2 research outputs found

    Contribution of Augmented Reality Solutions to Assist Visually Impaired People in Their Mobility.

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    International audienceNowadays, the difficulties faced by visually impaired in their everyday life are not yet well identified. Representative patients have been questioned during an immersion study in a re-adaptation clinic. During experiments and interviews, we have analyzed how professionals assist their patients to learn, to adapt their technics, or yet to interpret the surroundings. This is essential to be connected to the ground truth of such augmented reality devices. Objectively, without any objective study coupled with interactions with professionals who prescribe aids for visually impaired, none augmented reality eyewear solution can be developed in a mobility context. And taking advantage of the progress of new embedded systems, augmented reality eyewear solution should be helpful for elderly and visually impaired people. First experiments and results demonstrate the interest to progress in this direction for helpful solutions adapted and easily adaptable according to the diseases of patients in their mobility

    Dise帽o e implementaci贸n de un laboratorio destinado a la validaci贸n clinica de ayudas para la percepci贸n y movilidad en pacientes con limitaci贸n de campo perif茅rico

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    Tesi sotmesa a condicions de confidencialitat, publiquem la versi贸 encriptada.People with peripheral visual field loss perceive limited information about the environment and present severe problems in achieving successful orientation and mobility. In recent years, virtual and augmented reality systems have been incorporated with the aim of taking advantage of the performance of new technologies to improve people's quality of life, and the need to design and propose an evaluation system to assess them has arisen. The aim of this work is to design and build a laboratory (MoviLab) that allows the systematic and objective analysis of visual skills, as well as the effect of interventions aimed at improving mobility skills in patients suffering visual impairment with peripheral field defect. To this end, two areas of work have been identified. On the one hand, the creation of a visual skills assessment system and, on the other, a mobility assessment system. To assess the visual skills, a computer system has been designed and implemented (Movilab software and auxiliary devices), which allows adapting the tests to the patient's visual capacity and facilitates the recording of the results. This computer system makes it possible to include in clinical practice aspects that are generally under-evaluated in this patient profile, such as glare, visual search and certain areas of visual perception. For the evaluation of mobility, a physical space has been designed and implemented, equipped with a video recording system and control of lighting conditions, where safe itineraries in which obstacles are placed, without danger, and which represent the real problem can be carried out. The laboratory makes it possible to detect variations in the walking speed of patients if the lighting or obstacles are modified. The main result of this thesis is the MoviLab laboratory as a whole, which is now a UPC asset included in the catalogue of external scientific-technical services, in the Healthtech area. MoviLab will allow the promotion of R&D in the field of systematic and objective analysis of visual skills, as well as the effect of interventions aimed at improving mobility skills in patients suffering visual impairment. Normality reference values have been obtained for the new assessment tests. These values allow the comparison of results with those of special populations. A model report has been created which includes the parameters of visual impairment mentioned in the BOE. This report has been very well accepted by patients and professionals such as the ophthalmologists who treat them. A validation study of the laboratory and mobility itineraries has been carried out on a sample of healthy observers, whose visual field is reduced with simulation glasses, and on a sample of patients with peripheral field