14 research outputs found

    Adaptive relaying protocol multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems

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    In wireless broadband communications, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been adopted as a promising technique to mitigate multi-path fading and provide high spectral efficiency. In addition, cooperative communication can explore spatial diversity where several users or nodes share their resources and cooperate through distributed transmission. The concatenation of the OFDM technique with relaying systems can enhance the overall performance in terms of spectral efficiency and improve robustness against the detrimental effects of fading. Hybrid relay selection is proposed to overcome the drawbacks of conventional forwarding schemes. However, exciting hybrid relay protocols may suffer some limitations when used for transmission over frequency-selective channels. The combination of cooperative protocols with OFDM systems has been extensively utilized in current wireless networks, and have become a promising solution for future high data rate broadband communication systems including 3D video transmission. This thesis covers two areas of high data rate networks. In the first part, several techniques using cooperative OFDM systems are presented including relay selection, space time block codes, resource allocation and adaptive bit and power allocation to introduce diversity. Four (4) selective OFDM relaying schemes are studied over wireless networks; selective OFDM; selective OFDMA; selective block OFDM and selective unequal block OFDM. The closed-form expression of these schemes is derived. By exploiting the broadcast nature, it is demonstrated that spatial diversity can be improved. The upper bound of outage probability for the protocols is derived. A new strategy for hybrid relay selection is proposed to improve the system performance by removing the sub-carriers that experience deep fading. The per subcarrier basis selection is considered with respect to the predefined threshold signal-to-noise ratio. The closed-form expressions of the proposed protocol in terms of bit error probability and outage probability are derived and compared with conventional hybrid relay selection. Adaptive bit and power allocation is also discussed to improve the system performance. Distributed space frequency coding applied to hybrid relay selection to obtain full spatial and full data rate transmission is explored. Two strategies, single cluster and multiple clusters, are considered for the Alamouti code at the destination by using a hybrid relay protocol. The power allocation with and without sub-carrier pairing is also investigated to mitigate the effect of multipath error propagation in frequency-selective channels. The second part of this thesis investigates the application of cooperative OFDM systems to high data rate transmission. Recently, there has been growing attention paid to 3D video transmission over broadband wireless channels. Two strategies for relay selection hybrid relay selection and first best second best are proposed to implement unequal error protection in the physical layer over error prone channels. The closed-form expressions of bit error probability and outage probability for both strategies are examined. The peak signal-to-noise ratio is presented to show the quality of reconstruction of the left and right views

    Cooperative systems based signal processing techniques with applications to three-dimensional video transmission

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    Three-dimensional (3-D) video has recently emerged to offer an immersive multimedia experience that can not be offered by two-dimensional (2-D) video applications. Currently, both industry and academia are focused on delivering 3-D video services to wireless communication systems. Modern video communication systems currently adopt cooperative communication and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) as they are an attractive solution to combat fading in wireless communication systems and achieve high data-rates. However, this strong motivation to transmit the video signals over wireless systems faces many challenges. These are mainly channel bandwidth limitations, variations of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in wireless channels, and the impairments in the physical layer such as time varying phase noise (PHN), and carrier frequency offset (CFO). In response to these challenges, this thesis seeks to develop efficient 3-D video transmission methods and signal processing algorithms that can overcome the effects of error-prone wireless channels and impairments in the physical layer. In the first part of the thesis, an efficient unequal error protection (UEP) scheme, called video packet partitioning, and a new 3-D video transceiver structure are proposed. The proposed video transceiver uses switching operations between various UEP schemes based on the packet partitioning to achieve a trade- off between system complexity and performance. Experimental results show that the proposed system achieves significantly high video quality at different SNRs with the lowest possible bandwidth and system complexity compared to direct transmission schemes. The second part of the thesis proposes a new approach to joint source-channel coding (JSCC) that simultaneously assigns source code rates, the number of high and low priority packets, and channel code rates for the application, network, and physical layers, respectively. The proposed JSCC algorithm takes into account the rate budget constraint and the available instantaneous SNR of the best relay selection in cooperative systems. Experimental results show that the proposed JSCC algorithm outperforms existing algorithms in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). In the third part of the thesis, a computationally efficient training based approach for joint channel, CFO, and PHN estimation in OFDM systems is pro- posed. The proposed estimator is based on an expectation conditional maximization (ECM) algorithm. To compare the estimation accuracy of the proposed estimator, the hybrid Cram´er-Rao lower bound (HCRB) of hybrid parameters of interest is derived. Next, to detect the signal in the presence of PHN, an iterative receiver based on the extended Kalman filter (EKF) for joint data detection and PHN mitigation is proposed. It is demonstrated by numerical simulations that, compared to existing algorithms, the performance of the proposed ECM-based estimator in terms of the mean square error (MSE) is closer to the derived HCRB and outperforms the existing estimation algorithms at moderate-to-high SNRs. Finally, this study extends the research on joint channel, PHN, and CFO estimation one step forward from OFDM systems to cooperative OFDM systems. An iterative algorithm based on the ECM in cooperative OFDM networks in the presence of unknown channel gains, PHNs and CFOs is applied. Moreover, the HCRB for the joint estimation problem in both decode-and-forward (DF) and amplify-and-forward (AF) relay systems is presented. An iterative algorithm based on the EKF for data detection and tracking the unknown time-varying PHN throughout the OFDM data packet is also used. For more efficient 3-D video transmission, the estimation algorithms and UEP schemes based packet portioning were combined to achieve a more robust video bit stream in the presence of PHNs. Applying this combination, simulation results demonstrate that promising bit-error-rate (BER) and PSNR performance can be achieved at the destination at different SNRs and PHN variance. The proposed schemes and algorithms offer solutions for existing problems in the techniques for applications to 3-D video transmission

