7 research outputs found

    Research on Visual Servo Grasping of Household Objects for Nonholonomic Mobile Manipulator

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    This paper focuses on the problem of visual servo grasping of household objects for nonholonomic mobile manipulator. Firstly, a new kind of artificial object mark based on QR (Quick Response) Code is designed, which can be affixed to the surface of household objects. Secondly, after summarizing the vision-based autonomous mobile manipulation system as a generalized manipulator, the generalized manipulator’s kinematic model is established, the analytical inverse kinematic solutions of the generalized manipulator are acquired, and a novel active vision based camera calibration method is proposed to determine the hand-eye relationship. Finally, a visual servo switching control law is designed to control the service robot to finish object grasping operation. Experimental results show that QR Code-based artificial object mark can overcome the difficulties brought by household objects’ variety and operation complexity, and the proposed visual servo scheme makes it possible for service robot to grasp and deliver objects efficiently

    Adaptive Path Following for an Underactuated Nonholonomic Mobile Manipulator

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    We investigate an adaptive path following problem for an underactuated nonholonomic mobile manipulator system and closed planar curves. As opposed to adapting to uncertain or unknown dynamics in the plant, we apply an adaptation approach with respect to an unknown geometric path. First, we present a solution to the non-adaptive path following problem using the concept of a path following output and apply it to circular and elliptical paths. To overcome a drawback associated with our first proposed solution and set the stage for our approach to the adaptive case, we apply an approximation approach based on osculating circles for strictly convex closed curves. We transition to the adaptive path following case by first presenting an algorithm to estimate unknown path parameters in the case of a circular path. We use our estimation algorithm and our path following solution for circular paths in an indirect adaptive control scheme. Thereafter, again using the osculating circle of a curve and the approximation technique of our second non-adaptive path following solution, we extend our adaptive solution, under some mild assumptions, for unknown strictly convex closed curves in the plane

    Modeling, Analysis, and Control of a Mobile Robot for \u3ci\u3eIn Vivo\u3c/i\u3e Fluoroscopy of Human Joints during Natural Movements

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    In this dissertation, the modeling, analysis and control of a multi-degree of freedom (mdof) robotic fluoroscope was investigated. A prototype robotic fluoroscope exists, and consists of a 3 dof mobile platform with two 2 dof Cartesian manipulators mounted symmetrically on opposite sides of the platform. One Cartesian manipulator positions the x-ray generator and the other Cartesian manipulator positions the x-ray imaging device. The robotic fluoroscope is used to x-ray skeletal joints of interest of human subjects performing natural movement activities. In order to collect the data, the Cartesian manipulators must keep the x-ray generation and imaging devices accurately aligned while dynamically tracking the desired skeletal joint of interest. In addition to the joint tracking, this also requires the robotic platform to move along with the subject, allowing the manipulators to operate within their ranges of motion. A comprehensive dynamic model of the robotic fluoroscope prototype was created, incorporating the dynamic coupling of the system. Empirical data collected from an RGB-D camera were used to create a human kinematic model that can be used to simulate the joint of interest target dynamics. This model was incorporated into a computer simulation that was validated by comparing the simulation results with actual prototype experiments using the same human kinematic model inputs. The computer simulation was used in a comprehensive dynamic analysis of the prototype and in the development and evaluation of sensing, control, and signal processing approaches that optimize the subject and joint tracking performance characteristics. The modeling and simulation results were used to develop real-time control strategies, including decoupling techniques that reduce tracking error on the prototype. For a normal walking activity, the joint tracking error was less than 20 mm, and the subject tracking error was less than 140 mm

    Navegación de un robot móvil sobre terreno irregular con contacto de su brazo con el suelo

