26 research outputs found

    SOAQE - Service Oriented Architecture Quality Evaluation

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    International audienceThis paper presents a semi-automated method for evaluating SOAs called SOAQE, correcting defects observed so far with existing methods such as lacks of pertinence and accuracy for evaluation results. SOAQE takes as a starting point the McCall model, describing software quality, which led to an international standard for the evaluation of software quality (ISO/IEC 9126-1, 2001). This model is organized around three types of quality attributes (factors, criteria and metrics). The SOAQE method consists in decomposing the whole architecture and evaluating it according to the McCall model, i.e.a list of quality factors arising from business needs grouping criteria composed by metrics. Our experimentations led us to quantify numerically a first determining factor for SOAs, the 'dynamism' and some attributes of its structure: namely the 'loose coupling' criterion and its constituent metrics ('physical, semantic and syntactic')

    Incorporation of Defined Quality Attributes into Solutions Based on Service-Oriented Architecture

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    The shift of the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to the\ud Information Technology, its use and implementation enables the feature of having more robust system offered to the Service Industry. This paper will present enhancement efforts to software platform solution with including quality\ud attributes and will describe the design of the Quality Service-Oriented Architecture. A well known branch of the service industry market in the US is the Pest Control Services which should be part of every single physical object in the USA. There are many Service-Oriented Platforms that handle the Pest Control Industry and our target in this article will be to describe a Quality Oriented and Service-Oriented Design for the Pest Control Industry, which will meet the criteria and the needs of the industry as well to meet all laws requirements to each\ud US state related to the pest control policies and rules. Most important is that the presented software platform provides competitive edge

    Service-oriented design measurement and theoretical validation

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    As software systems become more and more complex over time, software quality accordingly becomes increasingly important. Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm is one of the established paradigms used for building and developing flexible, reusable, rapid and low cost software products. Consequently, the use of SOC to develop software systems is increasing. Software quality measurement has considerable importance in the context of SOC since it determines how the quality requirements for composite service should be achieved. As a result, several quality metrics for composite service design were proposed. However, these metrics were constructed based on previous development approaches, give insufficient focus and need modification to be applied to service-oriented systems. Furthermore, the existing metrics do not consider the composite service as building blocks and also they do not consider the indirect relationships. In this paper, a quality measurement for composite service-oriented design is proposed, with the aim of increasing reusability and decreasing the complexity of design. The paper begins with proposing a set of metrics to measure the quality of composite service design. Then, the proposed metrics are validated theoretically to check its usability and applicability for composite service. The results show that the proposed metrics are able to measure the quality of composite service design

    Web Services Metrics: A Survey and A Classification

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    Abstract. Web Services have emerged as a new Web-based technology paradigm for exchanging information on the Internet using platform-neutral standards, such as XML and adopting Internet-based protocols. They have become a promising technology to design and build complex inter-enterprise business applications. However, Web Services are problematic to measure, control, and manage. Software metrics is vital for the management, control, and measurement of software development and despite the vast amount of techniques/mechanisms and metrics for traditional and Object-Oriented software, there has been a few research and techniques that deals with metrics for Web Services. As companies increasingly invest and relies on Web Services, the importance of metrics for those services continues to grow. In this paper I present and classify the existing metrics for Web Services, and discuss their usage and benefits. In addition, I highlight the problems found in using some of the metrics and discuss what is still lacking in this domain

    On the State of the Art of Coupling and Cohesion Measures for Service-Oriented System Design

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    Service-oriented computing has encountered an increasing importance for enterprises over the last years. With Web services, the major underlying technical basis is already in an advanced state. The service design area, on the other hand, still provides several research gaps such as the field of service identification and in particular the determination of an optimal granularity level for services. Granularity, assessed through coupling and cohesion considerations, is yet a rather unexplored domain when it comes to service-orientation, although several results from earlier design principles are available. In this paper we summarize the current state of the art in granularity measures and identify the implications emerging for practice and re-search. As we reveal, several existing measures for other paradigms, which might be adapted for service-orientation, are left unconsidered. Further research gaps, as the mainly missing empirical evaluation or a tighter inclusion in the development process, are also detected

    A formal model of service-orientated design structure

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    Service-oriented computing (SOC) is a promising paradigm for developing enterprise software systems. The initial concepts of service-orientation have been described in the research and industry literature and software tools for assisting in the development of service-oriented (SO) applications are becoming more widely used. Nonetheless, a precise description of what constitutes a SO system is yet to be formally defined, and the design principles of SOC are not well understood. Therefore, this paper proposes a formal mathematical model covering design artefacts in service-oriented systems and their structural and behavioural properties. This model promotes a better understanding of SO concepts, and in particular, enables the definition of structural software metrics in an unambiguous, formal manner. Finally, although the proposed model is generic, it can be customised to support particular technologies as shown in this paper where the model was tailored for BPEL4WS implementation