5 research outputs found

    CHOMP: Gradient optimization techniques for efficient motion planning

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    Medial Axis Local Planner: Local Planning for Medial Axis Roadmaps

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    In motion planning, high clearance paths are favorable due to their increased visibility and reduction of collision risk such as the safety of problems involving: human- robot cooperation. One popular approach to solving motion planning problems is the Probabilistic Roadman Method (PRM), which generates a graph of the free space of an environment referred to as a roadmap. In this work we describe a new approach to making high clearance paths when using PRM The medial axis is useful for this since it represents the set of points with maximal clearance and is well defined in higher dimensions. However it can only be computed exactly in workspace. Our goal is to generate roadmaps with paths following the medial axis of an environment without explicitly computing the medial axis. One of the major steps of PRM is local planning: the planning of motion between two nearby nodes PRMs have been used to build roadmaps that have nodes on the medial axis but so far there has been no local planner method proposed for connecting these nodes on the medial axis. These types of high clearance motions are desirable and needed in many robotics applications. This work proposes Medial Axis Local Planner (MALP), a local planner which attempts to connect medial axis configurations via the medial axis. The recursive method takes a simple path between two medial axis configurations and attempts to deform the path to fit the medial axis. This deformation creates paths with high clearance and visibility properties. We have implemented this local planner and have tested it in 2D and 3D rigid body and 8D and 16D fixed base articulated linkage environments. We compare MALP with a straight-line local planner (SL), a typical local planer used in motion planning that interpolated along a line in the planning space. Our results indicate that MALP generated higher clearance paths than SL local planning. As a result, MALP found more connections and generated fewer connected components as compared to connecting the same nodes using SL connections. Using MALP connects noes on the medial axis, increasing the overall clearance of the roadmap generated

    Creating High-quality Roadmaps for Motion Planning in Virtual Environments

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    Our goal is to create roadmaps that are particularly suited for motion planning in virtual environments. We use our Reachability Roadmap Method to compute an initial, resolution complete roadmap. This roadmap is small which keeps query times and memory consumption low. However, for use in virtual environments, there are additional criteria that must be satisfied. In particular, we require that the roadmap contains useful cycles. These provide short paths and alternative routes which allow for variation in the routes a moving object can take. We will show how to incorporate such cycles. In addition, we provide highclearance paths by retracting the edges of the roadmap to the medial axis. Since all operations are performed in a preprocessing phase, high-quality paths can be extracted in real-time as is required in interactive applications

    Extensions of sampling-based approaches to path planning in complex cost spaces: applications to robotics and structural biology

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    Planifier le chemin d’un robot dans un environnement complexe est un problème crucial en robotique. Les méthodes de planification probabilistes peuvent résoudre des problèmes complexes aussi bien en robotique, qu’en animation graphique, ou en biologie structurale. En général, ces méthodes produisent un chemin évitant les collisions, sans considérer sa qualité. Récemment, de nouvelles approches ont été créées pour générer des chemins de bonne qualité : en robotique, cela peut être le chemin le plus court ou qui maximise la sécurité ; en biologie, il s’agit du mouvement minimisant la variation énergétique moléculaire. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons plusieurs extensions de ces méthodes, pour améliorer leurs performances et leur permettre de résoudre des problèmes toujours plus difficiles. Les applications que nous présentons viennent de la robotique (inspection industrielle et manipulation aérienne) et de la biologie structurale (mouvement moléculaire et conformations stables). ABSTRACT : Planning a path for a robot in a complex environment is a crucial issue in robotics. So-called probabilistic algorithms for path planning are very successful at solving difficult problems and are applied in various domains, such as aerospace, computer animation, and structural biology. However, these methods have traditionally focused on finding paths avoiding collisions, without considering the quality of these paths. In recent years, new approaches have been developed to generate high-quality paths: in robotics, this can mean finding paths maximizing safety or control; in biology, this means finding motions minimizing the energy variation of a molecule. In this thesis, we propose several extensions of these methods to improve their performance and allow them to solve ever more difficult problems. The applications we present stem from robotics (industrial inspection and aerial manipulation) and structural biology (simulation of molecular motions and exploration of energy landscapes)