13 research outputs found

    Countering Network Worms Through Automatic Patch Generation

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    Survivability analogy for cloud computing

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    As cloud computing has become the most popular computing platform, and cloud-based applications a commonplace, the methods and mechanisms used to ensure their survivability is increasingly becoming paramount. One of the prevalent trends in recent times is a turn to nature for inspiration in developing and supporting highly survivable environments. This paper aims to address the problems of survivability in cloud environments through inspiration from nature. In particular, the community metaphor in nature's predator-prey systems where autonomous individuals' local decisions focus on ensuring the global survival of the community. Thus, we develop analogies for survivability in cloud computing based on a range of mechanisms which we view as key determinants of prey's survival against predation. For this purpose we investigate some predator-prey systems that will form the basis for our analogical designs. Furthermore, due to a lack of a standardized definition of survivability, we propose a unified definition for survivability, which emphasizes as imperative, a high level of proactiveness to thwart black swan events, as well as high capacity to respond to insecurity in a timely and appropriate manner, inspired by prey's avoidance and anti-predation approaches. © 2017 IEEE

    Tortoise: Interactive System Configuration Repair

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    System configuration languages provide powerful abstractions that simplify managing large-scale, networked systems. Thousands of organizations now use configuration languages, such as Puppet. However, specifications written in configuration languages can have bugs and the shell remains the simplest way to debug a misconfigured system. Unfortunately, it is unsafe to use the shell to fix problems when a system configuration language is in use: a fix applied from the shell may cause the system to drift from the state specified by the configuration language. Thus, despite their advantages, configuration languages force system administrators to give up the simplicity and familiarity of the shell. This paper presents a synthesis-based technique that allows administrators to use configuration languages and the shell in harmony. Administrators can fix errors using the shell and the technique automatically repairs the higher-level specification written in the configuration language. The approach (1) produces repairs that are consistent with the fix made using the shell; (2) produces repairs that are maintainable by minimizing edits made to the original specification; (3) ranks and presents multiple repairs when relevant; and (4) supports all shells the administrator may wish to use. We implement our technique for Puppet, a widely used system configuration language, and evaluate it on a suite of benchmarks under 42 repair scenarios. The top-ranked repair is selected by humans 76% of the time and the human-equivalent repair is ranked 1.31 on average.Comment: Published version in proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 201

    An Efficient Patch Dissemination Strategy for Mobile Networks

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    Mobile phones and personal digital assistants are becoming increasingly important in our daily life since they enable us to access a large variety of ubiquitous services. Mobile networks, formed by the connection of mobile devices following some relationships among mobile users, provide good platforms for mobile virus spread. Quick and efficient security patch dissemination strategy is necessary for the update of antivirus software so that it can detect mobile virus, especially the new virus under the wireless mobile network environment with limited bandwidth which is also large scale, decentralized, dynamically evolving, and of unknown network topology. In this paper, we propose an efficient semi autonomy-oriented computing (SAOC) based patch dissemination strategy to restrain the mobile virus. In this strategy, some entities are deployed in a mobile network to search for mobile devices according to some specific rules and with the assistance of a center. Through experiments involving both real-world networks and dynamically evolving networks, we demonstrate that the proposed strategy can effectively send security patches to as many mobile devices as possible at a considerable speed and lower cost in the mobile network. It is a reasonable, effective, and secure method to reduce the damages mobile viruses may cause

    Defense against buffer overflow attack by software design diversity

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    A buffer overflow occurs during program execution when a fixed-size buffer has had too much data copied into it. This causes the data to overwrite into adjacent memory locations, and, depending on what is stored there, the behavior of the program itself might be affected; Attackers can select the value to place in the location in order to redirect execution to the location of their choice. If it contains machine code, the attacker causes the program to execute any arbitrary set of instructions---essentially taking control of the process. Successfully modifying the function return address allows the attacker to execute instructions with the same privileges as that of the attacked program; In this thesis, we propose to design software with multiple variants of the modules/functions. It can provide strong defense against the buffer overflow attack. A way can be provided to select a particular variant (implementation) of the module randomly when software is executed. This proves to be useful when an attacker designs the attack for a particular variant/implementation which may not be chosen in the random selection process during execution. It would be much difficult for the attacker to design an attack because of the different memory (stack-frame) layout the software could have every time it is executed

