (1) the educational frameworks relevant for academics and students of IT, (2) the pathways into IT programs, and (3) graduates\u27 preparation for meeting future technologies. The analysis of current trends comes from survey data of IT faculty members and professional IT industry leaders. With these analyses, the IT Model Curricula of CC2005, IT2008, IT2017, extensive literature review, and the multinational insights of the authors into the status of IT, this paper presents a comprehensive overview and discussion of future directions of global IT education toward 2025

    Education to Employment: Designing a System that Works

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    Considering the education-to-employment system as a highway with three critical intersections -- enrolling in postsecondary education, building skills, and finding a job -- this research has determined places where students take wrong turns or fall behind, and why. With increased data and innovative approaches, employers, educators, governments and youth can create a better system

    The Small Size of the Small Scale Market: The Early-Stage Labor Market for Highly Skilled Nanotechnology Workers

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    We examine the labor market for the highly trained in nanotechnology and the response of universities toward providing training. We draw comparisons with the labor market and university response in bioinformatics. The demand analysis is based on position announcements in Science in 2002 compared to 2005. We also analyze online position announcements in late 2005 and early 2006. Our analysis leads us to conclude that at the present time the market is small and growing for positions in academe and at FFRDC's, small and stable for positions at firms. Our analysis of training leads to the conclusion that the pipeline is being filled primarily through a principal investigator approach, where a student is attached to one faculty member's lab, rather than to a formal program. The fundamental difference between nanotechnology and bioinformatics in this respect may be due to differences in the opportunities available to universities and faculty. Working Paper 07-0

    Intellectual Property Challenges in Replicating an American Graduate Program in Poland Experiences, Perspectives, and Lessons Learned

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    The article delineates some of the challenges in implementing of one of the global trends among universities - increased cooperation and collaboration to create and transfer intellectual property. Universities all over the world are increasing cooperation and collaboration in different fields. In addition to the traditional student and faculty exchanges, more and more universities are exploring deeper collaborations ranging from replication of degree programs to creation of dual degree programs. The article presents a case study of an extended collaboration to replicate a program founded by the University of Texas at Austin at the University of Lodz in Lodz, Poland. The transferred program is the year long executive MS in Science and Technology Commercialization (MSSTC) Program which focuses on wealth creation associated with intellectual property by transforming ideas based on science and technology into new products, new services, and new ventures to create jobs. The MSSTC program was transferred successfully from the University of Texas at Austin to the University of Lodz in Poland. However, one of the most significant challenges associated with the program replication across countries and cultures is how to best address a program’s intellectual property issues. This paper examines some of the intellectual property issues involved in transferring the MSSTC program like from a US to a Polish university. Some of the lessons learned re: intellectual property are delineated, examined, explored, and recommendations offered.Globalne trendy i międzynarodowy charakter komercjalizacji technologii sprawia, że pojawiły się globalne trendy do zacieśnienia współpracy pomiędzy uczelniami. Uniwersytety Trzeciego wieku oprócz misji edukacyjnej i naukowej włączają się w nurt przedsiębiorczości nazwanej akademickiej, współpracy z przemysłem i instytucjami rządowymi. Artykuł zwraca uwagę na istotną rolę transferu własności intelektualnej zawartej w programach edukacyjnych, szkoleniowych wymiany kadry i studentów. Współpraca rodzi wartość dodaną jako uzyskują uczelnie w postaci wspólnych programów lub transferu wiedzy z jednej uczelni do drugiej. Prezentowany artykuł zawiera również studium przypadku oparte na współpracy dwóch uczelni amerykańskiej i polskiej oraz transferze programu magisterskiego Komercjalizacji Nauki i Technologii z Austin do Łodzi. Udostępnienie wiedzy i najlepszych praktyk Instytutu IC2 w Austin obejmowało wyzwania związane z prawidłowym transferem własności intelektualnej wielu podmiotów jak wykładowców, uczelni, instytutu, doradców oraz innych osób pracujących przez wiele lat przy tworzeniu najlepszego w USA programu magisterskiego do zarządzania technologią. Autorzy zebrali najbardziej istotne problemy występujące podczas ich pracy w programie i przedstawili je w rozdziale Intellectual Property Challenges in Replicating an American Graduate Program in Poland Experiences, Perspectives, and Lessons Learned AbstractDruk materiałów sfinansowano ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w ramach projektu „Kreator innowacyjności – wsparcie innowacyjnej przedsiębiorczości akademickiej”

    Latin American universities and the third mission : trends, challenges, and policy options

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    Universities in Latin America are increasingly considered instruments of social and economic development and face rising expectations in regard to supplying relevant skills, undertaking applied research, and engaging in commercial activity. The paper discusses trends and challenges within Latin American universities, as well as policy options available for strengthening their contributions to social and economic development. The so-called third mission of universities is often equated with knowledge transfer narrowly defined as licensing and commercialization of research. The paper adopts a broader approach and explores how the new role of universities affects all aspects of academic practice in Latin America, including advanced education and research. It concludes that policymakers and university managers in Latin America face an important challenge of defining a legal framework, sound management procedures, and notably, incentive systems that stimulate outreach and entrepreneurship among students and staff while recognizing and preserving the distinct roles of universities.Tertiary Education,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Rural Development Knowledge&Information Systems,ICT Policy and Strategies,Secondary Education

    Beyond the ABCs: Higher Education and Developing Countries

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    This paper analyzes a relatively neglected facet of the complex debate regarding human capital – higher (or tertiary) education. It addresses five broad questions examining higher education in developing countries. One, are the economic effects of higher education on developing countries different from those in industrialized countries, with its links with labor markets of lesser importance than its impact on institutional development? Two, how does the impact of higher education depend on the type of education and its beneficiaries? Three, with the state unable to meet growing demand pressures, what should be the proper role of the state to ensure not just quality but also equity and access? Four, how should countries rethink the provision of higher education in an “open economy” from seeking education abroad or encouraging foreign providers into the country or simply linking domestic institutions with foreign quality assurance mechanisms? And five, do new technologies offer developing countries a new paradigm to expand the provision of high quality but low cost higher education? The aim is not to provide categorical answers to these complex questions, but rather highlight the analytical and empirical lacuna with regard to each of these questions.higher education, human capital

    Latin American perspectives to internationalize undergraduate information technology education

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    The computing education community expects modern curricular guidelines for information technology (IT) undergraduate degree programs by 2017. The authors of this work focus on eliciting and analyzing Latin American academic and industry perspectives on IT undergraduate education. The objective is to ensure that the IT curricular framework in the IT2017 report articulates the relationship between academic preparation and the work environment of IT graduates in light of current technological and educational trends in Latin America and elsewhere. Activities focus on soliciting and analyzing survey data collected from institutions and consortia in IT education and IT professional and educational societies in Latin America; these activities also include garnering the expertise of the authors. Findings show that IT degree programs are making progress in bridging the academic-industry gap, but more work remains