5 research outputs found

    Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse

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    The goal of argumentation mining, an evolving research field in computational linguistics, is to design methods capable of analyzing people's argumentation. In this article, we go beyond the state of the art in several ways. (i) We deal with actual Web data and take up the challenges given by the variety of registers, multiple domains, and unrestricted noisy user-generated Web discourse. (ii) We bridge the gap between normative argumentation theories and argumentation phenomena encountered in actual data by adapting an argumentation model tested in an extensive annotation study. (iii) We create a new gold standard corpus (90k tokens in 340 documents) and experiment with several machine learning methods to identify argument components. We offer the data, source codes, and annotation guidelines to the community under free licenses. Our findings show that argumentation mining in user-generated Web discourse is a feasible but challenging task.Comment: Cite as: Habernal, I. & Gurevych, I. (2017). Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse. Computational Linguistics 43(1), pp. 125-17

    La détection automatique multilingue d’énoncés biaisés dans Wikipédia

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    Nous proposons une méthode multilingue pour l'extraction de phrases biaisées de Wikipédia, et l'utilisons pour créer des corpus en bulgare, en français et en anglais. En parcourant l'historique des révisions des articles, nous cherchons ceux qui, à un moment donné, avaient été considérés en violation de la politique de neutralité de Wikipédia (et corrigés par la suite). Pour chacun de ces articles, nous récupérons la révision signalée comme biaisée et la révision qui semble avoir corrigé le biais. Ensuite, nous extrayons les phrases qui ont été supprimées ou réécrites dans cette révision. Cette approche permet d'obtenir suffisamment de données même dans le cas de Wikipédias relativement petites, comme celle en bulgare, où de 62 000 articles nous avons extrait 5 000 phrases biaisées. Nous évaluons notre méthode en annotant manuellement 520 phrases pour le bulgare et le français, et 744 pour l'anglais. Nous évaluons le niveau de bruit, ses sources et analysons les formes d’expression de biais. Enfin, nous utilisons les données pour entrainer et évaluer la performance d’algorithmes de classification bien connus afin d’estimer la qualité et le potentiel des corpus.We propose a multilingual method for the extraction of biased sentences from Wikipedia, and use it to create corpora in Bulgarian, French and English. Sifting through the revision history of the articles that at some point had been considered biased and later corrected, we retrieve the last tagged and the first untagged revisions as the before/after snapshots of what was deemed a violation of Wikipedia’s neutral point of view policy. We extract the sentences that were removed or rewritten in that edit. The approach yields sufficient data even in the case of relatively small Wikipedias, such as the Bulgarian one, where 62k articles produced 5 thousand biased sentences. We evaluate our method by manually annotating 520 sentences for Bulgarian and French, and 744 for English. We assess the level of noise and analyze its sources. Finally, we exploit the data with well-known classification methods to detect biased sentences

    Extracting and Attributing Quotes in Text and Assessing them as Opinions

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    News articles often report on the opinions that salient people have about important issues. While it is possible to infer an opinion from a person's actions, it is much more common to demonstrate that a person holds an opinion by reporting on what they have said. These instances of speech are called reported speech, and in this thesis we set out to detect instances of reported speech, attribute them to their speaker, and to identify which instances provide evidence of an opinion. We first focus on extracting reported speech, which involves finding all acts of communication that are reported in an article. Previous work has approached this task with rule-based methods, however there are several factors that confound these approaches. To demonstrate this, we build a corpus of 965 news articles, where we mark all instances of speech. We then show that a supervised token-based approach outperforms all of our rule-based alternatives, even in extracting direct quotes. Next, we examine the problem of finding the speaker of each quote. For this task we annotate the same 965 news articles with links from each quote to its speaker. Using this, and three other corpora, we develop new methods and features for quote attribution, which achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on our corpus and strong results on the others. Having extracted quotes and determined who spoke them, we move on to the opinion mining part of our work. Most of the task definitions in opinion mining do not easily work with opinions in news, so we define a new task, where the aim is to classify whether quotes demonstrate support, neutrality, or opposition to a given position statement. This formulation improved annotator agreement when compared to our earlier annotation schemes. Using this we build an opinion corpus of 700 news documents covering 7 topics. In this thesis we do not attempt this full task, but we do present preliminary results

