6 research outputs found


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    This thesis will explain the legal aspects of the Internet so that users who wish to protect their rights and avoid liability can log on with a better understanding of the rules of the game. This work will be divided into two chapters. The first chapter will focus on existing legal regulation of the Internet to advise users on which law is relevant, and how to solve problems of conflicts of laws in the cyberworld. It will answer the question of whether cyberspace is, or not, a no laws land , and what kind of regulation would better fit the cyberworld. This first chapter will also warn users on their potential liability on the Internet, the liability of the final user, and of the provider. The second chapter will describe what is the legal utilization of the Internet by users and authors, to warn them, first of all, on where is the limit between normal use of a work and infringement of copyright, and second of all, on what kind of speech they are allowed to load. The Internet raises, indeed, many problems of copyright infringement, but also many questions relative to the principle of Freedom of Speech. After having answered all these questions, this work will conclude, that Governments should respect the initial goal of the Internet -a free flow of information-, and not try to muzzle it within adapted regulation. The users of the Internet are the best placed to organize a regulation that will best fit this new medium and great, medium of expression

    The Digital Difference: Responsible Conduct of Research in a Networked World

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    This handbook, sponsored by the University of Kansas Graduate School's Responsible Conduct of Research program, provides an introduction to a variety of issues faced by those who teach, design, conduct, disseminate, or preserve research in a digital environment. Includes discussions of information literacy instruction, design of Web-based survey research, copyright and fair use, licensing of electronic journals, new models for copyright management and scholarly communication, and planning for preservation of digital information.KU Center for Research, University of Kansas Graduate School, Council of Graduate School

    Is TPM a dirty word? Digital rights management-systems and video games within the EU

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    Dator- och TV-spel Ă€r relativt nyligen introducerade och komplext utformade verk, vilket innebĂ€r en utmaning avseende upphovsrĂ€ttsligt skydd. I huvudsak bestĂ„r ett sĂ„dant spel av ett flertal olika upphovsrĂ€ttsliga alster, inkluderande programvaran, som Ă€r oupplösligt sammansatta i en och samma produkt. Detta leder till att den upphovsrĂ€ttsliga klassificeringen varierar beroende pĂ„ aktuell jurisdiktion, dĂ„ harmonisering Ă€nnu inte har uppnĂ„tts inom EU avseende sĂ„dana verk. Den upphovsrĂ€ttsliga klassificeringen av dator- och TV-spel pĂ„verkar tillĂ€mpligheten av EU:s upphovsrĂ€ttsliga skyddsĂ„tgĂ€rdslagstiftning och dĂ€rmed Ă€ven utvĂ€rderingen av de elektroniska system (DRM-system) som anvĂ€nds för att förvalta digitala rĂ€ttigheter. DĂ„ denna utvĂ€rdering utgör en signifikant del i detta arbete, var ett försök till klargörande pĂ„kallat. Det visades att det föreligger indikationer pĂ„ att dator- och TV-spel inte bör betraktas som enbart programvara, utan snarare bedömas vara en komplex sammanslagning av olika intellektuella verk. Den snabba tekniska utvecklingen har gjort det jĂ€mförelsevis lĂ€tt att fĂ„ obehörig tillgĂ„ng till och nyttja upphovsrĂ€ttsskyddat material, vilket resulterat i en vĂ€xande illegal konsumtion av dator- och TV-spel. För att motverka detta och skydda sina ensamrĂ€tter nyttjar rĂ€ttighetshavare vissa system för elektronisk förvaltning av digitala rĂ€ttigheter, DRM-system, avsedda att begrĂ€nsa eller helt förhindra obehörig Ă„tkomst och anvĂ€ndning. Av de rĂ€ttsligt skyddade verktyg som anvĂ€nds uppfattas sĂ€rskilt de tekniska skyddsĂ„tgĂ€rderna (TPMs) av legitima slutanvĂ€ndare som alltför restriktiva dĂ„ de bĂ„de begrĂ€nsar Ă„tkomst till och komplicerar anvĂ€ndningen av dator- och TV-spelet, inbegripet handlingar som inte krĂ€ver rĂ€ttsinnehavarens tillstĂ„nd. Effekten av implementerade DRM-system, sĂ€rskilt TPMs, pĂ„ den illegala konsumtionen och pĂ„ slutanvĂ€ndarnas attityder illustreras som ett led i utvĂ€rderingen av de facto effektiviteten av TPMs. Det hĂ€vdas att TPMs inte tillrĂ€ckligt effektivt förhindrar den illegala konsumtionen, och vissa forskare vill Ă€ven mena att anvĂ€ndandet av TPMs kan öka omfattningen av upphovsrĂ€ttsintrĂ„ng, sprunget ur ett vĂ€xande missnöje med dessa inom dator- och TV-spelar forum. En annan aspekt av implementering av DRM-system, sĂ€rskilt TPMs, Ă€r den potentiella konflikt som uppkommer genom att rĂ€ttighetshavarens fundamentala rĂ€tt till egendom stĂ€lls mot slutanvĂ€ndarens fundamentala rĂ€tt till yttrande- och informationsfrihet. Detta berĂ€ttigade en utredning av huruvida TPMs gör intrĂ„ng i slutanvĂ€ndarens fundamentala rĂ€ttigheter, och, om sĂ„ Ă€r fallet, ifall detta kan anses utgöra en otillĂ„ten krĂ€nkning. Det framkommer att TPMs kan anses göra intrĂ„ng i rĂ€tten till yttrande- och informationsfrihet, men rĂ„dande rĂ€ttspraxis finner inte att sĂ„dana intrĂ„ng innebĂ€r otillĂ„ten krĂ€nkning, men verkar dĂ€remot inte helt prekludera denna möjlighet.The video game poses a challenge in terms of copyright protection due to the complexity and novelty of its nature, in essence being comprised of multiple copyrightable elements, resulting in jurisdictionally diverse legal classification and harmonisation within the EU is not yet achieved. As the varying options of copyright classification of video game affects the applicability of EU anti-circumvention law, and thus, the evaluation of digital rights management-systems, which is an important part of this thesis, clarification was called for. It was found that there are indications that a video game should not be considered a mere computer program, but rather a complex amalgamation of intellectual works. The rapid technological development has made it comparably easy to gain unauthorised access to and use of copyrighted content, resulting in a growing illegal consumption of video games. To counter this, right holders implement digital rights management-systems (DRM-systems) to protect and manage their exclusive rights through restricting or preventing unauthorised access and use. Of tools used, technological protection measures (TPMs) in particular are from a lawful end-user perspective perceived as over-restrictive, complicating and limiting the access and the use of the video game, including acts that do not require right holder authorisation. In light of this, the impact of implemented DRM-systems, TPMs in particular, on illegal consumption and end-user’s attitudes is illustrated and the de facto effectiveness of TPMs evaluated. It is argued that TPMs are not truly effective in preventing illegal consumption – indeed some scholars suggest that TPMs might even increase the magnitude of copyright infringement following increasing levels of discontent within the video gaming community. Another aspect to the implementation of DRM-systems, specifically TPMs, is the potential conflict created as the right holder’s fundamental right of property is pitted against the end-user’s fundamental right of freedom of expression and information. This called for the application of a fundamental rights perspective, investigating whether TPMs may be interfering with end-users fundamental rights and, if so, whether it is considered a violation or not. It is shown that TPMs can interfere with the right of freedom of expression and information, but so far relevant case law implies that such interference is not considered a violation, in part due to the wide margin of appreciation awarded EU Member States. However, current case law does not seem entirely preclude that as a possible future outcome. In conclusion, TPMs does not only inconvenience lawful end-users whilst being de facto ineffective in preventing illegal consumption of video games, but TPMs also interferes with end-user fundamental rights, although violation has not been confirmed. It is thus proposed that TPMs in their current format may not be the preferred solution to counter video game piracy and ensure right holder exclusive rights

