9 research outputs found

    Structured reporting of computed tomography in the staging of colon cancer: a Delphi consensus proposal

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    Background: Structured reporting (SR) in radiology is becoming increasingly necessary and has been recognized recently by major scientific societies. This study aims to build structured CT-based reports in colon cancer during the staging phase in order to improve communication between the radiologist, members of multidisciplinary teams and patients. Materials and methods: A panel of expert radiologists, members of the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology, was established. A modified Delphi process was used to develop the SR and to assess a level of agreement for all report sections. Cronbach’s alpha (Cα) correlation coefficient was used to assess internal consistency for each section and to measure quality analysis according to the average inter-item correlation. Results: The final SR version was built by including n = 18 items in the “Patient Clinical Data” section, n = 7 items in the “Clinical Evaluation” section, n = 9 items in the “Imaging Protocol” section and n = 29 items in the “Report” section. Overall, 63 items were included in the final version of the SR. Both in the first and second round, all sections received a higher than good rating: a mean value of 4.6 and range 3.6–4.9 in the first round; a mean value of 5.0 and range 4.9–5 in the second round. In the first round, Cronbach’s alpha (Cα) correlation coefficient was a questionable 0.61. In the first round, the overall mean score of the experts and the sum of scores for the structured report were 4.6 (range 1–5) and 1111 (mean value 74.07, STD 4.85), respectively. In the second round, Cronbach’s alpha (Cα) correlation coefficient was an acceptable 0.70. In the second round, the overall mean score of the experts and the sum of score for structured report were 4.9 (range 4–5) and 1108 (mean value 79.14, STD 1.83), respectively. The overall mean score obtained by the experts in the second round was higher than the overall mean score of the first round, with a lower standard deviation value to underline greater agreement among the experts for the structured report reached in this round. Conclusions: A wide implementation of SR is of critical importance in order to offer referring physicians and patients optimum quality of service and to provide researchers with the best quality data in the context of big data exploitation of available clinical data. Implementation is a complex procedure, requiring mature technology to successfully address the multiple challenges of user-friendliness, organization and interoperability

    Computed Tomography Structured Reporting in the Staging of Lymphoma: A Delphi Consensus Proposal

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    Abstract Structured reporting (SR) in radiology is becoming increasingly necessary and has been recognized recently by major scientific societies. This study aims to build structured CT-based reports for lymphoma patients during the staging phase to improve communication between radiologists, members of multidisciplinary teams, and patients. A panel of expert radiologists, members of the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM), was established. A modified Delphi process was used to develop the SR and to assess a level of agreement for all report sections. The Cronbach's alpha (Cα) correlation coefficient was used to assess internal consistency for each section and to measure quality analysis according to the average inter-item correlation. The final SR version was divided into four sections: (a) Patient Clinical Data, (b) Clinical Evaluation, (c) Imaging Protocol, and (d) Report, including n = 13 items in the "Patient Clinical Data" section, n = 8 items in the "Clinical Evaluation" section, n = 9 items in the "Imaging Protocol" section, and n = 32 items in the "Report" section. Overall, 62 items were included in the final version of the SR. A dedicated section of significant images was added as part of the report. In the first Delphi round, all sections received more than a good rating (≥3). The overall mean score of the experts and the sum of score for structured report were 4.4 (range 1-5) and 1524 (mean value of 101.6 and standard deviation of 11.8). The Cα correlation coefficient was 0.89 in the first round. In the second Delphi round, all sections received more than an excellent rating (≥4). The overall mean score of the experts and the sum of scores for structured report were 4.9 (range 3-5) and 1694 (mean value of 112.9 and standard deviation of 4.0). The Cα correlation coefficient was 0.87 in this round. The highest overall means value, highest sum of scores of the panelists, and smallest standard deviation values of the evaluations in this round reflect the increase of the internal consistency and agreement among experts in the second round compared to first round. The accurate statement of imaging data given to referring physicians is critical for patient care; the information contained affects both the decision-making process and the subsequent treatment. The radiology report is the most important source of clinical imaging information. It conveys critical information about the patient's health and the radiologist's interpretation of medical findings. It also communicates information to the referring physicians and records this information for future clinical and research use. The present SR was generated based on a multi-round consensus-building Delphi exercise and uses standardized terminology and structures, in order to adhere to diagnostic/therapeutic recommendations and facilitate enrolment in clinical trials, to reduce any ambiguity that may arise from non-conventional language, and to enable better communication between radiologists and clinicians

    Structured reporting of computed tomography in the polytrauma patient assessment. A Delphi consensus proposal

