3,146 research outputs found

    Application of Operator Splitting Methods in Finance

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    Financial derivatives pricing aims to find the fair value of a financial contract on an underlying asset. Here we consider option pricing in the partial differential equations framework. The contemporary models lead to one-dimensional or multidimensional parabolic problems of the convection-diffusion type and generalizations thereof. An overview of various operator splitting methods is presented for the efficient numerical solution of these problems. Splitting schemes of the Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) type are discussed for multidimensional problems, e.g. given by stochastic volatility (SV) models. For jump models Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) methods are considered which efficiently treat the nonlocal jump operator. For American options an easy-to-implement operator splitting method is described for the resulting linear complementarity problems. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the actual stability and convergence of the splitting schemes. Here European and American put options are considered under four asset price models: the classical Black-Scholes model, the Merton jump-diffusion model, the Heston SV model, and the Bates SV model with jumps

    Pricing European and American Options under Heston Model using Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Elements

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    This paper deals with pricing of European and American options, when the underlying asset price follows Heston model, via the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (dGFEM). The advantages of dGFEM space discretization with Rannacher smoothing as time integrator with nonsmooth initial and boundary conditions are illustrated for European vanilla options, digital call and American put options. The convection dominated Heston model for vanishing volatility is efficiently solved utilizing the adaptive dGFEM. For fast solution of the linear complementary problem of the American options, a projected successive over relaxation (PSOR) method is developed with the norm preconditioned dGFEM. We show the efficiency and accuracy of dGFEM for option pricing by conducting comparison analysis with other methods and numerical experiments

    Differential quadrature method for space-fractional diffusion equations on 2D irregular domains

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    In mathematical physics, the space-fractional diffusion equations are of particular interest in the studies of physical phenomena modelled by L\'{e}vy processes, which are sometimes called super-diffusion equations. In this article, we develop the differential quadrature (DQ) methods for solving the 2D space-fractional diffusion equations on irregular domains. The methods in presence reduce the original equation into a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) by introducing valid DQ formulations to fractional directional derivatives based on the functional values at scattered nodal points on problem domain. The required weighted coefficients are calculated by using radial basis functions (RBFs) as trial functions, and the resultant ODEs are discretized by the Crank-Nicolson scheme. The main advantages of our methods lie in their flexibility and applicability to arbitrary domains. A series of illustrated examples are finally provided to support these points.Comment: 25 pages, 25 figures, 7 table

    Numerical solving unsteady space-fractional problems with the square root of an elliptic operator

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    An unsteady problem is considered for a space-fractional equation in a bounded domain. A first-order evolutionary equation involves the square root of an elliptic operator of second order. Finite element approximation in space is employed. To construct approximation in time, regularized two-level schemes are used. The numerical implementation is based on solving the equation with the square root of the elliptic operator using an auxiliary Cauchy problem for a pseudo-parabolic equation. The scheme of the second-order accuracy in time is based on a regularization of the three-level explicit Adams scheme. More general problems for the equation with convective terms are considered, too. The results of numerical experiments are presented for a model two-dimensional problem.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1412.570

    Discrete maximal regularity of time-stepping schemes for fractional evolution equations

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    In this work, we establish the maximal p\ell^p-regularity for several time stepping schemes for a fractional evolution model, which involves a fractional derivative of order α(0,2)\alpha\in(0,2), α1\alpha\neq 1, in time. These schemes include convolution quadratures generated by backward Euler method and second-order backward difference formula, the L1 scheme, explicit Euler method and a fractional variant of the Crank-Nicolson method. The main tools for the analysis include operator-valued Fourier multiplier theorem due to Weis [48] and its discrete analogue due to Blunck [10]. These results generalize the corresponding results for parabolic problems

    Solving Nonlinear Parabolic Equations by a Strongly Implicit Finite-Difference Scheme

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    We discuss the numerical solution of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations, exhibiting finite speed of propagation, via a strongly implicit finite-difference scheme with formal truncation error O[(Δx)2+(Δt)2]\mathcal{O}\left[(\Delta x)^2 + (\Delta t)^2 \right]. Our application of interest is the spreading of viscous gravity currents in the study of which these type of differential equations arise. Viscous gravity currents are low Reynolds number (viscous forces dominate inertial forces) flow phenomena in which a dense, viscous fluid displaces a lighter (usually immiscible) fluid. The fluids may be confined by the sidewalls of a channel or propagate in an unconfined two-dimensional (or axisymmetric three-dimensional) geometry. Under the lubrication approximation, the mathematical description of the spreading of these fluids reduces to solving the so-called thin-film equation for the current's shape h(x,t)h(x,t). To solve such nonlinear parabolic equations we propose a finite-difference scheme based on the Crank--Nicolson idea. We implement the scheme for problems involving a single spatial coordinate (i.e., two-dimensional, axisymmetric or spherically-symmetric three-dimensional currents) on an equispaced but staggered grid. We benchmark the scheme against analytical solutions and highlight its strong numerical stability by specifically considering the spreading of non-Newtonian power-law fluids in a variable-width confined channel-like geometry (a "Hele-Shaw cell") subject to a given mass conservation/balance constraint. We show that this constraint can be implemented by re-expressing it as nonlinear flux boundary conditions on the domain's endpoints. Then, we show numerically that the scheme achieves its full second-order accuracy in space and time. We also highlight through numerical simulations how the proposed scheme accurately respects the mass conservation/balance constraint.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, Springer book class; v2 includes improvements and corrections; to appear as a contribution in "Applied Wave Mathematics II