9 research outputs found

    Joint Reconstruction of Multi-channel, Spectral CT Data via Constrained Total Nuclear Variation Minimization

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    We explore the use of the recently proposed "total nuclear variation" (TNV) as a regularizer for reconstructing multi-channel, spectral CT images. This convex penalty is a natural extension of the total variation (TV) to vector-valued images and has the advantage of encouraging common edge locations and a shared gradient direction among image channels. We show how it can be incorporated into a general, data-constrained reconstruction framework and derive update equations based on the first-order, primal-dual algorithm of Chambolle and Pock. Early simulation studies based on the numerical XCAT phantom indicate that the inter-channel coupling introduced by the TNV leads to better preservation of image features at high levels of regularization, compared to independent, channel-by-channel TV reconstructions.Comment: Submitted to Physics in Medicine and Biolog

    Structure tensor total variation

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics via the DOI in this record.We introduce a novel generic energy functional that we employ to solve inverse imaging problems within a variational framework. The proposed regularization family, termed as structure tensor total variation (STV), penalizes the eigenvalues of the structure tensor and is suitable for both grayscale and vector-valued images. It generalizes several existing variational penalties, including the total variation seminorm and vectorial extensions of it. Meanwhile, thanks to the structure tensor’s ability to capture first-order information around a local neighborhood, the STV functionals can provide more robust measures of image variation. Further, we prove that the STV regularizers are convex while they also satisfy several invariance properties w.r.t. image transformations. These properties qualify them as ideal candidates for imaging applications. In addition, for the discrete version of the STV functionals we derive an equivalent definition that is based on the patch-based Jacobian operator, a novel linear operator which extends the Jacobian matrix. This alternative definition allow us to derive a dual problem formulation. The duality of the problem paves the way for employing robust tools from convex optimization and enables us to design an efficient and parallelizable optimization algorithm. Finally, we present extensive experiments on various inverse imaging problems, where we compare our regularizers with other competing regularization approaches. Our results are shown to be systematically superior, both quantitatively and visually

    Inverse scale space decomposition

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    We investigate the inverse scale space flow as a decomposition method for decomposing data into generalised singular vectors. We show that the inverse scale space flow, based on convex and absolutely one-homogeneous regularisation functionals, can decompose data represented by the application of a forward operator to a linear combination of generalised singular vectors into its individual singular vectors. We verify that for this decomposition to hold true, two additional conditions on the singular vectors are sufficient: orthogonality in the data space and inclusion of partial sums of the subgradients of the singular vectors in the subdifferential of the regularisation functional at zero. We also address the converse question of when the inverse scale space flow returns a generalised singular vector given that the initial data is arbitrary (and therefore not necessarily in the range of the forward operator). We prove that the inverse scale space flow is guaranteed to return a singular vector if the data satisfies a novel dual singular vector condition. We conclude the paper with numerical results that validate the theoretical results and that demonstrate the importance of the additional conditions required to guarantee the decomposition result

    Convex Generalizations of Total Variation based on the Structure Tensor with Applications to Inverse Problems ⋆

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    Abstract. We introduce a generic convex energy functional that is suitable for both grayscale and vector-valued images. Our functional is based on the eigenvalues of the structure tensor, therefore it penalizes image variation at every point by taking into account the information from its neighborhood. It generalizes several existing variational penalties, such as the Total Variation and vectorial extensions of it. By introducing the concept of patch-based Jacobian operator, we derive an equivalent formulation of the proposed regularizer that is based on the Schatten norm of this operator. Using this new formulation, we prove convexity and develop a dual definition for the proposed energy, which gives rise to an efficient and parallelizable minimization algorithm. Moreover, we establish a connection between the minimization of the proposed convex regularizer and a generic type of nonlinear anisotropic diffusion that is driven by a spatially regularized and adaptive diffusion tensor. Finally, we perform extensive experiments with image denoising and deblurring for grayscale and color images. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach as well as its improved performance compared to Total Variation and existing vectorial extensions of it.

    High Performance Reconstruction Framework for Straight Ray Tomography:from Micro to Nano Resolution Imaging

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    We develop a high-performance scheme to reconstruct straight-ray tomographic scans. We preserve the quality of the state-of-the-art schemes typically found in traditional computed tomography but reduce the computational cost substantially. Our approach is based on 1) a rigorous discretization of the forward model using a generalized sampling scheme; 2) a variational formulation of the reconstruction problem; and 3) iterative reconstruction algorithms that use the alternating-direction method of multipliers. To improve the quality of the reconstruction, we take advantage of total-variation regularization and its higher-order variants. In addition, the prior information on the support and the positivity of the refractive index are both considered, which yields significant improvements. The two challenging applications to which we apply the methods of our framework are grating-based \mbox{x-ray} imaging (GI) and single-particle analysis (SPA). In the context of micro-resolution GI, three complementary characteristics are measured: the conventional absorption contrast, the differential phase contrast, and the small-angle scattering contrast. While these three measurements provide powerful insights on biological samples, up to now they were calling for a large-dose deposition which potentially was harming the specimens ({\textit{e.g.}}, in small-rodent scanners). As it turns out, we are able to preserve the image quality of filtered back-projection-type methods despite the fewer acquisition angles and the lower signal-to-noise ratio implied by a reduction in the total dose of {\textit{in-vivo}} grating interferometry. To achieve this, we first apply our reconstruction framework to differential phase-contrast imaging (DPCI). We then add Jacobian-type regularization to simultaneously reconstruct phase and absorption. The experimental results confirm the power of our method. This is a crucial step toward the deployment of DPCI in medicine and biology. Our algorithms have been implemented in the TOMCAT laboratory of the Paul Scherrer Institute. In the context of near-atomic-resolution SPA, we need to cope with hundreds or thousands of noisy projections of macromolecules onto different micrographs. Moreover, each projection has an unknown orientation and is blurred by some space-dependent point-spread function of the microscope. Consequently, the determination of the structure of a macromolecule involves not only a reconstruction task, but also the deconvolution of each projection image. We formulate this problem as a constrained regularized reconstruction. We are able to directly include the contrast transfer function in the system matrix without any extra computational cost. The experimental results suggest that our approach brings a significant improvement in the quality of the reconstruction. Our framework also provides an important step toward the application of SPA for the {\textit{de novo}} generation of macromolecular models. The corresponding algorithms have been implemented in Xmipp