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    Objectives: To develop a structured reporting (SR) template for whole-body CT examinations of polytrauma patients, based on the consensus of a panel of emergency radiology experts from the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology. Methods: A multi-round Delphi method was used to quantify inter-panelist agreement for all SR sections. Internal consistency for each section and quality analysis in terms of average inter-item correlation were evaluated by means of the Cronbach’s alpha (Cα) correlation coefficient. Results: The final SR form included 118 items (6 in the “Patient Clinical Data” section, 4 in the “Clinical Evaluation” section, 9 in the “Imaging Protocol” section, and 99 in the “Report” section). The experts’ overall mean score and sum of scores were 4.77 (range 1–5) and 257.56 (range 206–270) in the first Delphi round, and 4.96 (range 4–5) and 208.44 (range 200–210) in the second round, respectively. In the second Delphi round, the experts’ overall mean score was higher than in the first round, and standard deviation was lower (3.11 in the second round vs 19.71 in the first round), reflecting a higher expert agreement in the second round. Moreover, Cα was higher in the second round than in the first round (0.97 vs 0.87). Conclusions: Our SR template for whole-body CT examinations of polytrauma patients is based on a strong agreement among panel experts in emergency radiology and could improve communication between radiologists and the trauma team

    Structured Reporting of Rectal Cancer Staging and Restaging: A Consensus Proposal

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    Background: Structured reporting (SR) in oncologic imaging is becoming necessary and has recently been recognized by major scientific societies. The aim of this study was to build MRI-based structured reports for rectal cancer (RC) staging and restaging in order to provide clinicians all critical tumor information. Materials and Methods: A panel of radiologist experts in abdominal imaging, called the members of the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology, was established. The modified Delphi process was used to build the SR and to assess the level of agreement in all sections. The Cronbach's alpha (C alpha) correlation coefficient was used to assess the internal consistency of each section and to measure the quality analysis according to the average inter-item correlation. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was also evaluated. Results: After the second Delphi round of the SR RC staging, the panelists' single scores and sum of scores were 3.8 (range 2-4) and 169, and the SR RC restaging panelists' single scores and sum of scores were 3.7 (range 2-4) and 148, respectively. The C alpha correlation coefficient was 0.79 for SR staging and 0.81 for SR restaging. The ICCs for the SR RC staging and restaging were 0.78 (p < 0.01) and 0.82 (p < 0.01), respectively. The final SR version was built and included 53 items for RC staging and 50 items for RC restaging. Conclusions: The final version of the structured reports of MRI-based RC staging and restaging should be a helpful and promising tool for clinicians in managing cancer patients properly. Structured reports collect all Patient Clinical Data, Clinical Evaluations and relevant key findings of Rectal Cancer, both in staging and restaging, and can facilitate clinical decision-making

    Enriquecimiento de la historia clínica electrónica con información de sistemas de ayuda a la decisión clínica y datos enlazados abiertos