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    En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la navegabilidad de robots móviles sobre terrenos irregulares, los cuales poseen diferentes inclinaciones y variedad de obstáculos. Este tema constituye actualmente una línea de investigación activa dirigida al desarrollo de nuevos robots y, adicionalmente, enfocada al desarrollo de estrategias de navegación eficientes y con el mínimo riesgo de inutilización. En primer lugar se desarrolló el robot móvil Lázaro para navegar en este tipo de terrenos, el cual posee un brazo articulado con una rueda como efector final. Esta rueda le permite al brazo mantener un punto de contacto adicional con el suelo que puede ayudar al robot a compensar situaciones de inestabilidad y sobrepasar algunos obstáculos que pudieran presentarse en estos entornos. Posteriormente, se desarrollaron tres medidas cuantitativas que permiten evaluar la navegabilidad de cualquier robot móvil cuando transita sobre terreno irregular. Estas tres medidas son: un índice de estabilidad, el cual evalúa la propensión al vuelco; un índice de direccionamiento, el cual evalúa la disponibilidad del robot para direccionarse y seguir una trayectoria dada y, por último, un índice de deslizamiento, el cual evalúa la propensión del robot a deslizarse hacia abajo cuando se desplaza sobre superficies inclinadas. Finalmente, se definieron un conjunto de maniobras que puede ejecutar Lázaro y que están dirigidas a garantizar la navegación cuando el robot se desplaza sobre superficies inclinadas o cuando debe sobrepasar obstáculos tales como escalones, rampas o zanjas. Todas las estrategias diseñadas se fundamentan en el uso del brazo como herramienta adicional que posee el robot para mejorar su navegabilidad

    Modeling and Improving Teleoperation Performance of Semi-Autonomous Wheeled Robots

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    Robotics and unmanned vehicles have allowed us to interact with environments in ways that were impossible decades ago. As perception, decision making, and control improve, it becomes possible to automate more parts of robot operation. However, humans will remain a critical part of robot control based on preference, ethical, and technical reasons. An ongoing question will be when and how to pair humans and automation to create semi-autonomous systems. The answer to this question depends on numerous factors such as the robot's task, platform, environment conditions, and the user. The work in this dissertation focuses on modeling the impact of these factors on performance and developing improved semi-autonomous control schemes, so that robot systems can be better designed. Experiments and analysis focus on wheeled robots, however the approach taken and many of the trends could be applied to a variety of platforms. Wheeled robots are often teleoperated over wireless communication networks. While this arrangement may be convenient, it introduces many challenges including time-varying delays and poor perception of the robot's environment that can lead to the robot colliding with objects or rolling over. With regards to semi-autonomous control, rollover prevention and obstacle avoidance behaviors are considered. In this area, two contributions are presented. The first is a rollover prevention method that uses an existing manipulator arm on-board a wheeled robot. The second is a method of approximating convex obstacle free regions for use in optimal control path planning problems. Teleoperation conditions, including communication delays, automation, and environment layout, are considered in modeling robot operation performance. From these considerations stem three contributions. The first is a method of relating driving performance among different communication delay distributions. The second parameterizes how driving through different arrangements of obstacles relates to performance. Lastly, based on user studies, teleoperation performance is related to different conditions of communication delay, automation level, and environment arrangement. The contributions of this dissertation will assist roboticists to implement better automation and understand when to use automation.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136951/1/jgstorms_1.pd

    Navigation Techniques for Control of Multiple Mobile Robots

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    The investigation reported in this thesis attempt to develop efficient techniques for the control of multiple mobile robots in an unknown environment. Mobile robots are key components in industrial automation, service provision, and unmanned space exploration. This thesis addresses eight different techniques for the navigation of multiple mobile robots. These are fuzzy logic, neural network, neuro-fuzzy, rule-base, rule-based-neuro-fuzzy, potential field, potential-field-neuro-fuzzy, and simulated-annealing- potential-field- neuro-fuzzy techniques. The main components of this thesis comprises of eight chapters. Following the literature survey in Chapter-2, Chapter-3 describes how to calculate the heading angle for the mobile robots in terms of left wheel velocity and right wheel velocity of the robot. In Chapter-4 a fuzzy logic technique has been analysed. The fuzzy logic technique uses different membership functions for navigation of the multiple mobile robots, which can perform obs..