    An automated approach to program repair with semantic code search

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    Every year software companies dedicate numerous developer hours to debugging and fixing defects. Automated program repair has the potential to greatly decrease the costs of debugging. Existing automated repair techniques, such as Genprog, TSPRepair, and AE, show great promise but are not able to repair all bugs. We propose a new automated program repair technique, SearchRepair, which is a complementary program repair technique. We take advantage of existing open source code to find potential fixes based on the assumption that there are correct implementations in open source project code for some defects. The key challenges lie in efficiently finding code semantically similar (but not identical) to defective code and then appropriately integrating that code into the buggy program. The technique we present, SearchRepair, addresses these challenges by (1) encoding a large database of human-written code fragments as SMT constraints on input-output behavior, (2) localizing a given defect to likely-buggy program fragments, (3) dynamically analyzing those buggy fragments to derive input-output pairs that describe likely buggy behavior and that can be encoded as SMT constraints, (4) using state-of-the-art constraint solvers to find fragments in the code database that satisfy those constraints, and (5) validating patches that repair the bug against program test suites. We evaluate our technique, SearchRepair, on a program repair benchmark set IntroClass, which provides 998 buggy programs written by novice students, two test suites for each program, and repair results for existing program repair technique, Genprog, TSPRepair and AE. The two test suites, of which one is written by a human and the other one is automatically generated by a computer, are used to determine if a program is buggy and to evaluate the quality of a repair. We use instructor test suite to refer the test suite that is written by a human. And we use KLEE test suite to refer the test suite that are generated by the computer. We consider a program as a potential fixable defect if it fails and passes at least one test case in a test suite. Note that extracting input-output behaviors for the semantic code search requires that at least one passed test case so some buggy programs are excluded from our evaluation. There are 778 defects in IntroClass based on the instructor test suite and 845 defects in IntroClass based on the KLEE test suite. We find that when using the instructor test suite, SearchRepair is able to successfully repair 150 of 778 defects, Gengprog is able to fix 287 defects, TSPRepair is able to fix 247 defects, AE is able to fix 159 defects. In total, these 4 techniques are able to fix 310 defects using the instructor test suite and 20 of the 310 defects can only be fixed by SearchRepair. We also find that when using the computer generated test suite, there are 58 unique defects that can only fixed by SearchRepair out of 339 total unique defects that can be fixed by the 4 techniques. These results suggest that SearchRepair is a complementary technique to existing program repair techniques

    Технології автоматичного виправлення помилок безпеки в програмному забезпеченні

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    Обсяг роботи 96 сторінок, 24 ілюстрації, 23 таблиці, 88 джерел літератури. Об'єктом дослідження є вразливе програмне забезпечення, що містить помилки безпеки. Предметом дослідження є методи аналізу проміжного представлення коду, методи глибинного навчання для пошуку вразливостей та методи автоматичного виправлення помилок безпеки в коді програмного забезпечення. Методи дослідження - представлення початкового коду у вигляді абстрактного синтаксичного дерева, методи глибинного навчання, що дозволяють генерувати виправлення для помилок безпеки. Наукова новизна полягає в тому, що отримав подальший розвиток метод виправлення помилок безпеки в програмному забезпеченні написаному мовою програмування С/С++ на основі детермінованих правил шляхом додавання специфічних шаблонів, що автоматично трансформують абстрактне синтаксичне дерево виправляючи відповідну помилку безпеки. Також отримав подальший розвиток метод виправлення помилок безпеки на основі глибинного навчання шляхом попередньої обробки коду для підвищення точності завдяки видобуванню найбільш істотних ознак для помилки безпеки. Результати роботи викладені у третьому розділі, що демонструють роботу систем виправлення помилок безпеки на основі детермінованих шаблонів та на основі глибинного навчання. Результати роботи можуть бути використані виправлення специфічних помилок безпеки в початковому коді програмного забезпечення.The volume of work is 96 pages, 24 illustrations, 23 tables, 88 sources of literature. The object of the study is vulnerable software that contains security issues. The subject of the study is methods of analysis of the intermediate code representation, methods of deep learning to find vulnerabilities and methods of automatic patch generation for security issues in software. Research methods - presenting the source code in the form of an abstract syntax tree, deep learning methods that allow you to generate patches for security issues. The scientific novelty is that the method of correcting security errors in software written in C / C ++ programming language based on deterministic rules has been further developed by adding specific templates that automatically transform the abstract syntax tree by correcting the corresponding security error. A method of correcting security errors based on deep learning has also been further developed by pre-processing code to improve accuracy by extracting the most essential features for a security error. The results of the work are presented in Section 3, which demonstrates the performance of security-based path generation systems based on deterministic patterns and deep learning. The results of the work can be used to generate patches for specific security issues in the source code of the software

    Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Diagnosis For Commodity Software

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    Buffer overflow attacks have been a computer security threat in software-based systems andapplications for decades. The existence of buffer overflow vulnerabilities makes the systemsusceptible to Internet worms and denial of service (DDoS) attacks which can cause hugesocial and financial impacts. Due to its importance, buffer overflow problem has been intensively studied. Researchershave proposed different techniques to defend against unknown buffer overflow attacks. Theyhave also investigated various solutions, including automatic signature generation, automatic patch generation, etc., to automatically protect computer systems with known vulnerabilities. The effectiveness and efficiency of the automatic signature generation approaches andthe automatic patch generation approaches are all based on the accurate understanding ofthe vulnerabilities, the buffer overflow vulnerability diagnosis (BOVD). Currently, the results of automatic signature generation and automatic patch generation are far from satisfaction due to the insufficient research results from the automatic BOVD. This thesis defines the automatic buffer overflow vulnerability diagnosis (BOVD) problemand provides solutions towards automatic BOVD for commodity software. It targets oncommodity software when source code and symbol table are not available. The solutionscombine both of the dynamic analysis techniques and static analysis techniques to achievethe goal. Based on the observation that buffer overflow attack happens when the size of the destination buffer is smaller than the total number of writes after the data copy process if the buffer overflow attack happens through a data copy procedure, the diagnosis results return the information of the size of destination buffer, the total number of writes of a data copy procedure and how the user inputs are related with them. They are achieved through bound analysis, loop analysis and input analysis respectively. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this thesis approach using real world vulnerable applications including the buffer overflow vulnerabilities attacked by the record-setting Slammer and Blaster worms. This thesis also does the complete case study for buffer overflow vulnerabilities which may have independent interests to researchers. Our buffer overflow case study results can help other researchers to design more effective defense systems and debugging tools against buffer overflow attacks

    Countering Network Worms through Automatic Patch Generation

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    The ability of worms to spread at rates that effectively preclude human-directed reaction has elevated them to a first-class security threat to distributed systems. We propose an architecture for automatically repairing software flaws that are exploited by network worms. Our approach relies on source code transformations to quickly apply automatically-created (and tested) localized patches to vulnerable segments of the targeted application. To determine these susceptible portions, we use a sandboxed instance of the application as a "clean room" laboratory that runs in parallel with the production system and exploit the fact that a worm must reveal its infection vector to achieve its goal (i.e., further infection). We believe our approach to be the first end-point solution to the problem of malicious self-replicating code. The primary benefits of our approach are (a) its low impact on application performance, (b) its ability to respond to attacks without human intervention, and (c) its capacity to deal with "zero-day" worms (for which no known patches exist). Furthermore, our approach does not depend on a centralized update repository, which can be the target of a concerted attack similar to the Blaster worm. Finally, our approach can also be used to protect against lower intensity attacks, such as intrusion ("hack-in") attempts. To experimentally evaluate the efficacy of our approach, we use our prototype implementation to test a number of applications with known vulnerabilities. Our preliminary results indicate a success rate of 82%, and a maximum repair time of 8.5 seconds