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    [ES] La explotación de datos de salud ha demostrado ser de creciente interés en la comunidad científica, especialmente para la creación y uso de sistemas de ayuda a la decisión clínica (SADC). Para abordar este problema, tradicionalmente se ha investigado por separado en materia de modelos de información, modelos de dominio y SADC. En lo que se refiere a modelos de información, las propuestas presentan limitaciones semánticas y no tienen en cuenta la interacción con los modelos de dominio, que pretenden proporcionar una comprensión formal y compartida del conocimiento clínico, ni con los SADC, cuya finalidad es proporcionar apoyo a la toma de decisión clínica a partir de la historia clínica electrónica (HCE). La finalidad de esta tesis se enmarca dentro del objetivo general de enriquecer sistemas de HCE con resultados de SADC y modelos de dominio representados mediante datos enlazados abiertos. Para ello, se investiga la combinación y explotación conjunta de las tecnologías más avanzadas para modelos de información, modelos de dominio y SADC. La principal contribución de esta tesis es el desarrollo de metodologías y herramientas para enriquecer la HCE con resultados de SADC y datos enlazados abiertos. Las contribuciones específicas son las siguientes: * Definición conceptual y metodológica de la HCE aumentada con información potencialmente relevante de la web semántica. * Definición conceptual y metodológica del informe radiológico estructurado (IRE), enriquecido con resultados de SADC basados en reglas, visión por computación y modelos de aprendizaje automático. * Caso de uso de HCE aumentada, consistente en enriquecer la HCE resumida del Sistema Nacional de Salud de España con datos enlazados abiertos sobre interacciones farmacológicas y tratamientos recomendados para los episodios activos del paciente. * Sistema de IRE enriquecido con resultados de SADC. Incluye el desarrollo de plantillas de IRE y mecanismos para el enriquecimiento de las mismas con resultados de SADC basados en reglas, cuantificación de imagen médica y redes neuronales. Nuestro objetivo es mejorar el grado de interoperabilidad en las integraciones de sistemas de HCE con SADC y datos enlazados abiertos, mediante estrategias basadas en los tres pilares de la interoperabilidad semántica: modelos de información, de arquetipos y de dominio. Esto tiene el potencial de repercutir positivamente sobre la salud y el cuidado del paciente, especialmente en el paradigma de la medicina personalizada.[CA] L'explotació de dades de salut ha demostrat ser de creixent interés en la comunitat científica, especialment per a la creació i ús de sistemes d'ajuda a la decisió clínica (SADC). Per a abordar aquest problema, tradicionalment s'ha investigat per separat en matèria de models d'informació, models de domini i SADC. Pel que fa a models d'informació, les propostes presenten limitacions semàntiques i no tenen en compte la interacció amb els models de domini, que pretenen proporcionar una comprensió formal i compartida del coneixement clínic, ni amb els SADC, la finalitat dels quals és proporcionar suport a la presa de decisió clínica partint de la història clínica electrònica (HCE). La finalitat d'aquesta tesi s'emmarca dins de l'objectiu general d'enriquir sistemes de HCE amb resultats de SADC i models de domini representats mitjançant dades enllaçades obertes. Per a això, s'investiga la combinació i explotació conjunta de les tecnologies més avançades per a models d'informació, models de domini i SADC. La principal contribució d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament de metodologies i eines per a enriquir la HCE amb resultats de SADC i dades enllaçades obertes. Les contribucions específiques són les següents: * Definició conceptual i metodològica de la HCE augmentada amb informació potencialment rellevant de la web semàntica. * Definició conceptual i metodològica de l'informe radiològic estructurat (IRE), enriquit amb resultats de SADC basats en regles, visió per computació i models d'aprenentatge automàtic. * Cas d'ús de HCE augmentada, consistent a enriquir la HCE resumida del Sistema Nacional de Salut d'Espanya amb dades enllaçades obertes sobre interaccions farmacològiques i tractaments recomanats per als episodis actius del pacient. * Sistema de IRE enriquit amb resultats de SADC. Inclou el desenvolupament de plantilles de IRE i mecanismes per a l'enriquiment de les mateixes amb resultats de SADC basats en regles, quantificació d'imatge mèdica i xarxes neuronals. El nostre objectiu és millorar el grau d'interoperabilitat en les integracions de sistemes de HCE amb SADC i dades enllaçades obertes, mitjançant estratègies basades en els tres pilars de la interoperabilitat semàntica: models d'informació, d'arquetips i de domini. Això té el potencial de repercutir positivament sobre la salut i la cura del pacient, especialment en el paradigma de la medicina personalitzada.[EN] The exploitation of health data has proven to be of increasing interest in the scientific community, especially for the creation and use of clinical decision support systems (CDSS). To address this problem, separate research has traditionally been done on information models, domain models and CDSS. Regarding information models, the proposals present semantic limitations and do not consider the interaction with domain models, which aim to provide a formal and shared understanding of clinical knowledge, nor with CDSS, whose purpose is to provide clinical decision support from the electronic health record (EHR). The aim of this thesis is framed within the general goal of enriching EHR systems with SADC results and domain models represented by open linked data. For this purpose, the combination and joint exploitation of state-of-the-art technologies for information models, domain models and SADC is investigated. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of methodologies and tools to enrich EHR with SADC results and open linked data. Specific contributions are: * Conceptual and methodological definition of EHR augmented with potentially relevant information from the semantic web. * Conceptual and methodological definition of the structured radiology report (SRR), enriched with CDSS results based on logical rules, computer vision and machine learning models. * Augmented EHR use case, consisting of enriching the summarized EHR of the Spanish National Health System with linked open data on pharmacological interactions and recommended treatments for active patient episodes. * SRR system enriched with CDSS results. Includes the development of SRR templates and mechanisms for enriching them with SADC results based on logical rules, medical image quantification and neural networks. Our goal is to improve the degree of interoperability in EHR system integrations with CDSS results and linked open data, through strategies based on the three pillars of semantic interoperability: information, archetype and domain models. This has the potential to positively impact health and patient care, especially in the personalized medicine paradigm.Mañas García, A. (2022). Enriquecimiento de la historia clínica electrónica con información de sistemas de ayuda a la decisión clínica y datos enlazados abiertos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18773

    Glioma imaging in Europe: A survey of 220 centres and recommendations for best clinical practice

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    Objectives: At a European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR) Annual Meeting 2015 workshop, commonalities in practice, current controversies and technical hurdles in glioma MRI were discussed. We aimed to formulate guidance on MRI of glioma and determine its feasibility, by seeking information on glioma imaging practices from the European Neuroradiology community. Methods: Invitations to a structured survey were emailed to ESNR members (n=1,662) and associates (n=6,400), European national radiologists’ societies and distributed via social media. Results: Responses were received from 220 institutions (59% academic). Conventional imaging protocols generally include T2w, T2-FLAIR, DWI, and pre- and post-contrast T1w. Perfusion MRI is used widely (85.5%), while spectroscopy seems reserved for specific indications. Reasons for omitting advanced imaging modalities include lack of facility/software, time constraints and no requests. Early postoperative MRI is routinely carried out by 74% within 24–72 h, but only 17% report a percent measure of resection. For follow-up, most sites (60%) issue qualitative reports, while 27% report an assessment according to the RANO criteria. A minori


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