411 research outputs found

    Cumulative subject index Volumes 90–95

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    Tailored graph ensembles as proxies or null models for real networks I: tools for quantifying structure

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    We study the tailoring of structured random graph ensembles to real networks, with the objective of generating precise and practical mathematical tools for quantifying and comparing network topologies macroscopically, beyond the level of degree statistics. Our family of ensembles can produce graphs with any prescribed degree distribution and any degree-degree correlation function, its control parameters can be calculated fully analytically, and as a result we can calculate (asymptotically) formulae for entropies and complexities, and for information-theoretic distances between networks, expressed directly and explicitly in terms of their measured degree distribution and degree correlations.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Sample path large deviations for multiclass feedforward queueing networks in critical loading

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    We consider multiclass feedforward queueing networks with first in first out and priority service disciplines at the nodes, and class dependent deterministic routing between nodes. The random behavior of the network is constructed from cumulative arrival and service time processes which are assumed to satisfy an appropriate sample path large deviation principle. We establish logarithmic asymptotics of large deviations for waiting time, idle time, queue length, departure and sojourn-time processes in critical loading. This transfers similar results from Puhalskii about single class queueing networks with feedback to multiclass feedforward queueing networks, and complements diffusion approximation results from Peterson. An example with renewal inter arrival and service time processes yields the rate function of a reflected Brownian motion. The model directly captures stationary situations.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051606000000439 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Matching and Saving in Continuous Time: Theory

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    We analyse optimal saving of risk-averse households when labour income stochastically jumps between two states. The generalized Keynes-Ramsey rule includes a precautionary savings term. A phase diagram analysis illustrates consumption and wealth dynamics within and between states. There is an endogenous lower and upper limit for wealth. We derive the Fokker-Planck equations for the densities of individual wealth and employment status. These equations also characterize the aggregate distribution of wealth and allow us to describe general equilibrium. An optimal consumption path exists and distributions converge to a unique limiting distribution.matching model, optimal saving, incomplete markets, Poisson uncertainty, Fokker-Planck equations, general equilibrium

    Quantum Graphs via Exercises

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    Studying the spectral theory of Schroedinger operator on metric graphs (also known as quantum graphs) is advantageous on its own as well as to demonstrate key concepts of general spectral theory. There are some excellent references for this study such as a mathematically oriented book by Berkolaiko and Kuchment, a review with applications to theoretical physicsby Gnutzmann and Smilansky, and elementary lecture notes by Berkolaiko. Here, we provide a set of questions and exercises which can accompany the reading of these references or an elementary course on quantum graphs. The exercises are taken from courses on quantum graphs which were taught by the authors

    Computationally efficient approximations of the joint spectral radius

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    The joint spectral radius of a set of matrices is a measure of the maximal asymptotic growth rate that can be obtained by forming long products of matrices taken from the set. This quantity appears in a number of application contexts but is notoriously difficult to compute and to approximate. We introduce in this paper a procedure for approximating the joint spectral radius of a finite set of matrices with arbitrary high accuracy. Our approximation procedure is polynomial in the size of the matrices once the number of matrices and the desired accuracy are fixed

    Integrity Constraints Revisited: From Exact to Approximate Implication

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    Integrity constraints such as functional dependencies (FD), and multi-valued dependencies (MVD) are fundamental in database schema design. Likewise, probabilistic conditional independences (CI) are crucial for reasoning about multivariate probability distributions. The implication problem studies whether a set of constraints (antecedents) implies another constraint (consequent), and has been investigated in both the database and the AI literature, under the assumption that all constraints hold exactly. However, many applications today consider constraints that hold only approximately. In this paper we define an approximate implication as a linear inequality between the degree of satisfaction of the antecedents and consequent, and we study the relaxation problem: when does an exact implication relax to an approximate implication? We use information theory to define the degree of satisfaction, and prove several results. First, we show that any implication from a set of data dependencies (MVDs+FDs) can be relaxed to a simple linear inequality with a factor at most quadratic in the number of variables; when the consequent is an FD, the factor can be reduced to 1. Second, we prove that there exists an implication between CIs that does not admit any relaxation; however, we prove that every implication between CIs relaxes "in the limit". Finally, we show that the implication problem for differential constraints in market basket analysis also admits a relaxation with a factor equal to 1. Our results recover, and sometimes extend, several previously known results about the implication problem: implication of MVDs can be checked by considering only 2-tuple relations, and the implication of differential constraints for frequent item sets can be checked by considering only databases containing a single transaction
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