5 research outputs found

    Investigation of Grid-Connected and Islanded Direct Matrix Converter for Renewable Microgrid Applications with Model Predictive Control

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    © 2018 IEEE. The direct matrix converter has been proposed for many potential applications. However, it remains unexplored within the context of microgrids and distributed generation. This paper investigates the application of the direct matrix converter to these areas. Both the grid-connected and islanded operation modes are explored. Model predictive control is employed to achieve flexible active and reactive power regulation in the grid-connected mode, and stable sinusoidal voltage control in the islanded mode. It is also used to achieve grid voltage synchronization prior to grid connection. Simulation and experimental results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the direct matrix converter when used in grid-connected and islanded microgrids. When used in the matrix converter-connected microgrid, model predictive control is effective in regulating the voltage and the power exchange with the grid

    Predictive Voltage Control of Direct Matrix Converters with Improved Output Voltage for Renewable Distributed Generation

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    © 2013 IEEE. This paper proposes a predictive voltage control strategy for a direct matrix converter used in a renewable energy distributed generation (DG) system. A direct matrix converter with LC filters is controlled in order to work as a stable voltage supply for loads. This is especially relevant for the stand-alone operation of a renewable DG where a stable sinusoidal voltage, with desired amplitude and frequency under various load conditions, is the main control objective. The model predictive control is employed to regulate the matrix converter so that it produces stable sinusoidal voltages for different loads. With predictive control, many other control objectives, e.g., input power factor, common-mode voltage, and switching frequency, can be achieved depending on the application. To reduce the number of required measurements and sensors, this paper utilizes observers and makes the use of the switch matrices. In addition, the voltage transfer ratio can be improved with the proposed strategy. The controller is tested under various conditions including intermittent disturbance, nonlinear loads, and unbalanced loads. The proposed controller is effective, simple, and easy to implement. The simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme and control strategy. This proposed scheme can be potentially used in microgrid applications

    A controller for the three-phase to three-phase matrix converter and for the voltage source three-phase inverter without DC-link capacitor

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    Voltage source three-phase inverter plays an important role in modern industry. The conventional voltage source inverter has a large electrolytic capacitor as energy store element in order to keep the DC-link voltage constant. However, a large electrolytic capacitor increases the input current distortion. Replacing the large electrolytic capacitor by a small film capacitor, the input current quality is improved but the DC-link voltage and the output currents are distorted by low order harmonic components. The three phase to three phase matrix converter performs electric energy direct transfer from the input to the output with sinusoidal input current although the distortion and the unbalance of the input voltages affects directly the output of the matrix converter. This paper proposes a load current control method to the matrix converter and also to the voltage source inverter in absence of the dc-link capacitor in order to compensate the distortion caused by low order harmonics components in the output currents. The proposed load current control scheme employs just one PI controller and since that the space vector modulation is used in this control, the switching frequency of the converter is kept constant. Theorical foundation, simulations results and experimental results are presented.Com o avanço da tecnologia dos dispositivos semicondutores de potência os inversores de frequência atuam de forma importante em toda indústria. O inversor de frequência convencional contém elementos armazenadores de energia no seu elo de corrente contínua. Estes elementos armazenadores de energia são capacitores eletrolíticos e possibilitam manter a tensão do elo de corrente contínua constante. Entretanto, quanto maior sua capacitância maior é a distorção da corrente de entrada. Com a substituição do banco de capacitores eletrolíticos por um capacitor de filme, diminui-se a distorção nas correntes de entrada, porém distorções indesejadas aparecem na tensão do elo de corrente contínua e também nas correntes de saída. Estas distorções são compostas por componentes harmônicas de baixas frequências. O conversor em matriz trifásico-trifásico por sua vez, possibilita a transferência direta de energia da entrada (rede) diretamente para a saída (carga) sem a necessidade de elementos armazenadores de energia como acontece no inversor de frequência. Entretando o desbalanceamento das tensões da entrada afetam diretamente a forma de onda das tensões da saída. Dessa maneira, este trabalho propõe um método de controle de corrente do conversor em matriz e do inversor de frequência sem banco de capacitores do elo de corrente contínua com objetivo de compensar o desbalanceamento das tensões de saída do conversor em matriz e compensar também as componentes harmônicas de baixa frequência que aparecem nas correntes de saída do inversor de frequência. O método proposto utiliza um controlador do tipo PI e modulação por vetores espaciais para que a frequência de acionamento das chaves dos conversores seja constante.534545Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Méthode unifiée de simulation et de conception des convertisseurs de puissance

