658 research outputs found

    Linear systems solvers - recent developments and implications for lattice computations

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    We review the numerical analysis' understanding of Krylov subspace methods for solving (non-hermitian) systems of equations and discuss its implications for lattice gauge theory computations using the example of the Wilson fermion matrix. Our thesis is that mature methods like QMR, BiCGStab or restarted GMRES are close to optimal for the Wilson fermion matrix. Consequently, preconditioning appears to be the crucial issue for further improvements.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX using espcrc2.sty, 2 figures, 9 eps-files, Talk presented at LATTICE96(algorithms), submitted to Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Supp

    A Hamiltonian Krylov-Schur-type method based on the symplectic Lanczos process

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    We discuss a Krylov-Schur like restarting technique applied within the symplectic Lanczos algorithm for the Hamiltonian eigenvalue problem. This allows to easily implement a purging and locking strategy in order to improve the convergence properties of the symplectic Lanczos algorithm. The Krylov-Schur-like restarting is based on the SR algorithm. Some ingredients of the latter need to be adapted to the structure of the symplectic Lanczos recursion. We demonstrate the efficiency of the new method for several Hamiltonian eigenproblems

    Computing and deflating eigenvalues while solving multiple right hand side linear systems in Quantum Chromodynamics

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    We present a new algorithm that computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian positive definite matrix while solving a linear system of equations with Conjugate Gradient (CG). Traditionally, all the CG iteration vectors could be saved and recombined through the eigenvectors of the tridiagonal projection matrix, which is equivalent theoretically to unrestarted Lanczos. Our algorithm capitalizes on the iteration vectors produced by CG to update only a small window of vectors that approximate the eigenvectors. While this window is restarted in a locally optimal way, the CG algorithm for the linear system is unaffected. Yet, in all our experiments, this small window converges to the required eigenvectors at a rate identical to unrestarted Lanczos. After the solution of the linear system, eigenvectors that have not accurately converged can be improved in an incremental fashion by solving additional linear systems. In this case, eigenvectors identified in earlier systems can be used to deflate, and thus accelerate, the convergence of subsequent systems. We have used this algorithm with excellent results in lattice QCD applications, where hundreds of right hand sides may be needed. Specifically, about 70 eigenvectors are obtained to full accuracy after solving 24 right hand sides. Deflating these from the large number of subsequent right hand sides removes the dreaded critical slowdown, where the conditioning of the matrix increases as the quark mass reaches a critical value. Our experiments show almost a constant number of iterations for our method, regardless of quark mass, and speedups of 8 over original CG for light quark masses.Comment: 22 pages, 26 eps figure
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