21 research outputs found

    Evaluating Mixed-initiative Conversational Search Systems via User Simulation

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    Clarifying the underlying user information need by asking clarifying questions is an important feature of modern conversational search system. However, evaluation of such systems through answering prompted clarifying questions requires significant human effort, which can be time-consuming and expensive. In this paper, we propose a conversational User Simulator, called USi, for automatic evaluation of such conversational search systems. Given a description of an information need, USi is capable of automatically answering clarifying questions about the topic throughout the search session. Through a set of experiments, including automated natural language generation metrics and crowdsourcing studies, we show that responses generated by USi are both inline with the underlying information need and comparable to human-generated answers. Moreover, we make the first steps towards multi-turn interactions, where conversational search systems asks multiple questions to the (simulated) user with a goal of clarifying the user need. To this end, we expand on currently available datasets for studying clarifying questions, i.e., Qulac and ClariQ, by performing a crowdsourcing-based multi-turn data acquisition. We show that our generative, GPT2-based model, is capable of providing accurate and natural answers to unseen clarifying questions in the single-turn setting and discuss capabilities of our model in the multi-turn setting. We provide the code, data, and the pre-trained model to be used for further research on the topic

    Towards Filling the Gap in Conversational Search: From Passage Retrieval to Conversational Response Generation

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    Research on conversational search has so far mostly focused on query rewriting and multi-stage passage retrieval. However, synthesizing the top retrieved passages into a complete, relevant, and concise response is still an open challenge. Having snippet-level annotations of relevant passages would enable both (1) the training of response generation models that are able to ground answers in actual statements and (2) the automatic evaluation of the generated responses in terms of completeness. In this paper, we address the problem of collecting high-quality snippet-level answer annotations for two of the TREC Conversational Assistance track datasets. To ensure quality, we first perform a preliminary annotation study, employing different task designs, crowdsourcing platforms, and workers with different qualifications. Based on the outcomes of this study, we refine our annotation protocol before proceeding with the full-scale data collection. Overall, we gather annotations for 1.8k question-paragraph pairs, each annotated by three independent crowd workers. The process of collecting data at this magnitude also led to multiple insights about the problem that can inform the design of future response-generation methods. This is an extended version of the article published with the same title in the Proceedings of CIKM'23.Comment: Extended version of the paper that appeared in the Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '23

    Large Language Model Augmented Narrative Driven Recommendations

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    Narrative-driven recommendation (NDR) presents an information access problem where users solicit recommendations with verbose descriptions of their preferences and context, for example, travelers soliciting recommendations for points of interest while describing their likes/dislikes and travel circumstances. These requests are increasingly important with the rise of natural language-based conversational interfaces for search and recommendation systems. However, NDR lacks abundant training data for models, and current platforms commonly do not support these requests. Fortunately, classical user-item interaction datasets contain rich textual data, e.g., reviews, which often describe user preferences and context - this may be used to bootstrap training for NDR models. In this work, we explore using large language models (LLMs) for data augmentation to train NDR models. We use LLMs for authoring synthetic narrative queries from user-item interactions with few-shot prompting and train retrieval models for NDR on synthetic queries and user-item interaction data. Our experiments demonstrate that this is an effective strategy for training small-parameter retrieval models that outperform other retrieval and LLM baselines for narrative-driven recommendation.Comment: Pre-prin

    Conversational AI from an Information Retrieval Perspective: Remaining Challenges and a Case for User Simulation

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    Conversational AI is an emerging field of computer science that engages multiple research communities, from information retrieval to natural language processing to dialogue systems. Within this vast space, we focus on conversational informa tion access, a problem that is uniquely suited to be addressed by the information retrieval community. We argue that despite the significant research activity in this area, progress is mostly limited to component-level improvements. There remains a disconnect between current efforts and truly conversational information access systems. Apart from the inherently chal lenging nature of the problem, the lack of progress, in large part, can be attributed to the shortage of appropriate evaluation methodology and resources. This paper highlights challenges that render both offline and online evaluation methodologies unsuitable for this problem, and discusses the use of user simulation as a viable solution.publishedVersio