3,138 research outputs found

    Shelling Coxeter-like Complexes and Sorting on Trees

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    In their work on `Coxeter-like complexes', Babson and Reiner introduced a simplicial complex Ξ”T\Delta_T associated to each tree TT on nn nodes, generalizing chessboard complexes and type A Coxeter complexes. They conjectured that Ξ”T\Delta_T is (nβˆ’bβˆ’1)(n-b-1)-connected when the tree has bb leaves. We provide a shelling for the (nβˆ’b)(n-b)-skeleton of Ξ”T\Delta_T, thereby proving this conjecture. In the process, we introduce notions of weak order and inversion functions on the labellings of a tree TT which imply shellability of Ξ”T\Delta_T, and we construct such inversion functions for a large enough class of trees to deduce the aforementioned conjecture and also recover the shellability of chessboard complexes Mm,nM_{m,n} with nβ‰₯2mβˆ’1n \ge 2m-1. We also prove that the existence or nonexistence of an inversion function for a fixed tree governs which networks with a tree structure admit greedy sorting algorithms by inversion elimination and provide an inversion function for trees where each vertex has capacity at least its degree minus one.Comment: 23 page

    A combinatorial non-positive curvature I: weak systolicity

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    We introduce the notion of weakly systolic complexes and groups, and initiate regular studies of them. Those are simplicial complexes with nonpositive-curvature-like properties and groups acting on them geometrically. We characterize weakly systolic complexes as simply connected simplicial complexes satisfying some local combinatorial conditions. We provide several classes of examples --- in particular systolic groups and CAT(-1) cubical groups are weakly systolic. We present applications of the theory, concerning Gromov hyperbolic groups, Coxeter groups and systolic groups.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figur

    Coxeter-like complexes

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    Motivated by the Coxeter complex associated to a Coxeter system (W,S), we introduce a simplicial regular cell complex Ξ” (G,S) with a G-action associated to any pair (G,S) where G is a group and S is a finite set of generators for G which is minimal with respect to inclusion. We examine the topology of Ξ” (G,S), and in particular the representations of G on its homology groups. We look closely at the case of the symmetric group S_n minimally generated by (not necessarily adjacent) transpositions, and their type-selected subcomplexes. These include not only the Coxeter complexes of type A, but also the well-studied chessboard complexes

    Subword complexes and nil-Hecke moves

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    For a finite Coxeter group W, a subword complex is a simplicial complex associated with a pair (Q, \rho), where Q is a word in the alphabet of simple reflections, \rho is a group element. We describe the transformations of such a complex induced by nil-moves and inverse operations on Q in the nil-Hecke monoid corresponding to W. If the complex is polytopal, we also describe such transformations for the dual polytope. For W simply-laced, these descriptions and results of \cite{Go} provide an algorithm for the construction of the subword complex corresponding to (Q, \rho) from the one corresponding to (\delta(Q), \rho), for any sequence of elementary moves reducing the word Q to its Demazure product \delta(Q). The former complex is spherical if and only if the latter one is the (-1)-sphere.Comment: 6 pages. Comments welcome! arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.5499; and text overlap with arXiv:1111.3349 by other author

    Diagrammatics for Coxeter groups and their braid groups

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    We give a monoidal presentation of Coxeter and braid 2-groups, in terms of decorated planar graphs. This presentation extends the Coxeter presentation. We deduce a simple criterion for a Coxeter group or braid group to act on a category.Comment: Many figures, best viewed in color. Minor updates. This version agrees with the published versio
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