192 research outputs found

    Infrastructure-Aided Localization and State Estimation for Autonomous Mobile Robots

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    A slip-aware localization framework is proposed for mobile robots experiencing wheel slip in dynamic environments. The framework fuses infrastructure-aided visual tracking data (via fisheye lenses) and proprioceptive sensory data from a skid-steer mobile robot to enhance accuracy and reduce variance of the estimated states. The slip-aware localization framework includes: the visual thread to detect and track the robot in the stereo image through computationally efficient 3D point cloud generation using a region of interest; and the ego motion thread which uses a slip-aware odometry mechanism to estimate the robot pose utilizing a motion model considering wheel slip. Covariance intersection is used to fuse the pose prediction (using proprioceptive data) and the visual thread, such that the updated estimate remains consistent. As confirmed by experiments on a skid-steer mobile robot, the designed localization framework addresses state estimation challenges for indoor/outdoor autonomous mobile robots which experience high-slip, uneven torque distribution at each wheel (by the motion planner), or occlusion when observed by an infrastructure-mounted camera. The proposed system is real-time capable and scalable to multiple robots and multiple environmental cameras

    Learning to Predict Slip for Ground Robots

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    In this paper we predict the amount of slip an exploration rover would experience using stereo imagery by learning from previous examples of traversing similar terrain. To do that, the information of terrain appearance and geometry regarding some location is correlated to the slip measured by the rover while this location is being traversed. This relationship is learned from previous experience, so slip can be predicted later at a distance from visual information only. The advantages of the approach are: 1) learning from examples allows the system to adapt to unknown terrains rather than using fixed heuristics or predefined rules; 2) the feedback about the observed slip is received from the vehicle's own sensors which can fully automate the process; 3) learning slip from previous experience can replace complex mechanical modeling of vehicle or terrain, which is time consuming and not necessarily feasible. Predicting slip is motivated by the need to assess the risk of getting trapped before entering a particular terrain. For example, a planning algorithm can utilize slip information by taking into consideration that a slippery terrain is costly or hazardous to traverse. A generic nonlinear regression framework is proposed in which the terrain type is determined from appearance and then a nonlinear model of slip is learned for a particular terrain type. In this paper we focus only on the latter problem and provide slip learning and prediction results for terrain types, such as soil, sand, gravel, and asphalt. The slip prediction error achieved is about 15% which is comparable to the measurement errors for slip itself

    Planetary Rover Inertial Navigation Applications: Pseudo Measurements and Wheel Terrain Interactions

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    Accurate localization is a critical component of any robotic system. During planetary missions, these systems are often limited by energy sources and slow spacecraft computers. Using proprioceptive localization (e.g., using an inertial measurement unit and wheel encoders) without external aiding is insufficient for accurate localization. This is mainly due to the integrated and unbounded errors of the inertial navigation solutions and the drifted position information from wheel encoders caused by wheel slippage. For this reason, planetary rovers often utilize exteroceptive (e.g., vision-based) sensors. On the one hand, localization with proprioceptive sensors is straightforward, computationally efficient, and continuous. On the other hand, using exteroceptive sensors for localization slows rover driving speed, reduces rover traversal rate, and these sensors are sensitive to the terrain features. Given the advantages and disadvantages of both methods, this thesis focuses on two objectives. First, improving the proprioceptive localization performance without significant changes to the rover operations. Second, enabling adaptive traversability rate based on the wheel-terrain interactions while keeping the localization reliable. To achieve the first objective, we utilized the zero-velocity, zero-angular rate updates, and non-holonomicity of a rover to improve rover localization performance even with the limited available sensor usage in a computationally efficient way. Pseudo-measurements generated from proprioceptive sensors when the rover is stationary conditions and the non-holonomic constraints while traversing can be utilized to improve the localization performance without any significant changes to the rover operations. Through this work, it is observed that a substantial improvement in localization performance, without the aid of additional exteroceptive sensor information. To achieve the second objective, the relationship between the estimation of localization uncertainty and wheel-terrain interactions through slip-ratio was investigated. This relationship was exposed with a Gaussian process with time series implementation by using the slippage estimation while the rover is moving. Then, it is predicted when to change from moving to stationary conditions by mapping the predicted slippage into localization uncertainty prediction. Instead of a periodic stopping framework, the method introduced in this work is a slip-aware localization method that enables the rover to stop more frequently in high-slip terrains whereas stops rover less frequently for low-slip terrains while keeping the proprioceptive localization reliable

    Localization, Navigation and Activity Planning for Wheeled Agricultural Robots – A Survey

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    Source at:https://fruct.org/publications/volume-32/fruct32/High cost, time intensive work, labor shortages and inefficient strategies have raised the need of employing mobile robotics to fully automate agricultural tasks and fulfil the requirements of precision agriculture. In order to perform an agricultural task, the mobile robot goes through a sequence of sub operations and integration of hardware and software systems. Starting with localization, an agricultural robot uses sensor systems to estimate its current position and orientation in field, employs algorithms to find optimal paths and reach target positions. It then uses techniques and models to perform feature recognition and finally executes the agricultural task through an end effector. This article, compiled through scrutinizing the current literature, is a step-by-step approach of the strategies and ways these sub-operations are performed and integrated together. An analysis has also been done on the limitations in each sub operation, available solutions, and the ongoing research focus

    Fully Proprioceptive Slip-Velocity-Aware State Estimation for Mobile Robots via Invariant Kalman Filtering and Disturbance Observer

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    This paper develops a novel slip estimator using the invariant observer design theory and Disturbance Observer (DOB). The proposed state estimator for mobile robots is fully proprioceptive and combines data from an inertial measurement unit and body velocity within a Right Invariant Extended Kalman Filter (RI-EKF). By embedding the slip velocity into SE3(3)\mathrm{SE}_3(3) Lie group, the developed DOB-based RI-EKF provides real-time accurate velocity and slip velocity estimates on different terrains. Experimental results using a Husky wheeled robot confirm the mathematical derivations and show better performance than a standard RI-EKF baseline. Open source software is available for download and reproducing the presented results.Comment: github repository at https://github.com/UMich-CURLY/slip_detection_DOB. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1805.10410 by other author

    Исследование эффектов проскальзывания при навигации мобильного робота при движении по неоднородным поверхностям

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    В работе представлено исследование проскальзывания колёс мобильного робота в задаче навигации при движении по неоднородной поверхности. Были проведены эксперименты по получению данных о движении робота по поверхностям с различным свойствами. На основе экспериментальных данных были построены модели зависимости коэффициента проскальзывания колеса от тока двигателя с учётом нормированной угловой скорости колёс. Для фильтрации шумов в измерениях тока двигателей был настроен фильтр Калмана. В заключении была проведена апробация работы системы оценки проскальзывания колёс мобильного робота.This paper presents a study of the wheel slippage of a mobile robot in a navigation problem while moving on a heterogeneous surface. Experiments were carried out to obtain data on the motion of the robot on surfaces with different properties. Models of the relationship between wheel slippage and motor current, taking into account the normalized angular velocity of the wheels, were constructed based on the experimental data. A Kalman filter was tuned to filter the noise in the motor current measurements. Finally, the wheel slippage estimation system of the mobile robot was tested