5 research outputs found

    A semiotic approach to the use of metaphor in human-computer interfaces

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University, 20/9/1999.Although metaphors are common in computing, particularly in human-computer interfaces, opinion is divided on their usefulness to users and little evidence is available to help the designer in choosing or implementing them. Effective use of metaphors depends on understanding their role in the computer interface, which in tum means building a model of the metaphor process. This thesis examines some of the approaches which might be taken in constructing such a model before choosing one and testing its applicability to interface design. Earlier research into interface metaphors used experimental psychology techniques which proved useful in showing the benefits or drawbacks of specific metaphors, but did not give a general model of the metaphor process. A cognitive approach based on mental models has proved more successful in offering an overall model of the process, although this thesis questions whether the researchers tested it adequately. Other approaches which have examined the metaphor process (though not in the context of human-computer interaction) have come from linguistic fields, most notably semiotics, which extends linguistics to non-verbal communication and thus could cover graphical user interfaces (GUls). The main work described in this thesis was the construction of a semiotic model of human-computer interaction. The basic principle of this is that even the simplest element of the user interface will signify many simultaneous meanings to the user. Before building the model, a set of assertions and questions was developed to check the validity of the principles on which the model was based. Each of these was then tested by a technique appropriate to the type of issue raised. Rhetorical analysis was used to establish that metaphor is commonplace in command-line languages, in addition to its more obvious use in GUIs. A simple semiotic analysis, or deconstruction, of the Macintosh user interface was then used to establish the validity of viewing user interfaces as semiotic systems. Finally, an experiment was carried out to test a mental model approach proposed by previous researchers. By extending their original experiment to more realistically complex interfaces and tasks and using a more typical user population, it was shown that users do not always develop mental models of the type proposed in the original research. The experiment also provided evidence to support the existence of multiple layers of signification. Based on the results of the preliminary studies, a simple means of testing the semiotic model's relevance to interface design was developed, using an interview technique. The proposed interview technique was then used to question two groups of users about a simple interface element. Two independent researchers then carried out a content analysis of the responses. The mean number of significations in each interview, as categorised by the researchers, was 15. The levels of signification were rapidly revealed, with the mean time for each interview being under two minutes, providing effective evidence that interfaces signify many meanings to users, a substantial number of which are easily retrievable. It is proposed that the interview technique could provide a practical and valuable tool for systems analysis and interface designers. Finally, areas for further research are proposed, in particular to ascertain how the model and the interview technique could be integrated with other design methods

    Modelo de tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n en una empresa constructora

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    [EN] The management of intangibles and high added value, will be key to the survival and competitiveness in the current global economic climate. It is for this reason that business communication and management of intellectual capital will be a differential element in the new form of business management. Based on the need to update the communication process of the construction companies has made a theoretical model of communication management , establishing standard procedures for setting the parameters required to optimize the process and give the company a system of effective information and efficient, you will improve deriving a series meant to the organization. Such as improved product quality , supplier management , work environment and economic efficiency , etc.[CA] La gesti贸 dels aspectes intangibles i d'alt valor afegit, seran claus per a la superviv猫ncia i la competitivitat empresarial en l'actual clima econ貌mic mundial. 脡s per aix貌, que la comunicaci贸 empresarial i la gesti贸 del capital intel路lectual ser脿 un element diferencial en la nova forma de gesti贸 empresarial. Basats en la necessitat d'actualitzar el proc茅s de comunicaci贸 de les empreses constructores s'ha realitzat un model te貌ric de gesti贸 de la comunicaci贸, establint procediments est脿ndards per a fixar els par脿metres necessaris per a optimitzar el proc茅s i dotar a l'empresa d'un sistema de la informaci贸 efica莽 i eficient, derivant una s猫rie de millorares significades per a l'organitzaci贸. Com ara, la millora de la qualitat del producte, gesti贸 amb prove茂dors, ambient laboral o rendiment econ貌mic, etc.[ES] La gesti贸n de los aspectos intangibles y de alto valor a帽adido, ser谩n claves para la supervivencia y la competitividad empresarial en el actual clima econ贸mico mundial. Es por ello, que la comunicaci贸n empresarial y la gesti贸n del capital intelectual ser谩 un elemento diferencial en la nueva forma de gesti贸n empresarial. Basados en la necesidad de actualizar el proceso de comunicaci贸n de las empresas constructoras se ha realizado un modelo te贸rico de gesti贸n de la comunicaci贸n, estableciendo procedimientos est谩ndares para fijar los par谩metros necesarios para optimizar el proceso y dotar a la empresa de un sistema de la informaci贸n eficaz y eficiente, derivando una serie de mejoraras significadas para la organizaci贸n. Tales como, la mejora de la calidad del producto, gesti贸n con proveedores, ambiente laboral o rendimiento econ贸mico, etc.Lahuerta Amat, J. (2015). Modelo de tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n en una empresa constructora. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/57343.Archivo delegad

    Interactions humain-machine et diff茅rences culturelles : l'utilisabilit茅 Bantu compar茅e

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    Th猫se num茅ris茅e par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Universit茅 de Montr茅al

    Counting the Costs and Benefits of Metaphor

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    Abstract. It has been demonstrated that the use of suitable metaphors in the user service interface can have a dramatic effect on the way in which the user perceives the services, depending on the category of metaphor chosen. An earlier paper by the authors postulated that interactional metaphors might lead to greater long term usage of services, as they direct the user to thinking about what the services are for, rather than thinking about the services themselves. To test this hypothesis, a model of usage was built, showing the likely impact of using different types of metaphor. The model showed that usage levels over time varied according to metaphor category. These usage patterns were then imposed on existing technoeconomic models from specific industry sectors. Interactional metaphors led to the highest long term usage in most industry sectors, although the construction industry showed higher usage with spatial metaphors. In all sectors, inappropriate choice of metaphor would be sufficient to destroy the economic advanatages of advanced communications services.

    Counting the costs and benefits of metaphor

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