9,543 research outputs found

    Influence of temperature on liquid - liquid equilibrium of methanol + toluene + hexane ternary system at atmospheric pressure

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    Abstract Liquid-liquid equilibrium of methanol + toluene+ hexane ternary system at 278.15,283.15, 288.15 and 293.15 K are reported. The effect of the temperature on liquid-liquidequilibrium is discussed. All chemicals were quantified by gas chromatography using athermal conductivity detector. Experimental data for the ternary system are compared withvalues calculated by the NRTL and UNIQUAC equations. It is found that the UNIQUACequation fitted to the experimental data is more accurate than the NRTL model for thisternary system for all temperatures studied.Fil: Veliz, Jonatan Hernan. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino, INFINOA (CONICET-UNT); ArgentinaFil: Cases, Alicia Marta. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Varas Gutierrez, Constanza Geraldine. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Gramajo, Monica Beatriz. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino, INFINOA (CONICET-UNT); Argentin

    Fluid phase equilibria of the reacting mixture in the dimethyl carbonate synthesis from supercritical CO2

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    In order to investigate the dimethyl carbonate synthesis from methanol and supercritical CO2, the thermodynamic behaviour of the reacting mixture, i.e. the quaternary methanol/CO2/DMC/water mixture, has to be known. The SRK equation of state with MHV2 mixing rules has been chosen to predict fluid phase equilibria in the reactor. The first part of this work is dedicated to the determination of binary interaction parameters, needed in the use of this model. These parameters are deduced from the fitting of experimental data concerning binary or ternary sub-systems existing in the quaternary mixture. Literature data was used for most of the binary sub-systems, but for the DMC/CO2 and DMC/water mixtures, specific experiments were carried out. The agreement between experimental and predicted fluid phase equilibria was found to be satisfactory. With a view to studying of the operating conditions for the reaction, the thermodynamic model was used to predict fluid phase equilibria in the reactor, by considering several hypothetical feed ratios and conversions. This work shows that CO2 has to be used in large excess in order to be sure of running the reaction in a homogeneous fluid medium

    Computation of liquid-liquid equilibria and phase stabilities: implications for RH-dependent gas/particle partitioning of organic-inorganic aerosols

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    Semivolatile organic and inorganic aerosol species partition between the gas and aerosol particle phases to maintain thermodynamic equilibrium. Liquid-liquid phase separation into an organic-rich and an aqueous electrolyte phase can occur in the aerosol as a result of the salting-out effect. Such liquid-liquid equilibria (LLE) affect the gas/particle partitioning of the different semivolatile compounds and might significantly alter both particle mass and composition as compared to a one-phase particle. We present a new liquid-liquid equilibrium and gas/particle partitioning model, using as a basis the group-contribution model AIOMFAC (Zuend et al., 2008). This model allows the reliable computation of the liquid-liquid coexistence curve (binodal), corresponding tie-lines, the limit of stability/metastability (spinodal), and further thermodynamic properties of multicomponent systems. Calculations for ternary and multicomponent alcohol/polyol-water-salt mixtures suggest that LLE are a prevalent feature of organic-inorganic aerosol systems. A six-component polyol-water-ammonium sulphate system is used to simulate effects of relative humidity (RH) and the presence of liquid-liquid phase separation on the gas/particle partitioning. RH, salt concentration, and hydrophilicity (water-solubility) are identified as key features in defining the region of a miscibility gap and govern the extent to which compound partitioning is affected by changes in RH. The model predicts that liquid-liquid phase separation can lead to either an increase or decrease in total particulate mass, depending on the overall composition of a system and the particle water content, which is related to the hydrophilicity of the different organic and inorganic compounds. Neglecting non-ideality and liquid-liquid phase separations by assuming an ideal mixture leads to an overestimation of the total particulate mass by up to 30% for the composition and RH range considered in the six-component system simulation. For simplified partitioning parametrizations, we suggest a modified definition of the effective saturation concentration, C_j^*, by including water and other inorganics in the absorbing phase. Such a C_j^* definition reduces the RH-dependency of the gas/particle partitioning of semivolatile organics in organic-inorganic aerosols by an order of magnitude as compared to the currently accepted definition, which considers the organic species only

