30 research outputs found

    Grid service orchestration using the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

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    Modern scientific applications often need to be distributed across grids. Increasingly applications rely on services, such as job submission, data transfer or data portal services. We refer to such services as grid services. While the invocation of grid services could be hard coded in theory, scientific users want to orchestrate service invocations more flexibly. In enterprise applications, the orchestration of web services is achieved using emerging orchestration standards, most notably the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). We describe our experience in orchestrating scientific workflows using BPEL. We have gained this experience during an extensive case study that orchestrates grid services for the automation of a polymorph prediction application

    Editor gráfico multiplataforma para modelar redes de recurso

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    Las tecnologías de comunicaciones y redes están avanzando en forma drástica, afectando directamente a organizaciones, grupos, comunidades y sociedades. Muchas actividades que en el pasado han requerido la presencia física y la interacción directa entre los participantes pueden ser hoy realizadas en forma distribuida con la ayuda de las tecnologías avanzadas de la información. En este trabajo se describen algunas de estas tecnologías como son los Trabajos Cooperativos Soportados por Computadoras, se describe brevemente el proyecto que se esta llevando adelante en nuestra universidad y las características relevadas para el desarrollo del editor gráfico multiplataforma que modela redes de recursos, modulo del proyecto en ejecución.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Editor gráfico multiplataforma para modelar redes de recurso

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    Las tecnologías de comunicaciones y redes están avanzando en forma drástica, afectando directamente a organizaciones, grupos, comunidades y sociedades. Muchas actividades que en el pasado han requerido la presencia física y la interacción directa entre los participantes pueden ser hoy realizadas en forma distribuida con la ayuda de las tecnologías avanzadas de la información. En este trabajo se describen algunas de estas tecnologías como son los Trabajos Cooperativos Soportados por Computadoras, se describe brevemente el proyecto que se esta llevando adelante en nuestra universidad y las características relevadas para el desarrollo del editor gráfico multiplataforma que modela redes de recursos, modulo del proyecto en ejecución.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Enhancing software module reusability using port plug-ins: an experiment with the iCub robot

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    Published on the Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014)Systematically developing high--quality reusable software components is a difficult task and requires careful design to find a proper balance between potential reuse, functionalities and ease of implementation. Extendibility is an important property for software which helps to reduce cost of development and significantly boosts its reusability. This work introduces an approach to enhance components reusability by extending their functionalities using plug-ins at the level of the connection points (ports). Application--dependent functionalities such as data monitoring and arbitration can be implemented using a conventional scripting language and plugged into the ports of components. The main advantage of our approach is that it avoids to introduce application--dependent modifications to existing components, thus reducing development time and fostering the development of simpler and therefore more reusable components. Another advantage of our approach is that it reduces communication and deployment overheads as extra functionalities can be added without introducing additional modules

    MCC:A Model Transformation Environment

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    Sharing Experience Around Component Compositions

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    Society currently lives in a world of tailorable systems in which end-users are able to transform their working environment while achieving their tasks, day to day and over the time. Tailorability is most of the time achieved through dynamic component integration thanks to a huge number of components available over the Internet. In this context, the main problem for users is not anymore the integration of new components, but how to find the most interesting set of components that will fulfill their needs. Facing this issue, the authors' assumption is that it would be helpful for users to take benefit of the experience of other users and our work aims at enhancing current software ecosystems to support this sharing of experience. The authors have applied this approach in the context of software development while considering Eclipse as one of the most advanced and used software ecosystem. The authors then offer ShareXP, an Eclipse feature that allows members of a group to share their expertise, this expertise being embodied in the ``compositions'' each of them has built. ShareXP was already presented in (Bourguin et al., 2012). The current paper is an extension where the authors deeper show that ShareXP is only a first step in their global approach trying to enhance not only the Eclipse ecosystem, but software ecosystems in general

    Arquitectura para laboratorios remotos físicos y virtuales

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    Los entornos de capacitación y operación a distancia presentan problemáticas complejas debido a la dificultad del acceso y la diversidad en los tipos de recursos involucrados. En este trabajo se describe un marco de trabajo para la definición y utilización remota de laboratorios físicos y virtuales, así como también detalles de implementación en aspectos como la interacción cliente-recurso, seguridad o disponibilidad. Este marco comprende desde la creación de plantillas de trabajo de laboratorios por parte del docente, hasta la adaptación de clientes a sus correspondientes entornos para poder realizar sus labores. Hasta el momento se ha definido y desarrollado un prototipo sobre laboratorios con dispositivos de interconexión de redes de computadoras, otorgándonos una valiosa experiencia. Esto ha llevando al diseño e implementación de nuevos aspectos de la herramienta dando como resultado la extensión a nuevos conjuntos de laboratoriosIV Workshop de Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Arquitectura para laboratorios remotos físicos y virtuales

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    Los entornos de capacitación y operación a distancia presentan problemáticas complejas debido a la dificultad del acceso y la diversidad en los tipos de recursos involucrados. En este trabajo se describe un marco de trabajo para la definición y utilización remota de laboratorios físicos y virtuales, así como también detalles de implementación en aspectos como la interacción cliente-recurso, seguridad o disponibilidad. Este marco comprende desde la creación de plantillas de trabajo de laboratorios por parte del docente, hasta la adaptación de clientes a sus correspondientes entornos para poder realizar sus labores. Hasta el momento se ha definido y desarrollado un prototipo sobre laboratorios con dispositivos de interconexión de redes de computadoras, otorgándonos una valiosa experiencia. Esto ha llevando al diseño e implementación de nuevos aspectos de la herramienta dando como resultado la extensión a nuevos conjuntos de laboratoriosIV Workshop de Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Engineering Object-Oriented Semantics Using Graph Transformations

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    In this paper we describe the application of the theory of graph transformations to the practise of language design. We have defined the semantics of a small but realistic object-oriented language (called TAAL) by mapping the language constructs to graphs and their operational semantics to graph transformation rules. In the process we establish a mapping between UML models and graphs. TAAL was developed for the purpose of this paper, as an extensive case study in engineering object-oriented language semantics using graph transformation. It incorporates the basic aspects of many commonly used object-oriented programming languages: apart from essential imperative programming constructs, it includes inheritance, object creation and method overriding. The language specification is based on a number of meta-models written in UML. Both the static and dynamic semantics are defined using graph rewriting rules. In the course of the case study, we have built an Eclipse plug-in that automatically transforms arbitrary TAAL programs into graphs, in a graph format readable by another tool. This second tool is called Groove, and it is able to execute graph transformations. By combining both tools we are able to visually simulate the execution of any TAAL program

    TESMA: Requirements and Design of a Tool for Educational Programs

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    Defining and managing teaching programs at universities or other institutions is a complex task for which there is not much support in terms of methods and tools. This task becomes even more critical when the time comes to obtain certifications w.r.t. official standards. In this paper, we present an on-going project called TESMA, whose objective is to provide an open-source tool dedicated to the specification and management (including certification) of teaching programs. An in-depth market analysis regarding related tools and conceptual frameworks of the project is presented. This tool has been engineered using a development method called Messir for its requirements elicitation and introduces a domain-specific language dedicated to the teachi