1,807 research outputs found

    Learning Sparse High Dimensional Filters: Image Filtering, Dense CRFs and Bilateral Neural Networks

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    Bilateral filters have wide spread use due to their edge-preserving properties. The common use case is to manually choose a parametric filter type, usually a Gaussian filter. In this paper, we will generalize the parametrization and in particular derive a gradient descent algorithm so the filter parameters can be learned from data. This derivation allows to learn high dimensional linear filters that operate in sparsely populated feature spaces. We build on the permutohedral lattice construction for efficient filtering. The ability to learn more general forms of high-dimensional filters can be used in several diverse applications. First, we demonstrate the use in applications where single filter applications are desired for runtime reasons. Further, we show how this algorithm can be used to learn the pairwise potentials in densely connected conditional random fields and apply these to different image segmentation tasks. Finally, we introduce layers of bilateral filters in CNNs and propose bilateral neural networks for the use of high-dimensional sparse data. This view provides new ways to encode model structure into network architectures. A diverse set of experiments empirically validates the usage of general forms of filters

    Segmentation-Aware Convolutional Networks Using Local Attention Masks

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    We introduce an approach to integrate segmentation information within a convolutional neural network (CNN). This counter-acts the tendency of CNNs to smooth information across regions and increases their spatial precision. To obtain segmentation information, we set up a CNN to provide an embedding space where region co-membership can be estimated based on Euclidean distance. We use these embeddings to compute a local attention mask relative to every neuron position. We incorporate such masks in CNNs and replace the convolution operation with a "segmentation-aware" variant that allows a neuron to selectively attend to inputs coming from its own region. We call the resulting network a segmentation-aware CNN because it adapts its filters at each image point according to local segmentation cues. We demonstrate the merit of our method on two widely different dense prediction tasks, that involve classification (semantic segmentation) and regression (optical flow). Our results show that in semantic segmentation we can match the performance of DenseCRFs while being faster and simpler, and in optical flow we obtain clearly sharper responses than networks that do not use local attention masks. In both cases, segmentation-aware convolution yields systematic improvements over strong baselines. Source code for this work is available online at http://cs.cmu.edu/~aharley/segaware

    Learning Enriched Features for Real Image Restoration and Enhancement

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    With the goal of recovering high-quality image content from its degraded version, image restoration enjoys numerous applications, such as in surveillance, computational photography, medical imaging, and remote sensing. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved dramatic improvements over conventional approaches for image restoration task. Existing CNN-based methods typically operate either on full-resolution or on progressively low-resolution representations. In the former case, spatially precise but contextually less robust results are achieved, while in the latter case, semantically reliable but spatially less accurate outputs are generated. In this paper, we present a novel architecture with the collective goals of maintaining spatially-precise high-resolution representations through the entire network and receiving strong contextual information from the low-resolution representations. The core of our approach is a multi-scale residual block containing several key elements: (a) parallel multi-resolution convolution streams for extracting multi-scale features, (b) information exchange across the multi-resolution streams, (c) spatial and channel attention mechanisms for capturing contextual information, and (d) attention based multi-scale feature aggregation. In a nutshell, our approach learns an enriched set of features that combines contextual information from multiple scales, while simultaneously preserving the high-resolution spatial details. Extensive experiments on five real image benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method, named as MIRNet, achieves state-of-the-art results for a variety of image processing tasks, including image denoising, super-resolution, and image enhancement. The source code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/swz30/MIRNet.Comment: Accepted for publication at ECCV 202

    Knowledge-driven deep learning for fast MR imaging: undersampled MR image reconstruction from supervised to un-supervised learning

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    Deep learning (DL) has emerged as a leading approach in accelerating MR imaging. It employs deep neural networks to extract knowledge from available datasets and then applies the trained networks to reconstruct accurate images from limited measurements. Unlike natural image restoration problems, MR imaging involves physics-based imaging processes, unique data properties, and diverse imaging tasks. This domain knowledge needs to be integrated with data-driven approaches. Our review will introduce the significant challenges faced by such knowledge-driven DL approaches in the context of fast MR imaging along with several notable solutions, which include learning neural networks and addressing different imaging application scenarios. The traits and trends of these techniques have also been given which have shifted from supervised learning to semi-supervised learning, and finally, to unsupervised learning methods. In addition, MR vendors' choices of DL reconstruction have been provided along with some discussions on open questions and future directions, which are critical for the reliable imaging systems.Comment: 46 pages, 5figures, 1 tabl
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