6,660 research outputs found

    Geometric control of particle manipulation in a two-dimensional fluid

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    Manipulation of particles suspended in fluids is crucial for many applications, such as precision machining, chemical processes, bio-engineering, and self-feeding of microorganisms. In this paper, we study the problem of particle manipulation by cyclic fluid boundary excitations from a geometric-control viewpoint. We focus on the simplified problem of manipulating a single particle by generating controlled cyclic motion of a circular rigid body in a two-dimensional perfect fluid. We show that the drift in the particle location after one cyclic motion of the body can be interpreted as the geometric phase of a connection induced by the system's hydrodynamics. We then formulate the problem as a control system, and derive a geometric criterion for its nonlinear controllability. Moreover, by exploiting the geometric structure of the system, we explicitly construct a feedback-based gait that results in attraction of the particle towards the rigid body. We argue that our gait is robust and model-independent, and demonstrate it in both perfect fluid and Stokes fluid

    Ball on a beam: stabilization under saturated input control with large basin of attraction

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    This article is devoted to the stabilization of two underactuated planar systems, the well-known straight beam-and-ball system and an original circular beam-and-ball system. The feedback control for each system is designed, using the Jordan form of its model, linearized near the unstable equilibrium. The limits on the voltage, fed to the motor, are taken into account explicitly. The straight beam-and-ball system has one unstable mode in the motion near the equilibrium point. The proposed control law ensures that the basin of attraction coincides with the controllability domain. The circular beam-and-ball system has two unstable modes near the equilibrium point. Therefore, this device, never considered in the past, is much more difficult to control than the straight beam-and-ball system. The main contribution is to propose a simple new control law, which ensures by adjusting its gain parameters that the basin of attraction arbitrarily can approach the controllability domain for the linear case. For both nonlinear systems, simulation results are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the designed nonlinear control laws and to determine the basin of attraction

    Finite Controllability of Infinite-Dimensional Quantum Systems

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    Quantum phenomena of interest in connection with applications to computation and communication almost always involve generating specific transfers between eigenstates, and their linear superpositions. For some quantum systems, such as spin systems, the quantum evolution equation (the Schr\"{o}dinger equation) is finite-dimensional and old results on controllability of systems defined on on Lie groups and quotient spaces provide most of what is needed insofar as controllability of non-dissipative systems is concerned. However, in an infinite-dimensional setting, controlling the evolution of quantum systems often presents difficulties, both conceptual and technical. In this paper we present a systematic approach to a class of such problems for which it is possible to avoid some of the technical issues. In particular, we analyze controllability for infinite-dimensional bilinear systems under assumptions that make controllability possible using trajectories lying in a nested family of pre-defined subspaces. This result, which we call the Finite Controllability Theorem, provides a set of sufficient conditions for controllability in an infinite-dimensional setting. We consider specific physical systems that are of interest for quantum computing, and provide insights into the types of quantum operations (gates) that may be developed.Comment: This is a much improved version of the paper first submitted to the arxiv in 2006 that has been under review since 2005. A shortened version of this paper has been conditionally accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions in Automatic Control (2009

    Systems control theory applied to natural and synthetic musical sounds

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    Systems control theory is a far developped field which helps to study stability, estimation and control of dynamical systems. The physical behaviour of musical instruments, once described by dynamical systems, can then be controlled and numerically simulated for many purposes. The aim of this paper is twofold: first, to provide the theoretical background on linear system theory, both in continuous and discrete time, mainly in the case of a finite number of degrees of freedom ; second, to give illustrative examples on wind instruments, such as the vocal tract represented as a waveguide, and a sliding flute

    On the Construction of Safe Controllable Regions for Affine Systems with Applications to Robotics

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    This paper studies the problem of constructing in-block controllable (IBC) regions for affine systems. That is, we are concerned with constructing regions in the state space of affine systems such that all the states in the interior of the region are mutually accessible through the region's interior by applying uniformly bounded inputs. We first show that existing results for checking in-block controllability on given polytopic regions cannot be easily extended to address the question of constructing IBC regions. We then explore the geometry of the problem to provide a computationally efficient algorithm for constructing IBC regions. We also prove the soundness of the algorithm. We then use the proposed algorithm to construct safe speed profiles for different robotic systems, including fully-actuated robots, ground robots modeled as unicycles with acceleration limits, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Finally, we present several experimental results on UAVs to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. For instance, we use the proposed algorithm for real-time collision avoidance for UAVs.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, under review for publication in Automatic

    Quantum control of molecular rotation

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    The angular momentum of molecules, or, equivalently, their rotation in three-dimensional space, is ideally suited for quantum control. Molecular angular momentum is naturally quantized, time evolution is governed by a well-known Hamiltonian with only a few accurately known parameters, and transitions between rotational levels can be driven by external fields from various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Control over the rotational motion can be exerted in one-, two- and many-body scenarios, thereby allowing to probe Anderson localization, target stereoselectivity of bimolecular reactions, or encode quantum information, to name just a few examples. The corresponding approaches to quantum control are pursued within separate, and typically disjoint, subfields of physics, including ultrafast science, cold collisions, ultracold gases, quantum information science, and condensed matter physics. It is the purpose of this review to present the various control phenomena, which all rely on the same underlying physics, within a unified framework. To this end, we recall the Hamiltonian for free rotations, assuming the rigid rotor approximation to be valid, and summarize the different ways for a rotor to interact with external electromagnetic fields. These interactions can be exploited for control --- from achieving alignment, orientation, or laser cooling in a one-body framework, steering bimolecular collisions, or realizing a quantum computer or quantum simulator in the many-body setting.Comment: 52 pages, 11 figures, 607 reference
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