357 research outputs found

    Do-Operation Guided Causal Representation Learning with Reduced Supervision Strength

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    Causal representation learning has been proposed to encode relationships between factors presented in the high dimensional data. However, existing methods suffer from merely using a large amount of labeled data and ignore the fact that samples generated by the same causal mechanism follow the same causal relationships. In this paper, we seek to explore such information by leveraging do-operation to reduce supervision strength. We propose a framework that implements do-operation by swapping latent cause and effect factors encoded from a pair of inputs. Moreover, we also identify the inadequacy of existing causal representation metrics empirically and theoretically and introduce new metrics for better evaluation. Experiments conducted on both synthetic and real datasets demonstrate the superiorities of our method compared with state-of-the-art methods.Comment: NeurIPS 2022 Workshop CML4Impact Workshop Camera Read

    F?D: On understanding the role of deep feature spaces on face generation evaluation

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    Perceptual metrics, like the Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID), are widely used to assess the similarity between synthetically generated and ground truth (real) images. The key idea behind these metrics is to compute errors in a deep feature space that captures perceptually and semantically rich image features. Despite their popularity, the effect that different deep features and their design choices have on a perceptual metric has not been well studied. In this work, we perform a causal analysis linking differences in semantic attributes and distortions between face image distributions to Fr\'echet distances (FD) using several popular deep feature spaces. A key component of our analysis is the creation of synthetic counterfactual faces using deep face generators. Our experiments show that the FD is heavily influenced by its feature space's training dataset and objective function. For example, FD using features extracted from ImageNet-trained models heavily emphasize hats over regions like the eyes and mouth. Moreover, FD using features from a face gender classifier emphasize hair length more than distances in an identity (recognition) feature space. Finally, we evaluate several popular face generation models across feature spaces and find that StyleGAN2 consistently ranks higher than other face generators, except with respect to identity (recognition) features. This suggests the need for considering multiple feature spaces when evaluating generative models and using feature spaces that are tuned to nuances of the domain of interest.Comment: Code and dataset to be released soo

    Unifying (Machine) Vision via Counterfactual World Modeling

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    Leading approaches in machine vision employ different architectures for different tasks, trained on costly task-specific labeled datasets. This complexity has held back progress in areas, such as robotics, where robust task-general perception remains a bottleneck. In contrast, "foundation models" of natural language have shown how large pre-trained neural networks can provide zero-shot solutions to a broad spectrum of apparently distinct tasks. Here we introduce Counterfactual World Modeling (CWM), a framework for constructing a visual foundation model: a unified, unsupervised network that can be prompted to perform a wide variety of visual computations. CWM has two key components, which resolve the core issues that have hindered application of the foundation model concept to vision. The first is structured masking, a generalization of masked prediction methods that encourages a prediction model to capture the low-dimensional structure in visual data. The model thereby factors the key physical components of a scene and exposes an interface to them via small sets of visual tokens. This in turn enables CWM's second main idea -- counterfactual prompting -- the observation that many apparently distinct visual representations can be computed, in a zero-shot manner, by comparing the prediction model's output on real inputs versus slightly modified ("counterfactual") inputs. We show that CWM generates high-quality readouts on real-world images and videos for a diversity of tasks, including estimation of keypoints, optical flow, occlusions, object segments, and relative depth. Taken together, our results show that CWM is a promising path to unifying the manifold strands of machine vision in a conceptually simple foundation

    SCADI: Self-supervised Causal Disentanglement in Latent Variable Models

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    Causal disentanglement has great potential for capturing complex situations. However, there is a lack of practical and efficient approaches. It is already known that most unsupervised disentangling methods are unable to produce identifiable results without additional information, often leading to randomly disentangled output. Therefore, most existing models for disentangling are weakly supervised, providing information about intrinsic factors, which incurs excessive costs. Therefore, we propose a novel model, SCADI(SElf-supervised CAusal DIsentanglement), that enables the model to discover semantic factors and learn their causal relationships without any supervision. This model combines a masked structural causal model (SCM) with a pseudo-label generator for causal disentanglement, aiming to provide a new direction for self-supervised causal disentanglement models.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Disentangled Representation Learning

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    Disentangled Representation Learning (DRL) aims to learn a model capable of identifying and disentangling the underlying factors hidden in the observable data in representation form. The process of separating underlying factors of variation into variables with semantic meaning benefits in learning explainable representations of data, which imitates the meaningful understanding process of humans when observing an object or relation. As a general learning strategy, DRL has demonstrated its power in improving the model explainability, controlability, robustness, as well as generalization capacity in a wide range of scenarios such as computer vision, natural language processing, data mining etc. In this article, we comprehensively review DRL from various aspects including motivations, definitions, methodologies, evaluations, applications and model designs. We discuss works on DRL based on two well-recognized definitions, i.e., Intuitive Definition and Group Theory Definition. We further categorize the methodologies for DRL into four groups, i.e., Traditional Statistical Approaches, Variational Auto-encoder Based Approaches, Generative Adversarial Networks Based Approaches, Hierarchical Approaches and Other Approaches. We also analyze principles to design different DRL models that may benefit different tasks in practical applications. Finally, we point out challenges in DRL as well as potential research directions deserving future investigations. We believe this work may provide insights for promoting the DRL research in the community.Comment: 22 pages,9 figure

    Decomposing Counterfactual Explanations for Consequential Decision Making

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    The goal of algorithmic recourse is to reverse unfavorable decisions (e.g., from loan denial to approval) under automated decision making by suggesting actionable feature changes (e.g., reduce the number of credit cards). To generate low-cost recourse the majority of methods work under the assumption that the features are independently manipulable (IMF). To address the feature dependency issue the recourse problem is usually studied through the causal recourse paradigm. However, it is well known that strong assumptions, as encoded in causal models and structural equations, hinder the applicability of these methods in complex domains where causal dependency structures are ambiguous. In this work, we develop \texttt{DEAR} (DisEntangling Algorithmic Recourse), a novel and practical recourse framework that bridges the gap between the IMF and the strong causal assumptions. \texttt{DEAR} generates recourses by disentangling the latent representation of co-varying features from a subset of promising recourse features to capture the main practical recourse desiderata. Our experiments on real-world data corroborate our theoretically motivated recourse model and highlight our framework's ability to provide reliable, low-cost recourse in the presence of feature dependencies