    Turbo trellis-coded hierarchical modulation assisted decode-and-forward cooperation

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    Hierarchical modulation, which is also known as layered modulation, has been widely adopted across the telecommunication industry. Its strict backward compatibility with single-layer modems and its low complexity facilitate the seamless upgrading of wireless communication services. The potential employment of hierarchical modulation in cooperative communications has the promise of increasing the achievable throughput at a low power consumption. In this paper, we propose a single-relay aided hierarchical modulation based cooperative communication system. The source employs a pair of Turbo Trellis-Coded Modulation schemes relying on specially designed hierarchical modulation, while the relay invokes the Decode-and-Forward protocol. We have analysed the system’s achievable rate as well as its bit error ratio using Monte-Carlo simulations. The results demonstrate that the power consumption of the entire system is reduced to 3.62 dB per time slot by our scheme

    Decode-and-Forward Cooperation-Aided Triple-Layer Turbo-Trellis-Coded Hierarchical Modulation

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    Energy-efficient cooperative resource allocation for OFDMA

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    Energy is increasingly becoming an exclusive commodity in next generation wireless communication systems, where even in legacy systems, the mobile operators operational expenditure is largely attributed to the energy bill. However, as the amount of mobile traffic is expected to double over the next decade as we enter the Next Generation communications era, the need to address energy efficient protocols will be a priority. Therefore, we will need to revisit the design of the mobile network in order to adopt a proactive stance towards reducing the energy consumption of the network. Future emerging communication paradigms will evolve towards Next Generation mobile networks, that will not only consider a new air interface for high broadband connectivity, but will also integrate legacy communications (LTE/LTE-A, IEEE 802.11x, among others) networks to provide a ubiquitous communication platform, and one that can host a multitude of rich services and applications. In this context, one can say that the radio access network will predominantly be OFDMA based, providing the impetus for further research studies on how this technology can be further optimized towards energy efficiency. In fact, advanced approaches towards both energy and spectral efficient design will still dominate the research agenda. Taking a step towards this direction, LTE/LTE-A (Long Term Evolution-Advanced) have already investigated cooperative paradigms such as SON (self-Organizing Networks), Network Sharing, and CoMP (Coordinated Multipoint) transmission. Although these technologies have provided promising results, some are still in their infancy and lack an interdisciplinary design approach limiting their potential gain. In this thesis, we aim to advance these future emerging paradigms from a resource allocation perspective on two accounts. In the first scenario, we address the challenge of load balancing (LB) in OFDMA networks, that is employed to redistribute the traffic load in the network to effectively use spectral resources throughout the day. We aim to reengineer the load-balancing (LB) approach through interdisciplinary design to develop an integrated energy efficient solution based on SON and network sharing, what we refer to as SO-LB (Self-Organizing Load balancing). Obtained simulation results show that by employing SO-LB algorithm in a shared network, it is possible to achieve up to 15-20% savings in energy consumption when compared to LTE-A non-shared networks. The second approach considers CoMP transmission, that is currently used to enhance cell coverage and capacity at cell edge. Legacy approaches mainly consider fundamental scheduling policies towards assigning users for CoMP transmission. We build on these scheduling approaches towards a cross-layer design that provide enhanced resource utilization, fairness, and energy saving whilst maintaining low complexity, in particular for broadband applications