    Methods for constructing an opinion network for politically controversial topics

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    The US presidential race, the re-election of President Hugo Chavez, and the economic crisis in Greece and other European countries are some of the controversial topics being played on the news everyday. To understand the landscape of opinions on political controversies, it would be helpful to know which politician or other stakeholder takes which position - support or opposition - on specific aspects of these topics. The work described in this thesis aims to automatically derive a map of the opinions-people network from news and other Web docu- ments. The focus is on acquiring opinions held by various stakeholders on politi- cally controversial topics. This opinions-people network serves as a knowledge- base of opinions in the form of (opinion holder) (opinion) (topic) triples. Our system to build this knowledge-base makes use of online news sources in order to extract opinions from text snippets. These sources come with a set of unique challenges. For example, processing text snippets involves not just iden- tifying the topic and the opinion, but also attributing that opinion to a specific opinion holder. This requires making use of deep parsing and analyzing the parse tree. Moreover, in order to ensure uniformity, both the topic as well the opinion holder should be mapped to canonical strings, and the topics should also be organized into a hierarchy. Our system relies on two main components: i) acquiring opinions which uses a combination of techniques to extract opinions from online news sources, and ii) organizing topics which crawls and extracts de- bates from online sources, and organizes these debates in a hierarchy of political controversial topics. We present systematic evaluations of the different compo- nents of our system, and show their high accuracies. We also present some of the different kinds of applications that require political analysis. We present some application requires political analysis such as identifying flip-floppers, political bias, and dissenters. Such applications can make use of the knowledge-base of opinions.Kontroverse Themen wie das US-Präsidentschaftsrennen, die Wiederwahl von Präsident Hugo Chavez, die Wirtschaftskrise in Griechenland sowie in anderen europäischen Ländern werden täglich in den Nachrichten diskutiert. Um die Bandbreite verschiedener Meinungen zu politischen Kontroversen zu verstehen, ist es hilfreich herauszufinden, welcher Politiker bzw. Interessenvertreter welchen Standpunkt (Pro oder Contra) bezüglich spezifischer Aspekte dieser Themen einnimmt. Diese Dissertation beschreibt ein Verfahren, welches automatisch eine Übersicht des Meinung-Mensch-Netzwerks aus aktuellen Nachrichten und anderen Web-Dokumenten ableitet. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf dem Erfassen von Meinungen verschiedener Interessenvertreter bezüglich politisch kontroverser Themen. Dieses Meinung-Mensch-Netzwerk dient als Wissensbasis von Meinungen in Form von Tripeln: (Meinungsvertreter) (Meinung) (Thema). Um diese Wissensbasis aufzubauen, nutzt unser System Online-Nachrichten und extrahiert Meinungen aus Textausschnitten. Quellen von Online-Nachrichten stellen eine Reihe von besonderen Anforderungen an unser System. Zum Beispiel umfasst die Verarbeitung von Textausschnitten nicht nur die Identifikation des Themas und der geschilderten Meinung, sondern auch die Zuordnung der Stellungnahme zu einem spezifischen Meinungsvertreter.Dies erfordert eine tiefgründige Analyse sowie eine genaue Untersuchung des Syntaxbaumes. Um die Einheitlichkeit zu gewährleisten, müssen darüber hinaus Thema sowie Meinungsvertreter auf ein kanonisches Format abgebildet und die Themen hierarchisch angeordnet werden. Unser System beruht im Wesentlichen auf zwei Komponenten: i) Erkennen von Meinungen, welches verschiedene Techniken zur Extraktion von Meinungen aus Online-Nachrichten beinhaltet, und ii) Erkennen von Beziehungen zwischen Themen, welches das Crawling und Extrahieren von Debatten aus Online-Quellen sowie das Organisieren dieser Debatten in einer Hierarchie von politisch kontroversen Themen umfasst. Wir präsentieren eine systematische Evaluierung der verschiedenen Systemkomponenten, welche die hohe Genauigkeit der von uns entwickelten Techniken zeigt. Wir diskutieren außerdem verschiedene Arten von Anwendungen, die eine politische Analyse erfordern, wie zum Beispiel die Erkennung von Opportunisten, politische Voreingenommenheit und Dissidenten. All diese Anwendungen können durch die Wissensbasis von Meinungen umfangreich profitieren