    Preferential sorption versus preferential permeability in pervaporation

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    Transport of liquids by pervaporation takes place by a solution—diffusion mechanism. In order to investigate the “solution part” of this transport model, preferential sorption has been compared with preferential permeability. Sorption equilibria and pervaporation experiments for the systems water—ethanol—cellulose acetate, water—ethanol—polyacrylonitrile and water—ethanol—polysulfone have been investigated. Theoretical values of preferential sorption have been derived from Flory—Huggins thermodynamics, extended with concentration dependent interaction parameters. These calculated sorption values show a reasonable agreement with experimental values. The large difference in molar volumes between water and ethanol determines the preferential sorption of water in these systems to a great extent, and this effect increases with decreasing swelling value. Comparison of preferential sorption experiments with pervaporation experiments indicates that, apart from the effect of differences in diffusivity for the permeating components, preferential sorption contributes to a major extent to selective transport

    Real-Gas Effects and Phase Separation in Underexpanded Jets at Engine-Relevant Conditions

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    A numerical framework implemented in the open-source tool OpenFOAM is presented in this work combining a hybrid, pressure-based solver with a vapor-liquid equilibrium model based on the cubic equation of state. This framework is used in the present work to investigate underexpanded jets at engine-relevant conditions where real-gas effects and mixture induced phase separation are probable to occur. A thorough validation and discussion of the applied vapor-liquid equilibrium model is conducted by means of general thermodynamic relations and measurement data available in the literature. Engine-relevant simulation cases for two different fuels were defined. Analyses of the flow field show that the used fuel has a first order effect on the occurrence of phase separation. In the case of phase separation two different effects could be revealed causing the single-phase instability, namely the strong expansion and the mixing of the fuel with the chamber gas. A comparison of single-phase and two-phase jets disclosed that the phase separation leads to a completely different penetration depth in contrast to single-phase injection and therefore commonly used analytical approaches fail to predict the penetration depth.Comment: Preprint submitted to AIAA Scitech 2018, Kissimmee, Florid

    New and extended parameterization of the thermodynamic model AIOMFAC: calculation of activity coefficients for organic-inorganic mixtures containing carboxyl, hydroxyl, carbonyl, ether, ester, alkenyl, alkyl, and aromatic functional groups

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    We present a new and considerably extended parameterization of the thermodynamic activity coefficient model AIOMFAC (Aerosol Inorganic-Organic Mixtures Functional groups Activity Coefficients) at room temperature. AIOMFAC combines a Pitzer-like electrolyte solution model with a UNIFAC-based group-contribution approach and explicitly accounts for interactions between organic functional groups and inorganic ions. Such interactions constitute the salt-effect, may cause liquid-liquid phase separation, and affect the gas-particle partitioning of aerosols. The previous AIOMFAC version was parameterized for alkyl and hydroxyl functional groups of alcohols and polyols. With the goal to describe a wide variety of organic compounds found in atmospheric aerosols, we extend here the parameterization of AIOMFAC to include the functional groups carboxyl, hydroxyl, ketone, aldehyde, ether, ester, alkenyl, alkyl, aromatic carbon-alcohol, and aromatic hydrocarbon. Thermodynamic equilibrium data of organic-inorganic systems from the literature are critically assessed and complemented with new measurements to establish a comprehensive database. The database is used to determine simultaneously the AIOMFAC parameters describing interactions of organic functional groups with the ions H^+, Li^+, Na^+, K^+, NH_(4)^+, Mg^(2+), Ca^(2+), Cl^−, Br^−, NO_(3)^−, HSO_(4)^−, and SO_(4)^(2−). Detailed descriptions of different types of thermodynamic data, such as vapor-liquid, solid-liquid, and liquid-liquid equilibria, and their use for the model parameterization are provided. Issues regarding deficiencies of the database, types and uncertainties of experimental data, and limitations of the model, are discussed. The challenging parameter optimization problem is solved with a novel combination of powerful global minimization algorithms. A number of exemplary calculations for systems containing atmospherically relevant aerosol components are shown. Amongst others, we discuss aqueous mixtures of ammonium sulfate with dicarboxylic acids and with levoglucosan. Overall, the new parameterization of AIOMFAC agrees well with a large number of experimental datasets. However, due to various reasons, for certain mixtures important deviations can occur. The new parameterization makes AIOMFAC a versatile thermodynamic tool. It enables the calculation of activity coefficients of thousands of different organic compounds in organic-inorganic mixtures of numerous components. Models based on AIOMFAC can be used to compute deliquescence relative humidities, liquid-liquid phase separations, and gas-particle partitioning of multicomponent mixtures of relevance for atmospheric chemistry or in other scientific fields

