4 research outputs found

    Towards analysis-driven scientific software architecture: The case for abstract data type calculus

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    Abstract. This article approaches scientific software architecture from three analytical paths. Each path examines discrete time advancement of multiphysics phenomena governed by coupled differential equations. The new object-oriented Fortran 2003 constructs provide a formal syntax for an abstract data type (ADT) calculus. The first analysis uses traditional object-oriented software design metrics to demonstrate the high cohesion and low coupling associated with the calculus. A second analysis from the viewpoint of computational complexity theory demonstrates that a more representative bug search strategy than that considered by Rouson et al. (ACM Trans. Math. Soft. 3

    High-Performance Design Patterns for Modern Fortran

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    This paper presents ideas for using coordinate-free numerics in modern Fortran to achieve code flexibility in the partial differential equation (PDE) domain. We also show how Fortran, over the last few decades, has changed to become a language well-suited for state-of-the-art software development. Fortran’s new coarray distributed data structure, the language’s class mechanism, and its side-effect-free, pure procedure capability provide the scaffolding on which we implement HPC software. These features empower compilers to organize parallel computations with efficient communication. We present some programming patterns that support asynchronous evaluation of expressions comprised of parallel operations on distributed data. We implemented these patterns using coarrays and the message passing interface (MPI). We compared the codes’ complexity and performance. The MPI code is much more complex and depends on external libraries. The MPI code on Cray hardware using the Cray compiler is 1.5–2 times faster than the coarray code on the same hardware. The Intel compiler implements coarrays atop Intel’s MPI library with the result apparently being 2–2.5 times slower than manually coded MPI despite exhibiting nearly linear scaling efficiency. As compilers mature and further improvements to coarrays comes in Fortran 2015, we expect this performance gap to narrow

    Coordinate Free Programming of Computational Fluid Dynamics Problems

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    It has long been acknowledged that the development of scientific applications is in need of better software engineering practices. Here we contrast the difference between conventional software development of CFD codes with a method based on coordinate free mathematics. The former approach leads to programs where different aspects, such as the discretisation technique and the coordinate systems, can get entangled with the solver algorithm. The latter approach yields programs that segregate these concerns into fully independent software modules. Such considerations are important for the construction of numerical codes for practical problems. The two approaches are illustrated on the coating problem: the simulation of coating a wire with a polymer