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    Le développement des convertisseurs de puissance à haute fréquence est en plein essor grâce à l'émergence des technologies vertes telles que les véhicules hybrides et les énergies renouvelables. Ces nouvelles technologies allient l'efficacité des machines électriques à la puissance brute des moteurs thermiques. Les convertisseurs de puissance qui contrôlent ces machines sont des technologies embarquées qui doivent posséder un rendement élevé ainsi qu'une très grande fiabilité. En plus des applications terrestres, les convertisseurs embarqués se retrouvent maintenant dans l'industrie de l'aéronautique et de l'aérospatiale. En ce sens, leur fiabilité et leur rendement deviennent plus que jamais des caractéristiques recherchées. Encore aujourd'hui, le développement d'un convertisseur de puissance demeure une science qualitative. Malgré le fait que plusieurs techniques de commande soient disponibles pour augmenter la stabilité des convertisseurs, il n'existe pas beaucoup de règles systématiques pour la conception physique de l'unité. La plupart du temps, la disposition des composants physiques du convertisseur est réalisée artistiquement sur la plaquette de circuit imprimé aux endroits les plus commodes. Ce manque de rigueur au niveau des problèmes d'interférences électromagnétiques n'est pas tellement surprenant, car l'analyse de ce type de problème est complexe et coûteuse. Souvent, l'espoir de résolution de ce type de problème passe par la conception de plusieurs générations de plaquette de circuit imprimé. En regard à cette problématique, le but de cette thèse est de fournir des outils simples et validés expérimentalement permettant aux concepteurs des circuits imprimés de régler les problèmes de fiabilité à la base lors de la conception de la plaquette. Plusieurs solutions sont exposées concernant 1' orientation du champ magnétique, 1' identification des éléments parasites, la modélisation des semi-conducteurs de puissance et la modélisation électromagnétique des convertisseurs

    A Controller For The Three-phase To Three-phase Matrix Converter And For The Voltage Source Three-phase Inverter Without Dc-link Capacitor [um Controlador De Corrente De Carga Para O Conversor Em Matriz Trifásico Para Trifásico E Para O Inversor De Frequência Sem Capacitor Do Elo De Corrente Contínua]

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    Voltage source three-phase inverter plays an important role in modern industry. The conventional voltage source inverter has a large electrolytic capacitor as energy store element in order to keep the DC-link voltage constant. However, a large electrolytic capacitor increases the input current distortion. Replacing the large electrolytic capacitor by a small film capacitor, the input current quality is improved but the DC-link voltage and the output currents are distorted by low order harmonic components. The three phase to three phase matrix converter performs electric energy direct transfer from the input to the output with sinusoidal input current although the distortion and the unbalance of the input voltages affects directly the output of the matrix converter. This paper proposes a load current control method to the matrix converter and also to the voltage source inverter in absence of the dc-link capacitor in order to compensate the distortion caused by low order harmonics components in the output currents. The proposed load current control scheme employs just one PI controller and since that the space vector modulation is used in this control, the switching frequency of the converter is kept constant. Theorical foundation, simulations results and experimental results are presented.215534545Accioly, A.G.H., Lima, V.N., Bradaschia, F., Neves, F.A.S., Cavalcanti, M.C., Neto, A.S., Scalar pulse width modulation strategies for matrix converters (2007) Eletrônica de Potência, 12 (1), pp. 53-61Basilio, C., Matos, S.R., Design of pi and pid controllers with transient performance specification (2002) IEEE Trans. on Education, 45 (4), pp. 364-370Blaabjerg, F., Teodorescu, R., Liserre, M., Timbus, A.V., Overview of control and grid synchronization for distributed power generation systems (2006) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 53 (5), pp. 1398-1409. , DOI 10.1109/TIE.2006.881997Casadei, D., Serra, G., Tani, A., Reduction of the input current harmonic content in matrix converters under input/output unbalance (1998) IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 45 (3), pp. 401-410Casadei, D., Serra, G., Tani, A., Zarri, L., Optimal use of zero vectors for minimizing the output current distortion in matrix converters (2009) IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 56 (2), pp. 326-336Chen, X., Kazerani, M., Space vector modulation control of na ac-dc-ac converter with a front-end diode rectifier and reduced dc-link capacitor (2006) IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, 21 (5), pp. 1470-1478Choi, J.W., Sul, S.K., New current control concept - Minimum time current control in the three-phse pwm converter (1997) IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, 12 (1), pp. 124-131Enjeti, P.N., Shireen, W., A new technique to reject dc-link voltage ripple for inverters operating on programmed pwm waveforms (1992) IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, 7 (1), pp. 171-180Holtz, J., Scalar pulse width modulation strategies for matrix converters (1992) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 39 (5), pp. 410-420Hubber, L., Borojevic, D., Space vector modulated three-phase to three-phase matrix converter with input power factor correction (1995) IEEE Trans. on Industry Appl., 31 (6), pp. 1234-1246Data Sheet, International Rectifier, , IRAMS10UP60A n. dJouanne, A.V., Enjeti, P.N., Banerjee, B., Assessment of ride-through alternatives for adjustable-speed drives (1999) IEEE Trans. on Ind. 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