1,794 research outputs found

    Distribution-Aware Sampling and Weighted Model Counting for SAT

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    Given a CNF formula and a weight for each assignment of values to variables, two natural problems are weighted model counting and distribution-aware sampling of satisfying assignments. Both problems have a wide variety of important applications. Due to the inherent complexity of the exact versions of the problems, interest has focused on solving them approximately. Prior work in this area scaled only to small problems in practice, or failed to provide strong theoretical guarantees, or employed a computationally-expensive maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) oracle that assumes prior knowledge of a factored representation of the weight distribution. We present a novel approach that works with a black-box oracle for weights of assignments and requires only an {\NP}-oracle (in practice, a SAT-solver) to solve both the counting and sampling problems. Our approach works under mild assumptions on the distribution of weights of satisfying assignments, provides strong theoretical guarantees, and scales to problems involving several thousand variables. We also show that the assumptions can be significantly relaxed while improving computational efficiency if a factored representation of the weights is known.Comment: This is a full version of AAAI 2014 pape

    Balancing Scalability and Uniformity in SAT Witness Generator

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    Constrained-random simulation is the predominant approach used in the industry for functional verification of complex digital designs. The effectiveness of this approach depends on two key factors: the quality of constraints used to generate test vectors, and the randomness of solutions generated from a given set of constraints. In this paper, we focus on the second problem, and present an algorithm that significantly improves the state-of-the-art of (almost-)uniform generation of solutions of large Boolean constraints. Our algorithm provides strong theoretical guarantees on the uniformity of generated solutions and scales to problems involving hundreds of thousands of variables.Comment: This is a full version of DAC 2014 pape

    Structure Selection from Streaming Relational Data

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    Statistical relational learning techniques have been successfully applied in a wide range of relational domains. In most of these applications, the human designers capitalized on their background knowledge by following a trial-and-error trajectory, where relational features are manually defined by a human engineer, parameters are learned for those features on the training data, the resulting model is validated, and the cycle repeats as the engineer adjusts the set of features. This paper seeks to streamline application development in large relational domains by introducing a light-weight approach that efficiently evaluates relational features on pieces of the relational graph that are streamed to it one at a time. We evaluate our approach on two social media tasks and demonstrate that it leads to more accurate models that are learned faster

    Sampling Techniques for Boolean Satisfiability

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    Boolean satisfiability ({\SAT}) has played a key role in diverse areas spanning testing, formal verification, planning, optimization, inferencing and the like. Apart from the classical problem of checking boolean satisfiability, the problems of generating satisfying uniformly at random, and of counting the total number of satisfying assignments have also attracted significant theoretical and practical interest over the years. Prior work offered heuristic approaches with very weak or no guarantee of performance, and theoretical approaches with proven guarantees, but poor performance in practice. We propose a novel approach based on limited-independence hashing that allows us to design algorithms for both problems, with strong theoretical guarantees and scalability extending to thousands of variables. Based on this approach, we present two practical algorithms, {\UniformWitness}: a near uniform generator and {\approxMC}: the first scalable approximate model counter, along with reference implementations. Our algorithms work by issuing polynomial calls to {\SAT} solver. We demonstrate scalability of our algorithms over a large set of benchmarks arising from different application domains.Comment: MS Thesis submitted to Rice Universit

    Solving Satisfiability Modulo Counting for Symbolic and Statistical AI Integration With Provable Guarantees

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    Satisfiability Modulo Counting (SMC) encompasses problems that require both symbolic decision-making and statistical reasoning. Its general formulation captures many real-world problems at the intersection of symbolic and statistical Artificial Intelligence. SMC searches for policy interventions to control probabilistic outcomes. Solving SMC is challenging because of its highly intractable nature(NPPP\text{NP}^{\text{PP}}-complete), incorporating statistical inference and symbolic reasoning. Previous research on SMC solving lacks provable guarantees and/or suffers from sub-optimal empirical performance, especially when combinatorial constraints are present. We propose XOR-SMC, a polynomial algorithm with access to NP-oracles, to solve highly intractable SMC problems with constant approximation guarantees. XOR-SMC transforms the highly intractable SMC into satisfiability problems, by replacing the model counting in SMC with SAT formulae subject to randomized XOR constraints. Experiments on solving important SMC problems in AI for social good demonstrate that XOR-SMC finds solutions close to the true optimum, outperforming several baselines which struggle to find good approximations for the intractable model counting in SMC
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