101,682 research outputs found

    Numerical reconstruction of the spatial component in the source term of a time-fractional diffusion equation

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    In this article, we are concerned with the analysis on the numerical reconstruction of the spatial component in the source term of a time-fractional diffusion equation. This ill-posed problem is solved through a stabilized nonlinear minimization system by an appropriately selected Tikhonov regularization. The existence and the stability of the optimization system are demonstrated. The nonlinear optimization problem is approximated by a fully discrete scheme, whose convergence is established under a novel result verified in this study that the H1H^1-norm of the solution to the discrete forward system is uniformly bounded. The iterative thresholding algorithm is proposed to solve the discrete minimization, and several numerical experiments are presented to show the efficiency and the accuracy of the algorithm.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Operator norm convergence of spectral clustering on level sets

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    Following Hartigan, a cluster is defined as a connected component of the t-level set of the underlying density, i.e., the set of points for which the density is greater than t. A clustering algorithm which combines a density estimate with spectral clustering techniques is proposed. Our algorithm is composed of two steps. First, a nonparametric density estimate is used to extract the data points for which the estimated density takes a value greater than t. Next, the extracted points are clustered based on the eigenvectors of a graph Laplacian matrix. Under mild assumptions, we prove the almost sure convergence in operator norm of the empirical graph Laplacian operator associated with the algorithm. Furthermore, we give the typical behavior of the representation of the dataset into the feature space, which establishes the strong consistency of our proposed algorithm

    Theoretical analysis of a Stochastic Approximation approach for computing Quasi-Stationary distributions

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    This paper studies a method, which has been proposed in the Physics literature by [8, 7, 10], for estimating the quasi-stationary distribution. In contrast to existing methods in eigenvector estimation, the method eliminates the need for explicit transition matrix manipulation to extract the principal eigenvector. Our paper analyzes the algorithm by casting it as a stochastic approximation algorithm (Robbins-Monro) [23, 16]. In doing so, we prove its convergence and obtain its rate of convergence. Based on this insight, we also give an example where the rate of convergence is very slow. This problem can be alleviated by using an improved version of the algorithm that is given in this paper. Numerical experiments are described that demonstrate the effectiveness of this improved method

    Diffusion Approximations for Online Principal Component Estimation and Global Convergence

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    In this paper, we propose to adopt the diffusion approximation tools to study the dynamics of Oja's iteration which is an online stochastic gradient descent method for the principal component analysis. Oja's iteration maintains a running estimate of the true principal component from streaming data and enjoys less temporal and spatial complexities. We show that the Oja's iteration for the top eigenvector generates a continuous-state discrete-time Markov chain over the unit sphere. We characterize the Oja's iteration in three phases using diffusion approximation and weak convergence tools. Our three-phase analysis further provides a finite-sample error bound for the running estimate, which matches the minimax information lower bound for principal component analysis under the additional assumption of bounded samples.Comment: Appeared in NIPS 201

    Robust distributed linear programming

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    This paper presents a robust, distributed algorithm to solve general linear programs. The algorithm design builds on the characterization of the solutions of the linear program as saddle points of a modified Lagrangian function. We show that the resulting continuous-time saddle-point algorithm is provably correct but, in general, not distributed because of a global parameter associated with the nonsmooth exact penalty function employed to encode the inequality constraints of the linear program. This motivates the design of a discontinuous saddle-point dynamics that, while enjoying the same convergence guarantees, is fully distributed and scalable with the dimension of the solution vector. We also characterize the robustness against disturbances and link failures of the proposed dynamics. Specifically, we show that it is integral-input-to-state stable but not input-to-state stable. The latter fact is a consequence of a more general result, that we also establish, which states that no algorithmic solution for linear programming is input-to-state stable when uncertainty in the problem data affects the dynamics as a disturbance. Our results allow us to establish the resilience of the proposed distributed dynamics to disturbances of finite variation and recurrently disconnected communication among the agents. Simulations in an optimal control application illustrate the results