3,486 research outputs found

    Control of free-flying space robot manipulator systems

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    New control techniques for self contained, autonomous free flying space robots were developed and tested experimentally. Free flying robots are envisioned as a key element of any successful long term presence in space. These robots must be capable of performing the assembly, maintenance, and inspection, and repair tasks that currently require human extravehicular activity (EVA). A set of research projects were developed and carried out using lab models of satellite robots and a flexible manipulator. The second generation space robot models use air cushion vehicle (ACV) technology to simulate in 2-D the drag free, zero g conditions of space. The current work is divided into 5 major projects: Global Navigation and Control of a Free Floating Robot, Cooperative Manipulation from a Free Flying Robot, Multiple Robot Cooperation, Thrusterless Robotic Locomotion, and Dynamic Payload Manipulation. These projects are examined in detail

    The kinematics of hyper-redundant robot locomotion

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    This paper considers the kinematics of hyper-redundant (or “serpentine”) robot locomotion over uneven solid terrain, and presents algorithms to implement a variety of “gaits”. The analysis and algorithms are based on a continuous backbone curve model which captures the robot's macroscopic geometry. Two classes of gaits, based on stationary waves and traveling waves of mechanism deformation, are introduced for hyper-redundant robots of both constant and variable length. We also illustrate how the locomotion algorithms can be used to plan the manipulation of objects which are grasped in a tentacle-like manner. Several of these gaits and the manipulation algorithm have been implemented on a 30 degree-of-freedom hyper-redundant robot. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate and validate these concepts and our modeling assumptions

    Evolutionary robotics and neuroscience

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    A reconfigurable hybrid wheel-track mobile robot based on Watt II six-bar linkage

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    This paper presents the design and development of a novel reconfigurable hybrid wheel-track mobile robot (RHMBot). This new reconfigurable mobile robot is constructed based on a Watt II six-bar linkage; through structure reconfiguration, it can provide three locomotion modes as wheel mode, tracked mode, and climbing and roll-over mode. Mechanical design of the proposed RHMBot is introduced, and using mechanism decomposition kinematics of the reconfigurable frame is investigated. Locomotion of the robot is then interpreted associated with transformation of the reconfigurable frame. Further, deformation of the deformable track belt is characterized and static analysis of the reconfigurable frame is accomplished. Numerical simulation of the proposed reconfigurable frame is subsequently implemented, integrated with driving-torque associated parametric study, leading to optimization of the structure parameters. Consequently, prototype of the proposed RHMBot is designed and developed; exploiting which a series of field tests are conducted verifying feasibility and manoeuvrability of the proposed multi-locomotion mobile robot

    Distributed Control of Microscopic Robots in Biomedical Applications

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    Current developments in molecular electronics, motors and chemical sensors could enable constructing large numbers of devices able to sense, compute and act in micron-scale environments. Such microscopic machines, of sizes comparable to bacteria, could simultaneously monitor entire populations of cells individually in vivo. This paper reviews plausible capabilities for microscopic robots and the physical constraints due to operation in fluids at low Reynolds number, diffusion-limited sensing and thermal noise from Brownian motion. Simple distributed controls are then presented in the context of prototypical biomedical tasks, which require control decisions on millisecond time scales. The resulting behaviors illustrate trade-offs among speed, accuracy and resource use. A specific example is monitoring for patterns of chemicals in a flowing fluid released at chemically distinctive sites. Information collected from a large number of such devices allows estimating properties of cell-sized chemical sources in a macroscopic volume. The microscopic devices moving with the fluid flow in small blood vessels can detect chemicals released by tissues in response to localized injury or infection. We find the devices can readily discriminate a single cell-sized chemical source from the background chemical concentration, providing high-resolution sensing in both time and space. By contrast, such a source would be difficult to distinguish from background when diluted throughout the blood volume as obtained with a blood sample