11 research outputs found

    Dynamic Control of a Novel Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with a Large Wrench Feasible Workspace

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    Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) are special manipulators where rigid links are replaced with cables. The use of cables offers several advantages over the conventional rigid manipulators, one of the most interesting being their ability to cover large workspaces since cables are easily winded. However, this workspace coverage has its limitations due to the maximum permissible cable tensions, i.e., tension limitations cause a decrease in the Wrench Feasible Workspace (WFW) of these robots. To solve this issue, a novel design based in the addition of passive carriages to the robot frame of three degrees-of-freedom (3DOF) fully-constrained CDPRs is used. The novelty of the design allows reducing the variation in the cable directions and forces increasing the robot WFW; nevertheless, it presents a low stiffness along the x direction. This paper presents the dynamic model of the novel proposal together with a new dynamic control technique, which rejects the vibrations caused by the stiffness loss while ensuring an accurate trajectory tracking. The simulation results show that the controlled system presents a larger WFW than the conventional scheme of the CDPR, maintaining a good performance in the trajectory tracking of the end-effector. The novel proposal presented here can be applied in multiple planar applications

    Design of a portable observatory control system

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    In this thesis, we synthesize the development of a new concept of operation of small robotic telescopes operated over the Internet. Our design includes a set of improvements in control algorithmic and hardware of several critical points of the list of subsystems necessary to obtain suitable data from a telescope. We can synthesize the principal contributions of this thesis into five independent innovations: - An advanced drive closed-loop control: We designed an innovative hardware and software solution for controlling a telescope position at high precision and high robustness. - A complete Telescope Control System (TCS): We implemented a light and portable software using advanced astronomical algorithms libraries for optimally compute in real-time the telescope positioning. This software also provides a new multiple simultaneous pointing models system using state machines which allows reaching higher pointing precision and longer exposure times with external guiding telescopes. - A distributed software architecture (CoolObs): CoolObs is the implementation of a ZeroC-ICE framework allowing the control, interaction, and communication of all the peripherals present in an astronomical observatory. - A patented system for dynamic collimation of optics: SAPACAN is a mechanical parallel arrangement and its associated software used for active compensation of low-frequency aberration variations in small telescopes. - Collimation estimation algorithms: A sensor-less AO algorithm have been applied by the analysis of images obtained with the field camera. This algorithm can detect effects of lousy collimation. The measured misalignments can later feed corrections to a device like SAPACAN. Due to the constant presence of new technologies in the field of astronomy, it had been one of the first fields to introduce material which was not democratized at this time such as Coupled Charged Devices, internet, adaptive optics, remote and robotic control of devices. However, every time one of these new technologies was included in the field it was necessary to design software protocol according to the epoch’s state of the art software. Then with the democratization of the same devices, years after the definition of their protocols, the same communication rules tend to be used to keep backward compatibility with old - and progressively unused- devices. When using lots of cumulated software knowledge such as with robotic observing, we can dig in several nonsenses in the commonly used architectures due to the previously explained reasons. The described situation is the reason why we will propose as follows a new concept of considering an observatory as an entity and not a separated list of independent peripherals. We will describe the application of this concept in the field or robotic telescopes and implement it in various completely different examples to show its versatility and robustness. First of all, we will give a short introduction of the astronomical concepts which will be used all along the document, in a second part, we will expose a state of the art of the current solutions used in the different subsystems of an observing facility and explain why they fail in being used in small telescopes. The principal section will be dedicated to detail and explain each of the five innovations enumerated previously, and finally, we will present the fabrication and integration of these solutions. We will show here how the joint use of all of them allowed obtaining satisfactory outstanding results in the robotic use of a new prototype and on the adaptation on several existing refurbished telescopes. Finally, we dedicate the last chapter of this thesis to resuming the conclusions of our work.En esta tesis, presentamos el desarrollo de un nuevo concepto de operación de telescopio robótica operados a través de Internet. Nuestro diseño incluye un conjunto de mejoras de los algoritmos de control y hardware de varios puntos críticos de la lista de subsistemas necesarios para obtener datos de calidad científica con un telescopio. Podemos sintetizar las principales contribuciones de esta tesis en cinco innovaciones independientes: - Un control de motor avanzado en bucle cerrado: Diseñamos un hardware y software innovadores para controlar la posición y movimiento fino de un telescopio con alta precisión y alta robustez. - Un software de control de telescopio (TCS) integrado: Implementamos un software ligero y portátil que ocupa bibliotecas de algoritmos astronómicos avanzados para calcular de manera óptima y en tiempo real la posición teórica del telescopio. Este software también proporciona un software innovador de modelo de pointing múltiples simultáneos. Esto permite alcanzar una mayor precisión de seguimiento y así ocupar tiempos de integración más importante ocupando un telescopio de guía mecánicamente apartado al telescopio principal. - Una arquitectura de software distribuido (CoolObs): CoolObs es una implementación de software ocupando la plataforma de desarrollo ZeroC-ICE la cual permite el control, la interacción y la comunicación de todos los periféricos presentes en un observatorio astronómico. - Un sistema patentado para la colimación dinámica de la óptica: SAPACAN es un sistema mecánico de movimiento paralelo y su software asociado. Se puede ocupar para compensar activamente las aberraciones ópticas de bajo orden en pequeños telescopios. - Algoritmos de estimación de colimación: Se desarrolló un algoritmo de óptica adaptiva sin sensor en base al análisis de imágenes obtenidas con una cámara cerca del plano focal del telescopio. Este algoritmo puede detectar efectos de mala colimación de las ópticas. Los desajustes, una vez medidos, pueden posteriormente ser aplicados como correcciones a un dispositivo como SAPACAN. Astronomía es un terreno propicio al desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y, debido a esto, los protocolos de comunicación entre periféricos pueden ser obsoletos porque se han escritos en etapas tempranas de existencia de estas nuevas tecnologías. Las mejoras se han hecho de a poco para mantener la compatibilidad de los sistemas ya existentes, ocupando un planteamiento general de la problemática de control de telescopios robóticos, proponemos un nuevo concepto de observatorio robótico visto como una entidad y no una lista de periféricos independientes. A lo largo de esta tesis, describiremos la aplicación de este concepto en el campo de telescopios robóticos e implementarlo en varios sistemas independientes y variados para mostrar la versatilidad y robustez de la propuesta.Postprint (published version

