1,117 research outputs found

    When Does a Mixture of Products Contain a Product of Mixtures?

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    We derive relations between theoretical properties of restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs), popular machine learning models which form the building blocks of deep learning models, and several natural notions from discrete mathematics and convex geometry. We give implications and equivalences relating RBM-representable probability distributions, perfectly reconstructible inputs, Hamming modes, zonotopes and zonosets, point configurations in hyperplane arrangements, linear threshold codes, and multi-covering numbers of hypercubes. As a motivating application, we prove results on the relative representational power of mixtures of product distributions and products of mixtures of pairs of product distributions (RBMs) that formally justify widely held intuitions about distributed representations. In particular, we show that a mixture of products requiring an exponentially larger number of parameters is needed to represent the probability distributions which can be obtained as products of mixtures.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Dimension reduction by random hyperplane tessellations

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    Given a subset K of the unit Euclidean sphere, we estimate the minimal number m = m(K) of hyperplanes that generate a uniform tessellation of K, in the sense that the fraction of the hyperplanes separating any pair x, y in K is nearly proportional to the Euclidean distance between x and y. Random hyperplanes prove to be almost ideal for this problem; they achieve the almost optimal bound m = O(w(K)^2) where w(K) is the Gaussian mean width of K. Using the map that sends x in K to the sign vector with respect to the hyperplanes, we conclude that every bounded subset K of R^n embeds into the Hamming cube {-1, 1}^m with a small distortion in the Gromov-Haussdorf metric. Since for many sets K one has m = m(K) << n, this yields a new discrete mechanism of dimension reduction for sets in Euclidean spaces.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, minor update

    COMs: Complexes of Oriented Matroids

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    In his seminal 1983 paper, Jim Lawrence introduced lopsided sets and featured them as asymmetric counterparts of oriented matroids, both sharing the key property of strong elimination. Moreover, symmetry of faces holds in both structures as well as in the so-called affine oriented matroids. These two fundamental properties (formulated for covectors) together lead to the natural notion of "conditional oriented matroid" (abbreviated COM). These novel structures can be characterized in terms of three cocircuits axioms, generalizing the familiar characterization for oriented matroids. We describe a binary composition scheme by which every COM can successively be erected as a certain complex of oriented matroids, in essentially the same way as a lopsided set can be glued together from its maximal hypercube faces. A realizable COM is represented by a hyperplane arrangement restricted to an open convex set. Among these are the examples formed by linear extensions of ordered sets, generalizing the oriented matroids corresponding to the permutohedra. Relaxing realizability to local realizability, we capture a wider class of combinatorial objects: we show that non-positively curved Coxeter zonotopal complexes give rise to locally realizable COMs.Comment: 40 pages, 6 figures, (improved exposition

    Valid Orderings of Real Hyperplane Arrangements

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    Given a real finite hyperplane arrangement A and a point p not on any of the hyperplanes, we define an arrangement vo(A,p), called the *valid order arrangement*, whose regions correspond to the different orders in which a line through p can cross the hyperplanes in A. If A is the set of affine spans of the facets of a convex polytope P and p lies in the interior of P, then the valid orderings with respect to p are just the line shellings of p where the shelling line contains p. When p is sufficiently generic, the intersection lattice of vo(A,p) is the *Dilworth truncation* of the semicone of A. Various applications and examples are given. For instance, we determine the maximum number of line shellings of a d-polytope with m facets when the shelling line contains a fixed point p. If P is the order polytope of a poset, then the sets of facets visible from a point involve a generalization of chromatic polynomials related to list colorings.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Chamber basis of the Orlik-Solomon algebra and Aomoto complex

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    We introduce a basis of the Orlik-Solomon algebra labeled by chambers, so called chamber basis. We consider structure constants of the Orlik-Solomon algebra with respect to the chamber basis and prove that these structure constants recover D. Cohen's minimal complex from the Aomoto complex.Comment: 16 page