3,088 research outputs found

    Exploring the feasibility of Research Data Management services in Zimbabwean academic libraries: the case of Zimbabwe School of Mines

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    The study applied an adapted Technology, Economic, Legal, Organisational, and Schedule (TELOS) model to explore the feasibility of Research Data Management (RDM) at the Zimbabwe School of Mines (ZSM). The study employed a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews that were held with purposively chosen professionals at ZSM in the form of the Information Technology (IT) manager, the Librarian, and three (3) Assistant Librarians. Findings show that ZSM does not currently meet the TELOS model feasibility test. ZSM lacks a robust technological system to support data creation, data collection and description, data storage, archiving and preservation, data access, data discovery and analysis, and data reuse and transformation. ZSM has not yet created a legal environment conducive for the introduction of RDM. It does not have policies and standards in place to handle issues such as intellectual property, copyright, data licensing, ethics, data protection, freedom of information, and confidentiality. While librarians at ZSM possess basic IT and computer skills they lack skills specific for RDM. The study informs the shaping of policies, practices, and strategies regarding the introduction of RDM services in Zimbabwean academic libraries

    TRIPS and TRIPS Plus Impacts in Africa

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    The emergence of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the juridical framework for global trade is one of the most fundamental changes in the second half of the last cenrury. No less epochal is the linkage of intellectual property rights (hereafter, IPR) issues to global trade governance. Prior to the WTO era, matters of IPR at the global level were usually dealt with at various fora of the United Nations, especially the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIP0). The implication in this transformation has not been lost on commentators. Vincent Chiappetta describes TRIPS as a \u27dramatic shift away from the traditional view that intellectual property law primarily serves the interest of national cultures, values, and politics\u27. On his part, Endeshaw opines that \u27the characterization of intellectual property lawmaking and enforcement as a trade issue was a shrewd device which transposed the internal policies and legal formula concocted by the US in 1974 to the international fora from 1984 onwards\u27. No matter the perspectives on the changes wrought by TRIPS, there is a consensus that the annexing of intellectual property rights issues by the WTO under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of lntellectual Property Rights, hereafter TRIPS, is a radical restructuring of world trade

    Information Outlook, January 1998

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    Volume 2, Issue 1https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_io_1998/1000/thumbnail.jp

    ‘Equitable Intellectual Property Protection of Computer Programs in South Africa: Some Proposals for Reform’

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    This paper provides a brief overview of the copyright, patent and trade secret protection of computer programs in South Africa and then sets out suggestions for how this protection could be altered or better implemented to create a more equitable balance between creators’ and users’ rights. The overview of intellectual property (“IP”) protection of computer programs is brief as there is already a substantive body of South African specific literature that discusses it extensively. This paper’s main focus is the evaluation of the equity of the protection and making reform proposals. A computer program is a series of instructions which enable a computer to perform a task or achieve a result.3 Computer programs are created in human-readable source code which is then compiled or translated into machine-readable object code. In copyright parlance, object code is “merely an adaptation of source code”

    Intellectual property protection for e-commerce business methods in South Africa : envisioning an equitable model for SMEs in the tourism industry

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    Includes abstract.includes biblioraphical references.This thesis examines the intellectual property (IP) protection of the functional aspects of e-commerce business methods, which are embedded in the methods' underlying computer programs. It considers how South Africa can achieve an equitable balance between creators' interests in securing remuneration and attribution for, and users' interests in securing affordable access to, these methods. The thesis' primary perspective is that of users, and its arguments centre on the position of small and medium sized enterprises that provide accommodation in the tourism sector (accommodation SMEs)

    Proceedings of the 16th IFLA ILDS conference

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    Research Data Management: A review of UAE academic library experience

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    Purpose: This paper is a review of the status of Research Data Management (RDM) efforts in UAE public university libraries. Approach: The investigation is through examining available literature about the topic using region-specific articles when available, librarian comments, and the information provided by UAE university library websites. Existing lessons and policy documents are sought, and plans suggested for local solutions, suggesting avenues for progress. Findings: Though not a new concept, findings indicate that local RDM activities are emerging, but knowledge of their importance of exists. Research limitations: This review is limited to public university libraries though the results and experiences could be generally relevant to more research establishments. Practical implications: Taking advantage of the existing awareness to organize tangible RDM efforts can facilitate retrieval and availability of data relevant to the region. Value: An intricate range of activities involved in the organization of RDM services is revealed

    A study into the availability of and access to electronic journals for teaching and research by the academic staff at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zimbabwe

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    Includes bibliographical references.Researchers have relied on journals as a source of current research information for more than 350 years. In sub-Saharan Africa, researchers and libraries complain about a lack of access to subscription electronic journals despite an increase in electronic journals access schemes for developing countries. Furthermore, African researchers lag behind in publishing their work when compared to their counterparts in the developed world. Research was carried out in the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Zimbabwe, which sought to investigate electronic journal availability from the researchers’ perspectives; to discover how electronic journals are used for teaching and research; and how faculty use journals in their publications. To explore this multi-faceted objective, four key sub-objectives emanated from the main research objective. The first sub-objective was to determine to what extent the available electronic journal collections met faculty’s electronic journal teaching and research needs. The second was to establish journal usage through analysing journals cited in faculty research papers and reading lists given to graduate students. The third was to understand the problems if any, encountered in accessing electronic journals –establishing the nature and frequency of these problems. The last was to explore if academic staff desire and publish their research and in the process, to understand the obstacles they face. This study used methodological triangulation, and data was gathered through three main research methods. These were an electronic journal availability study, a 26 question- 7 survey, and a citation analysis. Each respective method addressed a respective sub-objective, with an overlap of methods for the fourth objective. The findings revealed that 85.5% of the required journals were available across the available electronic journals collections. Faculty members use electronic journals for their work; however, they need training to access and to be aware of what journal content is available. While faculty members aim to be published, evidence indicated that they use less recent journals in their published works. There was no evidence that suggested that access to electronic journals alone leads to increased publications

    Recording, Documentation, and Information Management for the Conservation of Heritage Places: Guiding Principles

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    Provides guidance on integrating recording, documentation, and information management of territories, sites, groups of buildings, or monuments into the conservation process; evaluating proposals; consulting specialists; and controlling implementation

    A Cybersecurity Model for a Roblox-based Metaverse Architecture Framework

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    The adoption of virtual reality VR and augmented reality AR headsets in futuristic and science fiction has made it possible for the Metaverse to exist as a single universal immersive virtual universe By extending technology outside of our physical reality the Metaverse alters the human experience The four categories we use to categorize metaverse definitions are environment interface interaction and social value Currently it is unclear what the metaverse s structure and elements are A cybersecurity framework for these devices is necessary as the world grows more interconnected and immersive technologies are increasingly widely used in business government and consumer markets Used was a literature revie
