2,943 research outputs found

    Optimal Design Generation and Power Evaluation in R: The skpr Package

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    The R package skpr provides a suite of functions to generate and evaluate experimental designs. Package skpr generates D, I, Alias, A, E, T, and G-optimal designs, and supports custom user-defined optimality criteria, N-level split-plot designs, mixture designs, and design augmentation. Also included are a collection of analytic and Monte Carlo power evaluation functions for normal, non-normal, random effects, and survival models, as well as tools to plot fraction of design space plots and correlation maps. Additionally, skpr includes a flexible framework for the user to perform custom power analyses with external libraries and user-defined functions, as well as a graphical user interface that wraps most of the functionality of the package in a point-and-click web application

    Learning the optimal scale for GWAS through hierarchical SNP aggregation

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    Motivation: Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) seek to identify causal genomic variants associated with rare human diseases. The classical statistical approach for detecting these variants is based on univariate hypothesis testing, with healthy individuals being tested against affected individuals at each locus. Given that an individual's genotype is characterized by up to one million SNPs, this approach lacks precision, since it may yield a large number of false positives that can lead to erroneous conclusions about genetic associations with the disease. One way to improve the detection of true genetic associations is to reduce the number of hypotheses to be tested by grouping SNPs. Results: We propose a dimension-reduction approach which can be applied in the context of GWAS by making use of the haplotype structure of the human genome. We compare our method with standard univariate and multivariate approaches on both synthetic and real GWAS data, and we show that reducing the dimension of the predictor matrix by aggregating SNPs gives a greater precision in the detection of associations between the phenotype and genomic regions

    CMA – a comprehensive Bioconductor package for supervised classification with high dimensional data

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    For the last eight years, microarray-based class prediction has been a major topic in statistics, bioinformatics and biomedicine research. Traditional methods often yield unsatisfactory results or may even be inapplicable in the p > n setting where the number of predictors by far exceeds the number of observations, hence the term “ill-posed-problem”. Careful model selection and evaluation satisfying accepted good-practice standards is a very complex task for inexperienced users with limited statistical background or for statisticians without experience in this area. The multiplicity of available methods for class prediction based on high-dimensional data is an additional practical challenge for inexperienced researchers. In this article, we introduce a new Bioconductor package called CMA (standing for “Classification for MicroArrays”) for automatically performing variable selection, parameter tuning, classifier construction, and unbiased evaluation of the constructed classifiers using a large number of usual methods. Without much time and effort, users are provided with an overview of the unbiased accuracy of most top-performing classifiers. Furthermore, the standardized evaluation framework underlying CMA can also be beneficial in statistical research for comparison purposes, for instance if a new classifier has to be compared to existing approaches. CMA is a user-friendly comprehensive package for classifier construction and evaluation implementing most usual approaches. It is freely available from the Bioconductor website at http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.3/bioc/html/CMA.html

    CMA – a comprehensive Bioconductor package for supervised classification with high dimensional data

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    For the last eight years, microarray-based class prediction has been a major topic in statistics, bioinformatics and biomedicine research. Traditional methods often yield unsatisfactory results or may even be inapplicable in the p > n setting where the number of predictors by far exceeds the number of observations, hence the term “ill-posed-problem”. Careful model selection and evaluation satisfying accepted good-practice standards is a very complex task for inexperienced users with limited statistical background or for statisticians without experience in this area. The multiplicity of available methods for class prediction based on high-dimensional data is an additional practical challenge for inexperienced researchers. In this article, we introduce a new Bioconductor package called CMA (standing for “Classification for MicroArrays”) for automatically performing variable selection, parameter tuning, classifier construction, and unbiased evaluation of the constructed classifiers using a large number of usual methods. Without much time and effort, users are provided with an overview of the unbiased accuracy of most top-performing classifiers. Furthermore, the standardized evaluation framework underlying CMA can also be beneficial in statistical research for comparison purposes, for instance if a new classifier has to be compared to existing approaches. CMA is a user-friendly comprehensive package for classifier construction and evaluation implementing most usual approaches. It is freely available from the Bioconductor website at http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.3/bioc/html/CMA.html

    Optimizing Preprocessing and Analysis Pipelines for Single-Subject fMRI: 2. Interactions with ICA, PCA, Task Contrast and Inter-Subject Heterogeneity

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    A variety of preprocessing techniques are available to correct subject-dependant artifacts in fMRI, caused by head motion and physiological noise. Although it has been established that the chosen preprocessing steps (or “pipeline”) may significantly affect fMRI results, it is not well understood how preprocessing choices interact with other parts of the fMRI experimental design. In this study, we examine how two experimental factors interact with preprocessing: between-subject heterogeneity, and strength of task contrast. Two levels of cognitive contrast were examined in an fMRI adaptation of the Trail-Making Test, with data from young, healthy adults. The importance of standard preprocessing with motion correction, physiological noise correction, motion parameter regression and temporal detrending were examined for the two task contrasts. We also tested subspace estimation using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Results were obtained for Penalized Discriminant Analysis, and model performance quantified with reproducibility (R) and prediction metrics (P). Simulation methods were also used to test for potential biases from individual-subject optimization. Our results demonstrate that (1) individual pipeline optimization is not significantly more biased than fixed preprocessing. In addition, (2) when applying a fixed pipeline across all subjects, the task contrast significantly affects pipeline performance; in particular, the effects of PCA and ICA models vary with contrast, and are not by themselves optimal preprocessing steps. Also, (3) selecting the optimal pipeline for each subject improves within-subject (P,R) and between-subject overlap, with the weaker cognitive contrast being more sensitive to pipeline optimization. These results demonstrate that sensitivity of fMRI results is influenced not only by preprocessing choices, but also by interactions with other experimental design factors. This paper outlines a quantitative procedure to denoise data that would otherwise be discarded due to artifact; this is particularly relevant for weak signal contrasts in single-subject, small-sample and clinical datasets