10 research outputs found

    Efficient Test Compaction for Combinational Circuits Based on Fault Detection Count-Directed Clustering

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    Test compaction is an effective technique for reducing test data volume and test application time. In this paper, we present a new static test compaction algorithm based on test vector decomposition and clustering. Test vectors are decomposed and clustered in an increasing order of faults detection count. This clustering order gives more degree of freedom and results in better compaction. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in achieving higher compaction in a much more efficient CPU time than previous clustering-based test compaction approaches

    Efficient Test Compaction for Combinational Circuits Based on Fault Detection Count-Directed Clustering

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    Test compaction is an effective technique for reducing test data volume and test application time. In this paper, we present a new static test compaction algorithm based on test vector decomposition and clustering. Test vectors are decomposed and clustered in an increasing order of faults detection count. This clustering order gives more degree of freedom and results in better compaction. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in achieving higher compaction in a much more efficient CPU time than previous clustering-based test compaction approaches


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    One of the major challenges in testing a System-on-a-Chip (SOC) is dealing with the large test data size. To reduce the volume of test data, several test data compression techniques have been proposed. Frequency-directed run-length (FDR) code is a variable-to-variable run length code based on encoding runs of 0’s. In this work, we demonstrate that higher test data compression can be achieved based on encoding both runs of 0’s and 1’s. We propose an extension to the FDR code and demonstrate by experimental results its effectiveness in achieving higher compression ratio

    A deductive technique for diagnosis of bridging faults

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    Efficient Test Compaction for Combinational Circuits Based on Fault Detection Count-Directed Clustering

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    Test compaction is an effective technique for reducing test data volume and test application time. In this paper, we present a new static test compaction technique based on test vector decomposition and clustering. Test vectors are decomposed and clustered for faults in an increasing order of faults detection count. This clustering order gives more degree of freedom and results in better compaction. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in achieving higher compaction in a much more efficient CPU time than previous clustering-based test compaction approaches

    High Quality Compact Delay Test Generation

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    Delay testing is used to detect timing defects and ensure that a circuit meets its timing specifications. The growing need for delay testing is a result of the advances in deep submicron (DSM) semiconductor technology and the increase in clock frequency. Small delay defects that previously were benign now produce delay faults, due to reduced timing margins. This research focuses on the development of new test methods for small delay defects, within the limits of affordable test generation cost and pattern count. First, a new dynamic compaction algorithm has been proposed to generate compacted test sets for K longest paths per gate (KLPG) in combinational circuits or scan-based sequential circuits. This algorithm uses a greedy approach to compact paths with non-conflicting necessary assignments together during test generation. Second, to make this dynamic compaction approach practical for industrial use, a recursive learning algorithm has been implemented to identify more necessary assignments for each path, so that the path-to-test-pattern matching using necessary assignments is more accurate. Third, a realistic low cost fault coverage metric targeting both global and local delay faults has been developed. The metric suggests the test strategy of generating a different number of longest paths for each line in the circuit while maintaining high fault coverage. The number of paths and type of test depends on the timing slack of the paths under this metric. Experimental results for ISCAS89 benchmark circuits and three industry circuits show that the pattern count of KLPG can be significantly reduced using the proposed methods. The pattern count is comparable to that of transition fault test, while achieving higher test quality. Finally, the proposed ATPG methodology has been applied to an industrial quad-core microprocessor. FMAX testing has been done on many devices and silicon data has shown the benefit of KLPG test

    Power supply noise in delay testing

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    As technology scales into the Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) regime, circuit designs have become more and more sensitive to power supply noise. Excessive noise can significantly affect the timing performance of DSM designs and cause non-trivial additional delay. In delay test generation, test compaction and test fill techniques can produce excessive power supply noise. This will eventually result in delay test overkill. To reduce this overkill, we propose a low-cost pattern-dependent approach to analyze noise-induced delay variation for each delay test pattern applied to the design. Two noise models have been proposed to address array bond and wire bond power supply networks, and they are experimentally validated and compared. Delay model is then applied to calculate path delay under noise. This analysis approach can be integrated into static test compaction or test fill tools to control supply noise level of delay tests. We also propose an algorithm to predict transition count of a circuit, which can be applied to control switching activity during dynamic compaction. Experiments have been performed on ISCAS89 benchmark circuits. Results show that compacted delay test patterns generated by our compaction tool can meet a moderate noise or delay constraint with only a small increase in compacted test set size. Take the benchmark circuit s38417 for example: a 10% delay increase constraint only results in 1.6% increase in compacted test set size in our experiments. In addition, different test fill techniques have a significant impact on path delay. In our work, a test fill tool with supply noise analysis has been developed to compare several test fill techniques, and results show that the test fill strategy significant affect switching activity, power supply noise and delay. For instance, patterns with minimum transition fill produce less noise-induced delay than random fill. Silicon results also show that test patterns filled in different ways can cause as much as 14% delay variation on target paths. In conclusion, we must take noise into consideration when delay test patterns are generated