defect. The results have confirmed its sensitivity to detect variations in walking speed and it is therefore considered validated to evaluate mobility aids. The effect of two mobility aids aimed at improving mobility skills in patients suffering peripheral field defect has been analyzed and the importance of carrying out this type of study in two phases, the pre-clinical phase and the clinical phase, has been demonstrated. The following protocols have been proposed: - Visual skills assessment protocol for patients suffering visual impairment with peripheral field defect. - Mobility assessment protocol.Les persones amb p猫rdua de camp visual perif猫ric perceben una informaci贸 limitada sobre l鈥檈ntorn i presenten una problem脿tica accentuada per aconseguir una orientaci贸 i mobilitat exitosa. En els 煤ltims anys, s鈥檈stan incorporant sistemes de realitat virtual i augmentada amb l鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檃profitar les prestacions de les noves tecnologies per millorar la qualitat de vida de les persones i sorgeix la necessitat de dissenyar i proposar un sistema d鈥檃valuaci贸 que permeti valorar-les. L鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檃quest treball 茅s dissenyar i construir un laboratori (MoviLab) que permeti l鈥檃n脿lisi sistem脿tica i objectiva de les habilitats visuals, aix铆 com, l鈥檈fecte de les intervencions dirigides a la millora de les habilitats de mobilitat en pacients afectats de discapacitat visual amb limitaci贸 en el camp visual perif猫ric. S鈥檋an detectat dues 脿rees de treball: la creaci贸 d鈥檜n sistema d鈥檃valuaci贸 de les habilitats visuals i d鈥檜n sistema d鈥檃valuaci贸 de la mobilitat. Per a l鈥檃valuaci贸 de les habilitats s鈥檋a dissenyat i implementat un sistema inform脿tic (programa Movilab i dispositius auxiliars) que permet adaptar les proves a la capacitat visual del pacient i facilita el registre dels resultats. Aquest sistema inform脿tic permet incloure en la pr脿ctica cl铆nica aspectes en general poc avaluats en aquest perfil de pacients com s贸n l鈥檈nlluernament, la cerca visual i determinades 脿rees de la percepci贸 visual. Per a l鈥檃valuaci贸 de la mobilitat, s鈥檋a dissenyat i implementat un espai f铆sic dotat d鈥檜n sistema de registre de v铆deo i control de les condicions d鈥檌l路luminaci贸, on es puguin realitzar itineraris segurs en qu猫 es col路loquen obstacles, que no tenen perillositat, i que representen la problem脿tica real. El laboratori permet detectar variacions en la velocitat de marxa dels pacients si es modifica la il路luminaci贸 o els obstacles. El resultat principal d鈥檃questa tesi 茅s el laboratori MoviLab en el seu conjunt, que 茅s ara un actiu de la UPC incl貌s en el cat脿leg de serveis cient铆fic-t猫cnics externs, a l鈥櫭爎ea de Healthtech. MoviLab permetr脿 impulsar l鈥橰+D en l鈥櫭爉bit de l鈥檃n脿lisi sistem脿tica i objectiva de les habilitats visuals, aix铆 com, de l鈥檈fecte de les intervencions dirigides a la millora de les habilitats de mobilitat en pacients afectats de discapacitat visual. S鈥檋an obtingut valors de refer猫ncia de normalitat de les noves proves d鈥檃valuaci贸. Aquests valors permeten la comparaci贸 de resultats respecte als resultats de poblacions especials. S鈥檋a creat un informe model que inclou els par脿metres de discapacitat visual mencionats en el BOE. Aquest informe ha tingut molt bona acceptaci贸 per part dels pacients i professionals com s贸n els oftalm貌legs que els tracten. S鈥檋a realitzat un estudi de validaci贸 del laboratori i itineraris de mobilitat en una mostra d鈥檕bservadors sans als quals es redueix el camp visual amb unes ulleres de simulaci贸 i en una mostra de pacients amb limitaci贸 de camp perif猫ric i els resultats han confirmat la seva sensibilitat per detectar variacions en la velocitat de marxa pel que es considera validat per avaluar ajudes a la mobilitat. S鈥檋a analitzat l鈥檈fecte de dues ajudes dirigides a la millora de les habilitats de mobilitat en pacients afectats de limitaci贸 de camp perif猫ric i s鈥檋a demostrat la import脿ncia de realitzar aquest tipus d鈥檈studis en dues fases, la fase precl铆nica i la fase cl铆nica. S鈥檋an proposat els seg眉ents protocols: -Protocol d鈥檃valuaci贸 de les habilitats visuals per a pacients afectats de discapacitat visual amb disminuci贸 del camp visual perif猫ric. -Protocol de valoraci贸 de la mobilitat.Postprint (published version