    Self-concatenated coding for wireless communication systems

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    In this thesis, we have explored self-concatenated coding schemes that are designed for transmission over Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. We designed both the symbol-based Self-ConcatenatedCodes considered using Trellis Coded Modulation (SECTCM) and bit-based Self- Concatenated Convolutional Codes (SECCC) using a Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) encoder as constituent codes, respectively. The design of these codes was carried out with the aid of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. The EXIT chart based design has been found an efficient tool in finding the decoding convergence threshold of the constituent codes. Additionally, in order to recover the information loss imposed by employing binary rather than non-binary schemes, a soft decision demapper was introduced in order to exchange extrinsic information withthe SECCC decoder. To analyse this information exchange 3D-EXIT chart analysis was invoked for visualizing the extrinsic information exchange between the proposed Iteratively Decoding aided SECCC and soft-decision demapper (SECCC-ID). Some of the proposed SECTCM, SECCC and SECCC-ID schemes perform within about 1 dB from the AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels’ capacity. A union bound analysis of SECCC codes was carried out to find the corresponding Bit Error Ratio (BER) floors. The union bound of SECCCs was derived for communications over both AWGN and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels, based on a novel interleaver concept.Application of SECCCs in both UltraWideBand (UWB) and state-of-the-art video-telephone schemes demonstrated its practical benefits.In order to further exploit the benefits of the low complexity design offered by SECCCs we explored their application in a distributed coding scheme designed for cooperative communications, where iterative detection is employed by exchanging extrinsic information between the decoders of SECCC and RSC at the destination. In the first transmission period of cooperation, the relay receives the potentially erroneous data and attempts to recover the information. The recovered information is then re-encoded at the relay using an RSC encoder. In the second transmission period this information is then retransmitted to the destination. The resultant symbols transmitted from the source and relay nodes can be viewed as the coded symbols of a three-component parallel-concatenated encoder. At the destination a Distributed Binary Self-Concatenated Coding scheme using Iterative Decoding (DSECCC-ID) was employed, where the two decoders (SECCC and RSC) exchange their extrinsic information. It was shown that the DSECCC-ID is a low-complexity scheme, yet capable of approaching the Discrete-input Continuous-output Memoryless Channels’s (DCMC) capacity.Finally, we considered coding schemes designed for two nodes communicating with each other with the aid of a relay node, where the relay receives information from the two nodes in the first transmission period. At the relay node we combine a powerful Superposition Coding (SPC) scheme with SECCC. It is assumed that decoding errors may be encountered at the relay node. The relay node then broadcasts this information in the second transmission period after re-encoding it, again, using a SECCC encoder. At the destination, the amalgamated block of Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) scheme combined with SECCC then detects and decodes the signal either with or without the aid of a priori information. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is capable of reliably operating at a low BER for transmission over both AWGN and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. We compare the proposed scheme’s performance to a direct transmission link between the two sources having the same throughput

    Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

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    Physical limitations on wireless communication channels impose huge challenges to reliable communication. Bandwidth limitations, propagation loss, noise and interference make the wireless channel a narrow pipe that does not readily accommodate rapid flow of data. Thus, researches aim to design systems that are suitable to operate in such channels, in order to have high performance quality of service. Also, the mobility of the communication systems requires further investigations to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the receiver. This book aims to provide highlights of the current research in the field of wireless communications. The subjects discussed are very valuable to communication researchers rather than researchers in the wireless related areas. The book chapters cover a wide range of wireless communication topics

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2006, nr 1

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    Optimization and Applications of Modern Wireless Networks and Symmetry

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    Due to the future demands of wireless communications, this book focuses on channel coding, multi-access, network protocol, and the related techniques for IoT/5G. Channel coding is widely used to enhance reliability and spectral efficiency. In particular, low-density parity check (LDPC) codes and polar codes are optimized for next wireless standard. Moreover, advanced network protocol is developed to improve wireless throughput. This invokes a great deal of attention on modern communications