    An Investigation into the Australian Position on Software Copyright

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    Copyright Is the primary means most software authors seek to protect their software. Software, that is work (the ordered expression of thought) put into some tangible form (such a being written down, stored in a computer, programs, data and distributed files) is a truly international product. Where does this copyright protection come from? The current governing laws in Australia are the Australian Copyright Act of 1968 (Cwlth) and the Australian Copyright Amendments Act 1984 (Cwlth) which afford copyright protection to computer software. In copyright law, a number of words and terms have specialised meanings, which are different to their meanings in everyday language. These terms are important for determining the scope of copyright law. Including the types of material that are protected by copyright and the types of activities that infringe copyright, they are examined in this thesis. In Australia, copyright protection to is relatively easily, cheap and has been designed so as to be a powerful deterrent to software pirates, in many nations it is completely automatic. Yet independent research conducted by the Business Software Association of Australia (see Chapter 2) estimated that total losses to the software industry from software piracy In Australia in 1992 could have been as high as $400 million dollars. On this basis alone the clarification of how copyright is applied to afford protection to computer software is a worthy undertaking. Copyright experts around the world are debating, discussing, conferencing, writing and publishing their views on the direction that copyright law must take to meet the challenges posed by the new modes of communication. The only thing that can be agreed upon is that technology has outpaced the effectiveness of the Australia\u27s Software Copyright Laws. Part of this debate today is not about the need for copyright to cover authors from abuse of their work it is about whether software copyright stretches far enough to protect the rights of the authors. In an Australian context this poses the questions: ‱ \u27What Is the Australian position on Software Copyright? ‱ \u27What is the Australian position on Software Copyright in the advent of the Information Age? ‱ How effective are these positions? ‱ How will these positions stand up to challenges? This thesis, the result of extended descriptive research activity examines these questions in detail. Additionally H considers how the recommendations of the Australian Copyright Law Review Committee for changes to the Australian Copyright Act of 1968 (Cwlth) to afford suitable protection to software and computer programs If enacted in legislation will alter Australia\u27s current position on Software Copyright and impact on the future of the copyright doctrine

    Mecanismos para la cristalizaciĂłn del conocimiento, una propuesta mediante un sistema de trabajo colaborativo

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,. Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informåtica. Fecha de lectura: 17-09-200