37,965 research outputs found

    Penentuan Critical Control Point (Ccp ) dan Pemantauan (Monitoring) pada Sistem Manajemen Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (Studi Kasus Industri Makanan PT X)

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    Sistem manajemen Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point adalah sistem jaminan keamanan pangan Internasional yang didasarkan pada tindakan pencegahan. Tahapan penting dari sistem ini adalah penetuanCritical Control Point dan Sistem Pemantauan (Monitoring). Dengan mengetahui CCP dapat sedini mungkin mengatasi masalah yang akan merugikan industri dan pada akhirnya juga mengatasi kerugian pada konsumen. Sedangkan pemanatauan ( monitoring) mencakup apa yang harus diuji, metode pengujian, tempat pengujian, waktu pengujian dan hasil pengujian. Metode untuk menentukan CCP dan pemantauan berdasarkan Codex Alimentarius Commission GL/32. Contoh kasus untuk penentuan CCP dan motoring pada makalah ini di PT. X, Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri makanan (margarine). dengan bahan baku utamanya yaitu Crude Palm Oil (CPO). Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data diperoleh 4 (empat) Crtical Control Point (CCP) yaitu : 1).Proses menyaring minyak dengan menggunakan filter bag berukuran 5 micron, 2). penimbangan air, ingredients dan garam, 3). Proses menyaring minyak dengan menggunakan wiremes 100 mesh, 4). Tub/kaleng filling atau pengisian kaleng/bak plastik. CCP tersebut ditindaklanjuti dengan menetapkan batas kritis pada tahapan proses yang termasuk CCP. Setiap CCP ini memiliki prosedur pemantuan (monitoring) yang berbed

    Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Sebagai Model Kendali Dan Penjaminan Mutu Produksi Pangan

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    This research is basically based on the premise that food security especially in the field of pastry making into something very important. The purpose of this study are: 1) to analyze important stages in the processing of pastry to ensure the quality of pastry; 2) Evaluate how the supervision and quality control in the processing of pastry, and 3) evaluate the basic feasibility and level of implementation of HACCP Processing Unit pastry. This research use descriptive method. In collecting observations and interviews. The results give an idea as follows: 1) The stages in the processing Pastry has adopted 7 principles of HACCP; 2) Supervision and quality control in the manufacture of pastry is in compliance with the HACCP concept, 3) the basic feasibility and level of implementation of HACCP in the processing of consecutive Pastry as follows: good, good and excellent

    Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (Haccp) Pada Pengelolaan Makanan Pasien Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Islam Lumajang

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    Nutrition unit at hospital has to supply secure and nutritious food to serve hospitalized patient. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a preventive system of food control aimed at food safety assurance. The objective of this research was to study the management of food at Lumajang Islamic Hospital patient and designing HACCP at nutrition unit for hospitalized patient. This was a descriptive observational research with cross sectional approach. The result showed there were 4 type hazards identified in management of patient food that were physical, biological, chemical, relevant condition of nutritious and formulation hazards. There were 8 Critical Control Points (CCP) identified and critical limits determined in each CCP pursuant to temperature critical parameter, time, summed up E. coli, and organoleptic. Monitoring procedure was also conducted i.e temperature time of cooking and saving the food using thermometer and stopwatch. As a conclusion, 7 principles of HACCP can be applied by nutrition unit at management of patient food but previously needs an applying the prerequisite like Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) or Sanitation Standart Operating Procedure (SSOP) to carry HACCP system. Nutrition unit can apply it gradually but need personal skill also commitment of hospital management to give food safety to the patient. Keywords : HACCP, Management of food patien

    The MSS control point location error filter for LANDSAT-D

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    The filter produces the maximum likelihood estimates for average values of the spacecraft position and attitude errors during a single scene. The quality of the filter performance is characterized by the maximal cross and along track residual errors for which probability distributions can be calculated analytically for a given pattern of control points. The filter with an automatic selection of the best set of estimates provides geodetic correction at 90% of pixels with residual errors less than 40 m for four or more control points and the mean squared measurement errors of the order of 20-25 m. The same accuracy can be preserved for eight or more control points and measurement errors of 30-35 m

    Implementation of control point form of algebraic grid-generation technique

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    The control point form (CPF) provides explicit control of physical grid shape and grid spacing through the movement of the control points. The control point array, called a control net, is a space grid type arrangement of locations in physical space with an index for each direction. As an algebraic method CPF is efficient and works well with interactive computer graphics. A family of menu-driven, interactive grid-generation computer codes (TURBO) is being developed by using CPF. Key features of TurboI (a TURBO member) are discussed and typical results are presented. TurboI runs on any IRIS 4D series workstation