21,728 research outputs found

    The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation: Activity on Many Fronts

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    Provides an overview of the Innovation Center's organization, differences from CMS's traditional demonstration authority, payment and delivery reform initiatives, and first-year efforts to solicit and promote new ideas and collaborate with other payers

    Connected by 25: Financing Policies and Practices that Support Permanency For Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care

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    In an effort to strengthen philanthropic investments among its membership, the Youth Transition Funders Group (YTFG) asked a group of policy experts to provide recommendations on how foundations can work to encourage effective policy solutions on issues affecting youth in transition to adulthood. The primary challenge was to think beyond the systemic silos that so deeply shape the services and expectations of youth and move towards an overall framework that could produce improved outcomes. YTFG's work is based on the Connected by 25 framework, in which all youth reach the following outcomes by age 25:Educational achievement in preparation for career and community participation, including a high school diploma, post-secondary degree, and/or vocational certificate trainingGainful employment and/or access to career training to achieve life-long economic successConnections to a positive support system -- namely, guidance from family members and caring adults, as well as access to health, counseling, and mental health servicesThe ability to be a responsible and nurturing parentThe capacity to be actively engaged in the civic life of one's communityThis issue brief offers a summary of those recommendations, focusing on four primary transition points that often threaten the ability for youth to be connected by age 25 to the institutions and support systems that help them succeed throughout life

    Innovative Financing in Early Recovery: The Liberia Health Sector Pool Fund - Working Paper 288

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    In post-conflict Liberia, the National Health Plan set out a process for transitioning from emergency to sustainability under government leadership. The Liberia Health Sector Pool Fund, which consists of DfID, Irish Aid, UNICEF, and UNHCR, was established to fund this plan and mitigate this transition by increasing institutional capacity, reducing the transaction costs associated with managing multiple donor projects, and fostering the leadership of the Liberian Health Ministry by allocating funds to national priorities. In this paper, we discuss the design of the health pool fund mechanism, assess its functioning, compare the pooled fund to other aid mechanisms used in Liberia, and look into the enabling conditions, opportunities, and challenges of the pool fundLiberia, national health plan, aid effectivenes

    Financing Policies and Practices that Support Permanency for Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care

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    This strategy brief is one of a series of briefs exploring strategies for financing supports and services that help foster youth make successful transitions to adulthood. It was written by The Finance Project with support from the Foster Care Work Group. The Foster Care Work Group (FCWG) is one of three work groups of the Youth Transition Funders Group (YTFG), a collaboration of foundation leaders dedicated to improving the lives of the nation's most vulnerable young people. Foundation leaders participating in the YTFG are committed to achieving a common vision -- ensuring that vulnerable youth are connected by age 25 to institutions and support systems that will enable them to succeed throughout adulthood. The FCWG brings together foundation leaders with a shared interest in preparing youth in foster care for their transition out of the child welfare system and providing them pathways to lifelong economic well-being

    Financing CGIAR's System Costs and Special Items

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    Increasing the voluntary and community sector’s involvement in Integrated Offender Management(IOM)

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    As part of an undertaking to increase voluntary and community sector (VCS) involvement in service delivery, the Home Office set up an initiative to provide small grants to VCS organisations to work with IOM partnerships. The Home Office commissioned an evaluation of the initiative which aimed to: explore the strengths and weaknesses of the funding model; identify perceived barriers and facilitators to voluntary and community sector involvement in IOM; explore how the Home Office might best work with the VCS to encourage and support their capacity to work in partnership with statutory agencies; and identify any implications for the delivery of future similar projects

    Harmonizing tax policies in Central America

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    This report proposes an action plan for the rationalization of tax structures for Central America. To harmonize tax policies among Central American nations, the report recommends the following: (a) continuing trade liberalization, by reducing thelevel and dispersion of effective trade protection; (b) shifting the tax system from reliance on trade to reliance on domestic transactions and income; (c) making the value added tax the backbone of the tax system; and (d) improving tax administration. It also recommends; (e) harmonizing taxes on inputs and exempting nontraditional exporters from paying import duties; (f) moving toward coordinating factor incomes to avoid double taxation; (g) eliminating all quantitative import restrictions, prior imports deposits, non-common import tariffs and other restrictions on imports from other Central American Common Market (CACM) members; (h) applying similar principles in designing export taxes on coffee and bananas; and (i) not using differential exchange rates to discriminate against regional trade. If implemented, it is hoped that these reforms, along with other structural reforms, would help spark the latent growth potential in Central American economies.Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT,Trade and Regional Integration,Public Sector Economics&Finance
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