18 research outputs found

    Modeling the impact of process variations in worst-case energy consumption estimation

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    The advent of autonomous power-limited systems poses a new challenge for system verification. Powerful processors needed to enable autonomous operation, are typically power-hungry, jeopardizing battery duration. Therefore, guaranteeing a given battery duration requires worst-case energy consumption (WCEC) estimation for tasks running on those systems. Unfortunately, processor energy and power can suffer significant variation across different units due to process variation (PV), i.e. variability in the electrical properties of transistors and wires due to imperfect manufacturing, which challenges existing WCEC estimation methods for applications. In this paper, we propose a statistical modeling approach to capture PV impact on applications energy and a methodology to compute their WCEC capturing PV, as required to deploy portable critical devices.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant TIN2015-65316-P and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 772773). MINECO partially supported Jaume Abella under Ramon y Cajal fellowship RYC-2013-14717.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Statistical timing analysis via modern optimization lens

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    We formulate statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) as a mixed-integer program and as a geometric program, utilizing histogram approximations of the random variables involved. The geometric-programming approach scales linearly with the number of gates and quadratically with the number of bins in the histogram. This translates, for example, to solving the SSTA for a circuit of 400 gates with 30 bins per each histogram approximation of a random variable in 440 seconds.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    On Timing Model Extraction and Hierarchical Statistical Timing Analysis

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    In this paper, we investigate the challenges to apply Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA) in hierarchical design flow, where modules supplied by IP vendors are used to hide design details for IP protection and to reduce the complexity of design and verification. For the three basic circuit types, combinational, flip-flop-based and latch-controlled, we propose methods to extract timing models which contain interfacing as well as compressed internal constraints. Using these compact timing models the runtime of full-chip timing analysis can be reduced, while circuit details from IP vendors are not exposed. We also propose a method to reconstruct the correlation between modules during full-chip timing analysis. This correlation can not be incorporated into timing models because it depends on the layout of the corresponding modules in the chip. In addition, we investigate how to apply the extracted timing models with the reconstructed correlation to evaluate the performance of the complete design. Experiments demonstrate that using the extracted timing models and reconstructed correlation full-chip timing analysis can be several times faster than applying the flattened circuit directly, while the accuracy of statistical timing analysis is still well maintained

    Fast Process Variation Analysis in Nano-Scaled Technologies Using Column-Wise Sparse Parameter Selection

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    With growing concern about process variation in deeply nano-scaled technologies, parameterized device and circuit modeling is becoming very important for design and verification. However, the high dimensionality of parameter space is a serious modeling challenge for emerging VLSI technologies, where the models are increasingly more complex. In this paper, we propose and validate a feature selection method to reduce the circuit modeling complexity associated with high parameter dimensionality. Despite the commonly used methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA), this method is capable of dealing with mixed Gaussian and non-Gaussian parameters, and performs a parameter selection in the input space rather than creating a new space. By considering non-linear dependencies among input parameters and outputs, the method results in an effective parameter selection. The application of this method is demonstrated in digital circuit timing analysis to effectively reduce the number of simulations. The experimental results on Double-Gate Silicon NanoWire FET (DG-SiNWFET) technology indicate 2.5Ă— speed up in timing variation analysis of the ISCAS89-s27 benchmark with a controlled average error bound of 9.4%

    Architectural level delay and leakage power modelling of manufacturing process variation

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    PhD ThesisThe effect of manufacturing process variations has become a major issue regarding the estimation of circuit delay and power dissipation, and will gain more importance in the future as device scaling continues in order to satisfy market place demands for circuits with greater performance and functionality per unit area. Statistical modelling and analysis approaches have been widely used to reflect the effects of a variety of variational process parameters on system performance factor which will be described as probability density functions (PDFs). At present most of the investigations into statistical models has been limited to small circuits such as a logic gate. However, the massive size of present day electronic systems precludes the use of design techniques which consider a system to comprise these basic gates, as this level of design is very inefficient and error prone. This thesis proposes a methodology to bring the effects of process variation from transistor level up to architectural level in terms of circuit delay and leakage power dissipation. Using a first order canonical model and statistical analysis approach, a statistical cell library has been built which comprises not only the basic gate cell models, but also more complex functional blocks such as registers, FIFOs, counters, ALUs etc. Furthermore, other sensitive factors to the overall system performance, such as input signal slope, output load capacitance, different signal switching cases and transition types are also taken into account for each cell in the library, which makes it adaptive to an incremental circuit design. The proposed methodology enables an efficient analysis of process variation effects on system performance with significantly reduced computation time compared to the Monte Carlo simulation approach. As a demonstration vehicle for this technique, the delay and leakage power distributions of a 2-stage asynchronous micropipeline circuit has been simulated using this cell library. The experimental results show that the proposed method can predict the delay and leakage power distribution with less than 5% error and at least 50,000 times faster computation time compare to 5000-sample SPICE based Monte Carlo simulation. The methodology presented here for modelling process variability plays a significant role in Design for Manufacturability (DFM) by quantifying the direct impact of process variations on system performance. The advantages of being able to undertake this analysis at a high level of abstraction and thus early in the design cycle are two fold. First, if the predicted effects of process variation render the circuit performance to be outwith specification, design modifications can be readily incorporated to rectify the situation. Second, knowing what the acceptable limits of process variation are to maintain design performance within its specification, informed choices can be made regarding the implementation technology and manufacturer selected to fabricate the design