27 research outputs found

    Lift-and-Round to Improve Weighted Completion Time on Unrelated Machines

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    We consider the problem of scheduling jobs on unrelated machines so as to minimize the sum of weighted completion times. Our main result is a (3/2c)(3/2-c)-approximation algorithm for some fixed c>0c>0, improving upon the long-standing bound of 3/2 (independently due to Skutella, Journal of the ACM, 2001, and Sethuraman & Squillante, SODA, 1999). To do this, we first introduce a new lift-and-project based SDP relaxation for the problem. This is necessary as the previous convex programming relaxations have an integrality gap of 3/23/2. Second, we give a new general bipartite-rounding procedure that produces an assignment with certain strong negative correlation properties.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Energy Efficient Scheduling via Partial Shutdown

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    Motivated by issues of saving energy in data centers we define a collection of new problems referred to as "machine activation" problems. The central framework we introduce considers a collection of mm machines (unrelated or related) with each machine ii having an {\em activation cost} of aia_i. There is also a collection of nn jobs that need to be performed, and pi,jp_{i,j} is the processing time of job jj on machine ii. We assume that there is an activation cost budget of AA -- we would like to {\em select} a subset SS of the machines to activate with total cost a(S)Aa(S) \le A and {\em find} a schedule for the nn jobs on the machines in SS minimizing the makespan (or any other metric). For the general unrelated machine activation problem, our main results are that if there is a schedule with makespan TT and activation cost AA then we can obtain a schedule with makespan \makespanconstant T and activation cost \costconstant A, for any ϵ>0\epsilon >0. We also consider assignment costs for jobs as in the generalized assignment problem, and using our framework, provide algorithms that minimize the machine activation and the assignment cost simultaneously. In addition, we present a greedy algorithm which only works for the basic version and yields a makespan of 2T2T and an activation cost A(1+lnn)A (1+\ln n). For the uniformly related parallel machine scheduling problem, we develop a polynomial time approximation scheme that outputs a schedule with the property that the activation cost of the subset of machines is at most AA and the makespan is at most (1+ϵ)T(1+\epsilon) T for any ϵ>0\epsilon >0

    Better Unrelated Machine Scheduling for Weighted Completion Time via Random Offsets from Non-Uniform Distributions

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    In this paper we consider the classic scheduling problem of minimizing total weighted completion time on unrelated machines when jobs have release times, i.e, RrijjwjCjR | r_{ij} | \sum_j w_j C_j using the three-field notation. For this problem, a 2-approximation is known based on a novel convex programming (J. ACM 2001 by Skutella). It has been a long standing open problem if one can improve upon this 2-approximation (Open Problem 8 in J. of Sched. 1999 by Schuurman and Woeginger). We answer this question in the affirmative by giving a 1.8786-approximation. We achieve this via a surprisingly simple linear programming, but a novel rounding algorithm and analysis. A key ingredient of our algorithm is the use of random offsets sampled from non-uniform distributions. We also consider the preemptive version of the problem, i.e, Rrij,pmtnjwjCjR | r_{ij},pmtn | \sum_j w_j C_j. We again use the idea of sampling offsets from non-uniform distributions to give the first better than 2-approximation for this problem. This improvement also requires use of a configuration LP with variables for each job's complete schedules along with more careful analysis. For both non-preemptive and preemptive versions, we break the approximation barrier of 2 for the first time.Comment: 24 pages. To apper in FOCS 201

    Online Primal-Dual For Non-linear Optimization with Applications to Speed Scaling

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    We reinterpret some online greedy algorithms for a class of nonlinear "load-balancing" problems as solving a mathematical program online. For example, we consider the problem of assigning jobs to (unrelated) machines to minimize the sum of the alpha^{th}-powers of the loads plus assignment costs (the online Generalized Assignment Problem); or choosing paths to connect terminal pairs to minimize the alpha^{th}-powers of the edge loads (online routing with speed-scalable routers). We give analyses of these online algorithms using the dual of the primal program as a lower bound for the optimal algorithm, much in the spirit of online primal-dual results for linear problems. We then observe that a wide class of uni-processor speed scaling problems (with essentially arbitrary scheduling objectives) can be viewed as such load balancing problems with linear assignment costs. This connection gives new algorithms for problems that had resisted solutions using the dominant potential function approaches used in the speed scaling literature, as well as alternate, cleaner proofs for other known results