4,790 research outputs found

    Multilayer Networks

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    In most natural and engineered systems, a set of entities interact with each other in complicated patterns that can encompass multiple types of relationships, change in time, and include other types of complications. Such systems include multiple subsystems and layers of connectivity, and it is important to take such "multilayer" features into account to try to improve our understanding of complex systems. Consequently, it is necessary to generalize "traditional" network theory by developing (and validating) a framework and associated tools to study multilayer systems in a comprehensive fashion. The origins of such efforts date back several decades and arose in multiple disciplines, and now the study of multilayer networks has become one of the most important directions in network science. In this paper, we discuss the history of multilayer networks (and related concepts) and review the exploding body of work on such networks. To unify the disparate terminology in the large body of recent work, we discuss a general framework for multilayer networks, construct a dictionary of terminology to relate the numerous existing concepts to each other, and provide a thorough discussion that compares, contrasts, and translates between related notions such as multilayer networks, multiplex networks, interdependent networks, networks of networks, and many others. We also survey and discuss existing data sets that can be represented as multilayer networks. We review attempts to generalize single-layer-network diagnostics to multilayer networks. We also discuss the rapidly expanding research on multilayer-network models and notions like community structure, connected components, tensor decompositions, and various types of dynamical processes on multilayer networks. We conclude with a summary and an outlook.Comment: Working paper; 59 pages, 8 figure

    Towards real-world complexity: an introduction to multiplex networks

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    Many real-world complex systems are best modeled by multiplex networks of interacting network layers. The multiplex network study is one of the newest and hottest themes in the statistical physics of complex networks. Pioneering studies have proven that the multiplexity has broad impact on the system's structure and function. In this Colloquium paper, we present an organized review of the growing body of current literature on multiplex networks by categorizing existing studies broadly according to the type of layer coupling in the problem. Major recent advances in the field are surveyed and some outstanding open challenges and future perspectives will be proposed.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Separating intrinsic interactions from extrinsic correlations in a network of sensory neurons

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    Correlations in sensory neural networks have both extrinsic and intrinsic origins. Extrinsic or stimulus correlations arise from shared inputs to the network, and thus depend strongly on the stimulus ensemble. Intrinsic or noise correlations reflect biophysical mechanisms of interactions between neurons, which are expected to be robust to changes of the stimulus ensemble. Despite the importance of this distinction for understanding how sensory networks encode information collectively, no method exists to reliably separate intrinsic interactions from extrinsic correlations in neural activity data, limiting our ability to build predictive models of the network response. In this paper we introduce a general strategy to infer {population models of interacting neurons that collectively encode stimulus information}. The key to disentangling intrinsic from extrinsic correlations is to infer the {couplings between neurons} separately from the encoding model, and to combine the two using corrections calculated in a mean-field approximation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on retinal recordings. The same coupling network is inferred from responses to radically different stimulus ensembles, showing that these couplings indeed reflect stimulus-independent interactions between neurons. The inferred model predicts accurately the collective response of retinal ganglion cell populations as a function of the stimulus

    Coupling and robustness of intra-cortical vascular territories

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    Vascular domains have been described as being coupled to neuronal functional units enabling dynamic blood supply to the cerebral cyto-architecture. Recent experiments have shown that penetrating arterioles of the grey matter are the building blocks for such units. Nevertheless, vascular territories are still poorly known, as the collection and analysis of large three-dimensional micro-vascular networks are difficult. By using an exhaustive reconstruction of the micro-vascular network in an 18 mm 3 volume of marmoset cerebral cortex, we numerically computed the blood flow in each blood vessel. We thus defined arterial and venular territories and examined their overlap. A large part of the intracortical vascular network was found to be supplied by several arteries and drained by several venules. We quantified this multiple potential to compensate for deficiencies by introducing a new robustness parameter. Robustness proved to be positively correlated with cortical depth and a systematic investigation of coupling maps indicated local patterns of overlap between neighbouring arteries and neighbouring venules. However, arterio-venular coupling did not have a spatial pattern of overlap but showed locally preferential functional coupling, especially of one artery with two venules, supporting the notion of vascular units. We concluded that intra-cortical perfusion in the primate was characterised by both very narrow functional beds and a large capacity for compensatory redistribution, far beyond the nearest neighbour collaterals

    Optimal noise-canceling networks

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    Natural and artificial networks, from the cerebral cortex to large-scale power grids, face the challenge of converting noisy inputs into robust signals. The input fluctuations often exhibit complex yet statistically reproducible correlations that reflect underlying internal or environmental processes such as synaptic noise or atmospheric turbulence. This raises the practically and biophysically relevant of question whether and how noise-filtering can be hard-wired directly into a network's architecture. By considering generic phase oscillator arrays under cost constraints, we explore here analytically and numerically the design, efficiency and topology of noise-canceling networks. Specifically, we find that when the input fluctuations become more correlated in space or time, optimal network architectures become sparser and more hierarchically organized, resembling the vasculature in plants or animals. More broadly, our results provide concrete guiding principles for designing more robust and efficient power grids and sensor networks.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, supplementary materia

    Global Robustness vs. Local Vulnerabilities in Complex Synchronous Networks

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    In complex network-coupled dynamical systems, two questions of central importance are how to identify the most vulnerable components and how to devise a network making the overall system more robust to external perturbations. To address these two questions, we investigate the response of complex networks of coupled oscillators to local perturbations. We quantify the magnitude of the resulting excursion away from the unperturbed synchronous state through quadratic performance measures in the angle or frequency deviations. We find that the most fragile oscillators in a given network are identified by centralities constructed from network resistance distances. Further defining the global robustness of the system from the average response over ensembles of homogeneously distributed perturbations, we find that it is given by a family of topological indices known as generalized Kirchhoff indices. Both resistance centralities and Kirchhoff indices are obtained from a spectral decomposition of the stability matrix of the unperturbed dynamics and can be expressed in terms of resistance distances. We investigate the properties of these topological indices in small-world and regular networks. In the case of oscillators with homogeneous inertia and damping coefficients, we find that inertia only has small effects on robustness of coupled oscillators. Numerical results illustrate the validity of the theory.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure