13 research outputs found

    Covering a line segment with variable radius discs

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    The paper addresses the problem of locating sensors with a circular field of view so that a given line segment is under full surveillance, which is termed as the Disc Covering Problem on a Line. The cost of each sensor includes a fixed component f, and a variable component that is a convex function of the diameter of the field-of- view area. When only one type of sensor or, in general, one type of disc, is available, then a simple polynomial algorithm solves the problem. When there are different types of sensors, the problem becomes hard. A branch-and-bound algorithm as well as an efficient heuristic are developed for the special case in which the variable cost component of each sensor is proportional to the square of the measure of the field-of-view area. The heuristic very often obtains the optimal solution as shown in extensive computational testing

    Approximation Algorithm for Line Segment Coverage for Wireless Sensor Network

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    The coverage problem in wireless sensor networks deals with the problem of covering a region or parts of it with sensors. In this paper, we address the problem of covering a set of line segments in sensor networks. A line segment ` is said to be covered if it intersects the sensing regions of at least one sensor distributed in that region. We show that the problem of finding the minimum number of sensors needed to cover each member in a given set of line segments in a rectangular area is NP-hard. Next, we propose a constant factor approximation algorithm for the problem of covering a set of axis-parallel line segments. We also show that a PTAS exists for this problem.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures

    Maximizing Barrier Coverage Lifetime with Mobile Sensors

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    Sensor networks are ubiquitously used for detection and tracking and as a result covering is one of the main tasks of such networks. We study the problem of maximizing the coverage lifetime of a barrier by mobile sensors with limited battery powers, where the coverage lifetime is the time until there is a breakdown in coverage due to the death of a sensor. Sensors are first deployed and then coverage commences. Energy is consumed in proportion to the distance traveled for mobility, while for coverage, energy is consumed in direct proportion to the radius of the sensor raised to a constant exponent. We study two variants which are distinguished by whether the sensing radii are given as part of the input or can be optimized, the fixed radii problem and the variable radii problem. We design parametric search algorithms for both problems for the case where the final order of the sensors is predetermined and for the case where sensors are initially located at barrier endpoints. In contrast, we show that the variable radii problem is strongly NP-hard and provide hardness of approximation results for fixed radii for the case where all the sensors are initially co-located at an internal point of the barrier

    An Exact Algorithm for Optimal Areal Positioning Problem with Rectangular Targets and Requests

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    In this thesis, we introduce a new class of problems, which we call Optimal Areal Positioning (OAP), and study a special form of these problems. OAPs have important applications in earth observation satellite management, tele-robotics, multi-camera control, and surveillance. In OAP, we would like to find the optimal position of a set of floating geometric objects (targets) on a two-dimensional plane to (partially) cover another set of fixed geometric objects (requests) in order to maximize the total reward obtained from covered parts of requests. In this thesis, we consider the special form of OAP in which targets and requests are parallel axes rectangles and targets are of equal size. A predetermined reward is associated with covering an area unit of each request. Based on the number of target rectangles, we classify rectangular OAP into two categories: Single Target Problem (STP) and Multi-Target Problem (MTP). The structure of MTP can be compared to the planar p-center which is NP-complete, if p is part of the input. In fact, we conjecture that MTP is NP-complete. The existing literature does not contain any work on MTP. The research contributions of this thesis are as follows: We develop new theoretical properties for the solution of STP and devised a new solution approach for it. This approach is based on a novel branch-and-bound (BB) algorithm devised over a reduced solution space. Branching is done using a clustering scheme. Our computational results show that in many cases our approach significantly outperforms the existing Plateau Vertex Traversal and brute force algorithms, especially for problems with many requests appearing in clusters over a large region. We perform a theoretical study of MTP for the first time and prove several theoretical properties for its solution. We have introduced a reduced solution space using these properties. We present the first exact algorithm to solve MTP. This algorithm has a branch-and-bound framework. The reduced solution space calls for a novel branching strategy for MTP. The algorithm has a main branch-and-bound tree with a special structure along with two trees (one for each axis) to store the information required for branching in the main tree in an efficient format. Branching is done using a clustering scheme. We perform computational experiments to evaluate the performance of our algorithm. Our algorithm solves relatively large instances of MTP in a short time