15 research outputs found

    Coresets for Regressions with Panel Data

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    This paper introduces the problem of coresets for regression problems to panel data settings. We first define coresets for several variants of regression problems with panel data and then present efficient algorithms to construct coresets of size that depend polynomially on 1/ε\varepsilon (where ε\varepsilon is the error parameter) and the number of regression parameters - independent of the number of individuals in the panel data or the time units each individual is observed for. Our approach is based on the Feldman-Langberg framework in which a key step is to upper bound the "total sensitivity" that is roughly the sum of maximum influences of all individual-time pairs taken over all possible choices of regression parameters. Empirically, we assess our approach with synthetic and real-world datasets; the coreset sizes constructed using our approach are much smaller than the full dataset and coresets indeed accelerate the running time of computing the regression objective.Comment: This is a Full version of a paper to appear in NeurIPS 2020. The code can be found in https://github.com/huanglx12/Coresets-for-regressions-with-panel-dat

    On large-scale probabilistic and statistical data analysis

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    In this manuscript we develop and apply modern algorithmic data reduction techniques to tackle scalability issues and enable statistical data analysis of massive data sets. Our algorithms follow a general scheme, where a reduction technique is applied to the large-scale data to obtain a small summary of sublinear size to which a classical algorithm is applied. The techniques for obtaining these summaries depend on the problem that we want to solve. The size of the summaries is usually parametrized by an approximation parameter, expressing the trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. In some cases the data can be reduced to a size that has no or only negligible dependency on the initial number of data items. However, for other problems it turns out that sublinear summaries do not exist in the worst case. In such situations, we exploit statistical or geometric relaxations to obtain useful sublinear summaries under certain mildness assumptions. We present, in particular, the data reduction methods called coresets and subspace embeddings, and several algorithmic techniques to construct these via random projections and sampling

    Data-Efficient Training of CNNs and Transformers with Coresets: A Stability Perspective

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    Coreset selection is among the most effective ways to reduce the training time of CNNs, however, only limited is known on how the resultant models will behave under variations of the coreset size, and choice of datasets and models. Moreover, given the recent paradigm shift towards transformer-based models, it is still an open question how coreset selection would impact their performance. There are several similar intriguing questions that need to be answered for a wide acceptance of coreset selection methods, and this paper attempts to answer some of these. We present a systematic benchmarking setup and perform a rigorous comparison of different coreset selection methods on CNNs and transformers. Our investigation reveals that under certain circumstances, random selection of subsets is more robust and stable when compared with the SOTA selection methods. We demonstrate that the conventional concept of uniform subset sampling across the various classes of the data is not the appropriate choice. Rather samples should be adaptively chosen based on the complexity of the data distribution for each class. Transformers are generally pretrained on large datasets, and we show that for certain target datasets, it helps to keep their performance stable at even very small coreset sizes. We further show that when no pretraining is done or when the pretrained transformer models are used with non-natural images (e.g. medical data), CNNs tend to generalize better than transformers at even very small coreset sizes. Lastly, we demonstrate that in the absence of the right pretraining, CNNs are better at learning the semantic coherence between spatially distant objects within an image, and these tend to outperform transformers at almost all choices of the coreset size

    A New Coreset Framework for Clustering

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    Given a metric space, the (k,z)(k,z)-clustering problem consists of finding kk centers such that the sum of the of distances raised to the power zz of every point to its closest center is minimized. This encapsulates the famous kk-median (z=1z=1) and kk-means (z=2z=2) clustering problems. Designing small-space sketches of the data that approximately preserves the cost of the solutions, also known as \emph{coresets}, has been an important research direction over the last 15 years. In this paper, we present a new, simple coreset framework that simultaneously improves upon the best known bounds for a large variety of settings, ranging from Euclidean space, doubling metric, minor-free metric, and the general metric cases

    Compressing data for generalized linear regression

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    In this thesis we work on algorithmic data and dimension reduction techniques to solve scalability issues and to allow better analysis of massive data. For our algorithms we use the sketch and solve paradigm as well as some initialization tricks. We will analyze a tradeoff between accuracy, running time and storage. We also show some lower bounds on the best possible data reduction factors. While we are focusing on generalized linear regression mostly, logistic and p-probit regression to be precise, we are also dealing with two layer Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) networks with logistic loss which can be seen as an extension of logistic regression, i.e. logistic regression on the neural tangent kernel. We present coresets via sampling, sketches via random projections and several algorithmic techniques and prove that our algorithms are guaranteed to work with high probability. First, we consider the problem of logistic regression where the aim is to find the parameter beta maximizing the likelihood. We are constructing a sketch in a single pass over a turnstile data stream. Depending on some parameters we can tweak size, running time and approximation guarantee of the sketch. We also show that our sketch works for other target functions as well. Second, we construct an epsilon-coreset for p-probit regression, which is a generalized version of probit regression. Therefore, we first compute the QR decomposition of a sketched version of our dataset in a first pass. We then use the matrix R to compute an approximation of the l_p-leverage scores of our data points which we use to compute sampling probabilities to construct the coreset. We then analyze the negative log likelihood of the p-generalized normal distribution to prove that this results in an epsilon-coreset. Finally, we look at two layer ReLU networks with logistic loss. Here we show that using a coupled initialization we can reduce the width of the networks to get a good approximation down from gamma^(-8) (Ji and Telgarsky, 2020) to gamma^(-2) where gamma is the so called separation margin. We further give an example where we prove that a width of gamma^(−1) is necessary to get less than constant error


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    Volume 3 describes how resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples: in health and medicine for risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases in electronics, steel production and milling for quality control during manufacturing processes in traffic, logistics for smart cities and for mobile communications