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    Redundant Hybrid Cable-Driven Robots: Modeling, Control, and Analysis

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    Serial and Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) are two types of robots that are widely used in industrial applications. Usually, the former offers high position accuracy at the cost of high motion inertia and small workspace envelope. The latter has a large workspace, low motion inertia, and high motion accelerations, but low accuracy. In this thesis, redundant Hybrid Cable-Driven Robots (HCDRs) are proposed to harness the strengths and benefits of serial and CDPRs. Although the study has been directed at warehousing applications, the developed techniques are general and can be applied to other applications. The main goal of this research is to develop integrated control systems to reduce vibrations and improve the position accuracy of HCDRs. For the proposed HCDRs, the research includes system modeling, redundancy resolution, optimization problem formulation, integrated control system development, and simulation and experimental validation. In this thesis, first, a generalized HCDR is proposed for the step-by-step derivation of a generic model, and it can be easily extended to any HCDRs. Then, based on an in-plane configuration, three types of control architecture are proposed to reduce vibrations and improve the position accuracy of HCDR. Their performance is evaluated using several well-designed case studies. Furthermore, a stiffness optimization algorithm is developed to overcome the limitations of existing approaches. Decoupled system modeling is studied to reduce the complexity of HCDRs. Control design, simulations, and experiments are developed to validate the models and control strategies. Additionally, state estimation algorithms are proposed to overcome the inaccurate limitation of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Based on these state observers, experiments are conducted in different cases to evaluate the control performance. An Underactuated Mobile Manipulator (UMM) is proposed to address the tracking and vibration- and balance-control problems. Out-of-plane system modeling, disturbance analysis, and model validation are also investigated. Besides, a simple but effective strategy is developed to solve the equilibrium point and balancing problem. Based on the dynamic model, two control architectures are proposed. Compared to other Model Predictive Control (MPC)-based control strategies, the proposed controllers require less effort to implement in practice. Simulations and experiments are also conducted to evaluate the model and control performance. Finally, redundancy resolution and disturbance rejection via torque optimization in HCDRs are proposed: joint-space Torque Optimization for Actuated Joints (TOAJ) and joint-space Torque Optimization for Actuated and Unactuated Joints (TOAUJ). Compared to TOAJ, TOAUJ can solve the redundancy resolution problem as well as disturbance rejection. The algorithms are evaluated using a Three-Dimensional (3D) coupled HCDR and can also be extended to other HCDRs

    Integrated Trajectory-Tracking and Vibration Control of Kinematically-Constrained Warehousing Cable Robots

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    With the explosion of e-commerce in recent years, there is a strong desire for automated material handling solutions including warehousing robots. Cable driven parallel robots (CDPRs) are a relatively new concept which has yet to be explored for high-speed pick-&-place applications in the industry. Compared to rigid-link parallel robots, a CDPR possesses significant advantages including: large workspace, low moving inertia, high-speed motion, low power consumption, and incurring minimal maintenance cost. On the other hand, the main disadvantages of the CDPRs are the cable’s unilateral force exerting capability and low rigidity which is resulting in undesired vibrations of their moving platform. Kinematically-constrained CDPRs (KC-CDPRs) include a special class of CDPRs which provide a considerably higher level of stiffness in undesired degrees of freedom (DOFs) via connecting a set of constrained cables to the same actuator. Nevertheless, undesired vibrations of the moving platform are still their main problem which request more attention and investigation. Dynamic modeling, stiffness optimization, vibration and trajectory-tracking control, and stiffness-based trajectory-planning of redundant KC-CDPRs are studied in this thesis. As a new technique, we separate the moving platform’s vibration equations from its desired (nominal) equations of motion. The obtained vibration model forms a linear parametric variable (LPV) dynamic system which is based for the following contributions: 1) Proposing a new tension optimization approach to minimize undesired perturbations under external disturbances in a desired direction; and demonstrating the effectiveness of kinematically-constrained actuation method in vibration attenuation of CDPRs in undesired DOFs. 2) Providing the opportunity of using a wide class of well-established robust and optimal LPV-based control methods, such as H∞ control techniques, for trajectory-tracking control of CDPRs to minimize the effect of disturbances on the robot operation; and showing the effectiveness of kinematically-constrained actuation method in control design simplification of such robots. 3) Proposing the concept of stiffness-based trajectory-planning to find the stiffness-optimum geometry of trajectories for KC-CDPRs; and designing a time-optimal zero-to-zero continuous-jerk motion to track such trajectories. All the proposed concepts are developed for a generic KC-CDPR and verified via numerical analysis and experimental tests of a real planar warehousing KC-CDPR

    Robot Manipulators

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    Robot manipulators are developing more in the direction of industrial robots than of human workers. Recently, the applications of robot manipulators are spreading their focus, for example Da Vinci as a medical robot, ASIMO as a humanoid robot and so on. There are many research topics within the field of robot manipulators, e.g. motion planning, cooperation with a human, and fusion with external sensors like vision, haptic and force, etc. Moreover, these include both technical problems in the industry and theoretical problems in the academic fields. This book is a collection of papers presenting the latest research issues from around the world

    Engineering for a changing world: 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, Technische Universität Ilmenau, September 04-08, 2023 : programme

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    In 2023, the Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium is once more organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The title of this year’s conference “Engineering for a Changing World” refers to limited natural resources of our planet, to massive changes in cooperation between continents, countries, institutions and people – enabled by the increased implementation of information technology as the probably most dominant driver in many fields. The Colloquium, supplemented by workshops, is characterised but not limited to the following topics: – Precision engineering and measurement technology Nanofabrication – Industry 4.0 and digitalisation in mechanical engineering – Mechatronics, biomechatronics and mechanism technology – Systems engineering – Productive teaming - Human-machine collaboration in the production environment The topics are oriented on key strategic aspects of research and teaching in Mechanical Engineering at our university

    Développement d'un mécanisme parallèle entraîné par câbles utilisé comme interface à retour haptique visant la réadaptation physique en environnement immersif

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    Les robots parallèles à câbles sont de plus en plus utilisés et étudiés, particulièrement dans le domaine de la recherche. Une des applications d'intérêts est leur usage en tant qu'interface haptique. Leur grand espace de travail et leur faible inertie en font de bons candidats pour en faire des interfaces de taille humaine. Une des applications intéressantes serait d'utiliser ce type d'interfaces dans le domaine de la santé, plus spécifiquement en réadaptation physique. Comme ces interfaces sont capables de reproduire des efforts à l'utilisateur, celles-ci peuvent être utilisées pour faire travailler les muscles. C'est dans cette optique que les recherches rapportées dans cette thèse ont été accomplies. Cette thèse présente donc premièrement des avancées plus générales aux mécanismes parallèles à câbles permettant leur utilisation en tant qu'interface haptique, pour ensuite se spécialiser dans la création d'un prototype d'interface haptique entraîné par câble combiné à un retour visuel immersif comme un casque de réalité virtuelle par exemple. La thèse se termine avec l'évaluation préliminaire du prototype développé qui est installé dans un centre de recherche en réadaptation physique et qui, dans un avenir rapproché, pourra servir à l'avancement de la recherche dans le domaine de la réadaptation physique.Cable driven parallel robots are studied and used more every day, especially in the research community. One interesting application is their use as haptic interfaces. Their big workspace and relatively low inertia makes them great candidates for human scale interfaces. One application of haptic interfaces of this scale is in health and physical readaptation. Since those interfaces are able to render forces, they can be used to train or evaluate physical capabilities. Research presented in this thesis aims at furthering knowledge in this domain. Some more general advances needed to make cable driven parallel mechanisms suitable haptic interfaces are presented first and then more specific developments toward the creation of a prototype haptic interface combined with a visual feedback are presented. The thesis ends with preliminary studies on the developed prototype installed in a research facility on physical readaptation