881 research outputs found

    The changing tide: Federal support of civilian-sector R and D

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    The involvement of the Federal government in civilian sector research and development is discussed. Relevant policies are put in an historical perspective. The roles played by industrial research and public funding are reveiwed. Government support of basic an generic research, clientele-oriented applied research, and research with commercial ends is studied. Procurement, anti-trust, and patent policies, all of which affect the climate for private research and development, are examined

    Electricity transmission: an overview of the current debate

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    Electricity transmission has emerged as critical for successfully liberalising power markets. This paper surveys the issues currently under discussion and provides a framework for the remaining papers in this issue. We conclude that signalling the efficient location of generation investment might require even a competitive LMP system to be complemented with deep connection charges. Although a Europe-wide LMP system is desirable, it appears politically problematic, so an integrated system of market coupling, possibly evolving by voluntary participation, should have high priority. Merchant investors may be able to increase interconnector capacity, although this is not unproblematic and raises new regulatory issues. A key issue that needs further research is how to better incentivize TSOs, especially with respect to cross-border issues.Electricity, Transmission, Regulation, Prices, Merchant Investment

    Causative Cyberattacks on Online Learning-based Automated Demand Response Systems

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    Power utilities are adopting Automated Demand Response (ADR) to replace the costly fuel-fired generators and to preempt congestion during peak electricity demand. Similarly, third-party Demand Response (DR) aggregators are leveraging controllable small-scale electrical loads to provide on-demand grid support services to the utilities. Some aggregators and utilities have started employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to learn the energy usage patterns of electricity consumers and use this knowledge to design optimal DR incentives. Such AI frameworks use open communication channels between the utility/aggregator and the DR customers, which are vulnerable to \textit{causative} data integrity cyberattacks. This paper explores vulnerabilities of AI-based DR learning and designs a data-driven attack strategy informed by DR data collected from the New York University (NYU) campus buildings. The case study demonstrates the feasibility and effects of maliciously tampering with (i) real-time DR incentives, (ii) DR event data sent to DR customers, and (iii) responses of DR customers to the DR incentives

    Data Valuation for Vertical Federated Learning: A Model-free and Privacy-preserving Method

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    Vertical Federated learning (VFL) is a promising paradigm for predictive analytics, empowering an organization (i.e., task party) to enhance its predictive models through collaborations with multiple data suppliers (i.e., data parties) in a decentralized and privacy-preserving way. Despite the fast-growing interest in VFL, the lack of effective and secure tools for assessing the value of data owned by data parties hinders the application of VFL in business contexts. In response, we propose FedValue, a privacy-preserving, task-specific but model-free data valuation method for VFL, which consists of a data valuation metric and a federated computation method. Specifically, we first introduce a novel data valuation metric, namely MShapley-CMI. The metric evaluates a data party's contribution to a predictive analytics task without the need of executing a machine learning model, making it well-suited for real-world applications of VFL. Next, we develop an innovative federated computation method that calculates the MShapley-CMI value for each data party in a privacy-preserving manner. Extensive experiments conducted on six public datasets validate the efficacy of FedValue for data valuation in the context of VFL. In addition, we illustrate the practical utility of FedValue with a case study involving federated movie recommendations

    The promotion of regional integration of electricity markets: lessons for developing countries

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    This paper focuses on how to promote regional cooperation in electricity. We begin by discussing the theory of international trade cooperation in electricity, with a view to discussing what preconditions might be important in facilitating wide area trading across national borders. We then develop lessons based on the comparison of four case studies. These include three regional developing country power pools – the Southern African Power pool (SAPP), West African Power pool (WAPP) and the Central American Power Market (MER). We contrast these with Northern Europe's Nord Pool. These cases highlight both the potential and difficulty of having cross-jurisdictional power pools. In the light of the theory and evidence we present, we draw key lessons in the areas of: preconditions for trading; necessary institutional arrangements; practicalities of timetabling; reasons to be hopeful about future prospects.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the World Bank and the support and advice of Mike Toman and Jevgenijs Steinbuks. All opinions expressed in the paper are those of the authors alone and should not be taken to represent those of the World Bank or any of its employees

    An educational game in collaborative logistics

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    We describe an educational game in collaborative logistics. The game is based on an award-winning application in cost allocation in transportation. The purpose of the game is to acquire an understanding of negotiation, coalition building, and cost/profit sharing when the players have different powers and hold different levels of information. The game is played with each player representing a single company. The challenge for the players is to find an efficient coalition and to share the benefits and costs of the collaboration. We describe the underlying case study, review basic concepts in game theory, outline the teaching case, and discuss experiences from running the game in several countries and with students in business, engineering, and forestry

    Effect of virtual power plant scheme on the supply and demand sides based on the techno-economic analysis

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    挗äčć·žćž‚ç«‹ć€§ć­ŠćšćŁ«(ć·„ć­Š)This research proposed a comprehensive method for analyzing the feasibility of using a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) to benefit both the plant and demand sides. First, the energy-saving potential of a VPP composed of a photovoltaic and energy storage system was explored. Second, the economic performance of the VPP was evaluated based on a payback period and total life cycle cost analysis. Then, considering the imbalance of the benefits between the demand and plant sides, cooperative game theory was applied to explore the cooperation potential. The influence of government subsidy policies on both the plant and demand sides was a simultaneous concern. Finally, the profit of the alliance, comprising both the demand and plant sides was allocated, based on the Shapley value. This study highlights the excellent energy-saving potential from implementing a VPP. This research provides policy guidance for the Japanese government to promote VPPs in the future.doctoral thesi

    NASA/DoD Aerospace Knowledge Diffusion Research Project. Paper 31: The information-seeking behavior of engineers

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    Engineers are an extraordinarily diverse group of professionals, but an attribute common to all engineers is their use of information. Engineering can be conceptualized as an information processing system that must deal with work-related uncertainty through patterns of technical communications. Throughout the process, data, information, and tacit knowledge are being acquired, produced, transferred, and utilized. While acknowledging that other models exist, we have chosen to view the information-seeking behavior of engineers within a conceptual framework of the engineer as an information processor. This article uses the chosen framework to discuss information-seeking behavior of engineers, reviewing selected literature and empirical studies from library and information science, management, communications, and sociology. The article concludes by proposing a research agenda designed to extend our current, limited knowledge of the way engineers process information