    Liquid–Liquid, Vapor–Liquid, and Vapor–Liquid–Liquid Equilibrium Data for the Water–n-Butanol–Cyclohexane System at Atmospheric Pressure: Experimental Determination and Correlation

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    The temperature and the composition of the vapor–liquid–liquid equilibrium (VLLE) and the vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) of a ternary mixture of water–n-butanol–cyclohexane were measured at atmospheric pressure (101.32 kPa) in a modified dynamic recirculating still. As found in the literature, the experimental data obtained reveal a ternary azeotrope at 341.86 K with a mole fraction composition of 0.281, 0.034, and 0.685 water, n-butanol, and cyclohexane, respectively. The liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) compositions were measured at a constant temperature of 313.15 K and compared with data in the literature collected at other temperatures. Thermodynamic consistency of all the experimental data was demonstrated. The universal quasichemical (UNIQUAC) and the nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) thermodynamic models were used to correlate the VLE and LLE data, while the original universal functional (UNIFAC) model was used to compare the predicted data.The authors thank the DGICYT of Spain for the financial support of project CTQ2009-13770

    Correlation for fitting multicomponent vapor-liquid equilibria data and prediction of azeotropic behavior

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    Correlation equations for expressing the boiling temperature as direct function of liquid composition have been tested successfully and applied for predicting azeotropic behavior of multicomponent mixtures and the kind of azeotrope (minimum, maximum and saddle type) using modified correlation of Gibbs-Konovalov theorem. Also, the binary and ternary azeotropic point have been detected experimentally using graphical determination on the basis of experimental binary and ternary vapor-liquid equilibrium data.<br />In this study, isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium for two ternary systems: 1-Propanol Hexane Benzene and its binaries 1-Propanol Hexane, Hexane Benzene and 1-Propanol Benzene and the other ternary system is Toluene Cyclohexane iso-Octane (2,2,4-Trimethyl-Pentane) and its binaries Toluene Cyclohexane, Cyclohexane iso-Octane and Toluene iso-Octane have been measured at 101.325 KPa. The measurements were made in recirculating equilibrium still with circulation of both the vapor and liquid phases. The ternary system 1-Propanol Hexane Benzene which contains polar compound (1-Propanol) and the two binary systems 1-Propanol Hexane and 1-Propanol Benzene form a minimum azeotrope, the other ternary system and the other binary systems do not form azeotrope.All the data passed successfully the test for thermodynamic consistency using McDermott-Ellis test method (McDermott and Ellis, 1965).The maximum likelihood principle is developed for the determination of correlations parameters from binary and ternary vapor-liquid experimental data which provides a mathematical and computational guarantee of global optimality in parameters estimation for the case where all the measured variables are subject to errors and the non ideality of both vapor and liquid phases for the experimental data for the ternary and binary systems have been accounted.The agreement between prediction and experimental data is good. The exact value should be determined experimentally by exploring the concentration region indicated by the computed value

    Phase equilibria of the water + 1-butanol + toluene ternary system at 101.3 kPa

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    Isobaric vapour–liquid and vapour–liquid–liquid equilibrium data for the water + 1-butanol + toluene ternary system were measured at 101.3 kPa with a modified VLE 602 Fischer apparatus. In addition, the liquid–liquid equilibrium data at 313.15 K were measured and compared with data from other authors at different temperatures. The system exhibits a ternary heterogeneous azeotrope whose temperature and composition have been determined by interpolation. The thermodynamic consistency of the experimental vapour–liquid and vapour–liquid–liquid data was checked by means of the Wisniak’s Li/Wi consistency test. Moreover, the vapour–liquid and the liquid–liquid equilibrium correlation for the ternary system with NRTL and UNIQUAC models, together with the prediction made with the UNIFAC model, were studied and discussed.The authors thank the DGICYT of Spain for the financial support of project CTQ2009-13770