50 research outputs found

    Convex inner approximations of nonconvex semialgebraic sets applied to fixed-order controller design

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    We describe an elementary algorithm to build convex inner approximations of nonconvex sets. Both input and output sets are basic semialgebraic sets given as lists of defining multivariate polynomials. Even though no optimality guarantees can be given (e.g. in terms of volume maximization for bounded sets), the algorithm is designed to preserve convex boundaries as much as possible, while removing regions with concave boundaries. In particular, the algorithm leaves invariant a given convex set. The algorithm is based on Gloptipoly 3, a public-domain Matlab package solving nonconvex polynomial optimization problems with the help of convex semidefinite programming (optimization over linear matrix inequalities, or LMIs). We illustrate how the algorithm can be used to design fixed-order controllers for linear systems, following a polynomial approach

    Simple Approximations of Semialgebraic Sets and their Applications to Control

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    Many uncertainty sets encountered in control systems analysis and design can be expressed in terms of semialgebraic sets, that is as the intersection of sets described by means of polynomial inequalities. Important examples are for instance the solution set of linear matrix inequalities or the Schur/Hurwitz stability domains. These sets often have very complicated shapes (non-convex, and even non-connected), which renders very difficult their manipulation. It is therefore of considerable importance to find simple-enough approximations of these sets, able to capture their main characteristics while maintaining a low level of complexity. For these reasons, in the past years several convex approximations, based for instance on hyperrect-angles, polytopes, or ellipsoids have been proposed. In this work, we move a step further, and propose possibly non-convex approximations , based on a small volume polynomial superlevel set of a single positive polynomial of given degree. We show how these sets can be easily approximated by minimizing the L1 norm of the polynomial over the semialgebraic set, subject to positivity constraints. Intuitively, this corresponds to the trace minimization heuristic commonly encounter in minimum volume ellipsoid problems. From a computational viewpoint, we design a hierarchy of linear matrix inequality problems to generate these approximations, and we provide theoretically rigorous convergence results, in the sense that the hierarchy of outer approximations converges in volume (or, equivalently, almost everywhere and almost uniformly) to the original set. Two main applications of the proposed approach are considered. The first one aims at reconstruction/approximation of sets from a finite number of samples. In the second one, we show how the concept of polynomial superlevel set can be used to generate samples uniformly distributed on a given semialgebraic set. The efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated by different numerical examples

    A hierarchy of LMI inner approximations of the set of stable polynomials

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    Exploiting spectral properties of symmetric banded Toeplitz matrices, we describe simple sufficient conditions for positivity of a trigonometric polynomial formulated as linear matrix inequalities (LMI) in the coefficients. As an application of these results, we derive a hierarchy of convex LMI inner approximations (affine sections of the cone of positive definite matrices of size mm) of the nonconvex set of Schur stable polynomials of given degree n<mn < m. It is shown that when mm tends to infinity the hierarchy converges to a lifted LMI approximation (projection of an LMI set defined in a lifted space of dimension quadratic in nn) already studied in the technical literature

    Model-based and data-based frequency domain design of fixed structure robust controller: a polynomial optimization approach

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    Inner Approximations for Polynomial Matrix Inequalities and Robust Stability Regions

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    Classical and strong convexity of sublevel sets and application to attainable sets of nonlinear systems

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    Necessary and sufficient conditions for convexity and strong convexity, respectively, of sublevel sets that are defined by finitely many real-valued C1,1C^{1,1}-maps are presented. A novel characterization of strongly convex sets in terms of the so-called local quadratic support is proved. The results concerning strong convexity are used to derive sufficient conditions for attainable sets of continuous-time nonlinear systems to be strongly convex. An application of these conditions is a novel method to over-approximate attainable sets when strong convexity is present.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Improving Efficiency and Scalability of Sum of Squares Optimization: Recent Advances and Limitations

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    It is well-known that any sum of squares (SOS) program can be cast as a semidefinite program (SDP) of a particular structure and that therein lies the computational bottleneck for SOS programs, as the SDPs generated by this procedure are large and costly to solve when the polynomials involved in the SOS programs have a large number of variables and degree. In this paper, we review SOS optimization techniques and present two new methods for improving their computational efficiency. The first method leverages the sparsity of the underlying SDP to obtain computational speed-ups. Further improvements can be obtained if the coefficients of the polynomials that describe the problem have a particular sparsity pattern, called chordal sparsity. The second method bypasses semidefinite programming altogether and relies instead on solving a sequence of more tractable convex programs, namely linear and second order cone programs. This opens up the question as to how well one can approximate the cone of SOS polynomials by second order representable cones. In the last part of the paper, we present some recent negative results related to this question.Comment: Tutorial for CDC 201

    A Sums-of-Squares Extension of Policy Iterations

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    In order to address the imprecision often introduced by widening operators in static analysis, policy iteration based on min-computations amounts to considering the characterization of reachable value set of a program as an iterative computation of policies, starting from a post-fixpoint. Computing each policy and the associated invariant relies on a sequence of numerical optimizations. While the early research efforts relied on linear programming (LP) to address linear properties of linear programs, the current state of the art is still limited to the analysis of linear programs with at most quadratic invariants, relying on semidefinite programming (SDP) solvers to compute policies, and LP solvers to refine invariants. We propose here to extend the class of programs considered through the use of Sums-of-Squares (SOS) based optimization. Our approach enables the precise analysis of switched systems with polynomial updates and guards. The analysis presented has been implemented in Matlab and applied on existing programs coming from the system control literature, improving both the range of analyzable systems and the precision of previously handled ones.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure