4 research outputs found


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    Dalam makalah ini, penulis melakukan komparasi metode pemerataan histogram yang biasa digunakan untuk meningkatkan citra. Gambar bawah air umumnya mengalami penurunan kontras yang cukup rendah dan kualitas bayangan yang menurun. Saat kita melakukan penangkapan gambar dari udara ke air, keseluruhan gambar akan mengalami perubahan. Selama menangkap beberapa efek absorpsi, refleksi dan hamburan diinduksi dalam bentuk kontras, kualitas, dan noise saat gambar terlihat tidak jelas atau kabur. Ini membuat gambar dipenuhi satu bayangan. Untuk mengatasi faktor-faktor tersebut dan penggunaan sumber daya bawah air maka peningkatan citra diperlukan. Maka dalam makalah ini, mengusulkan menggunakan metode untuk peningkatan citra bawah air berbasis pemerataan histogram yaitu Histogram Equalization (HE), Adaptive Histogram Equalization (AHE) dan Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE). Penelitian ini melakukan komparasi metode pemerataan histogram dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja metode HE, AHE, CLAHE dalam meningkatkan kualitas gambar bawah air. Berdasarkan kinerja hasil pengukuran menggunakan Mean Square Error (MSE), dan Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) terjadi peningkatan kualitas gambar bawah air setelah di tingkatkan menggunakan CLAHE lebih baik daripada AHE dan HE

    The Segmentation Analysis of Retinal Image Based on K-means Algorithm for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Hypertensive Retinopathy

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    Computer-aided diagnosis of hypertensive retinopathy (CAD-HR) is performed by analyzing the retinal image. The analysis is carried out in several stages, one of which is image segmentation. The segmentation carried out so far generally uses a region-based and threshold-based approach. There is not yet a clustering-based approach, and there has been no previous analysis of why clustering-based is not yet widely used. This study aims to conduct clustering-based Segmentation analysis, specifically k-means clustering in CAD-HR. The research method used is divided into four stages, namely preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction using fractal dimensions, statistical analysis for classification, and classification. Testing is done using the DRIVE and STARE datasets. The results of statistical tests showed that the number of clusters 3 was able to provide a significant difference between the fractal positive and negative dimensions of hypertensive retinopathy. The model of CAD-RH using the k-means algorithm for segmentation method is able to provide 80% sensitivity performance. The k-mean algorithm can be used as an alternative to segmenting retinal blood vessels

    Optimization of Historic Buildings Recognition: CNN Model and Supported by Pre-processing Methods

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    Several cities in Indonesia, such as Cirebon, Bandung, and Bogor, have several historical buildings that date back to the Dutch colonial period. Several Dutch colonial heritage buildings can be found in several areas. The existence of historical buildings also would attract foreign or local tourists who visit one of an area. We need a technology or model that would support the recognition and identification of buildings, including their characteristics. However, recognizing and identifying them is a problem in itself, so technology would be needed to help them. The technology or model that would be implemented in this research is the Convolutional Neural Network model, a derivative of Artificial Intelligent technology focused on image processing and pattern recognition. This process consists of several stages. The initial stage uses the Gaussian Blur, SuCK, and CLAHE methods which are useful for image sharpening and recognition. The second process is feature extraction of the image characteristics of buildings. The results of the image process will support the third process, namely the image retrieval process of buildings based on their characteristics. Based on these three main processes, they would facilitate and support local and foreign tourists to recognize historic buildings in the area. In this experiment, the Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance methods were used in the retrieval process. The highest accuracy in the retrieval process for the feature extraction process with the DenseNet 121 model with the initial process is Gaussian Blur of 88.96% and 88.46%, with the SuCK method of 88.3 and 87.8%, and with CLAHE of 87.7%, and 87.6%. We hope that this research can be continued to identify buildings with more complex characteristics and models

    Contrast enhancement for improved blood vessels retinal segmentation using top-hat transformation and otsu thresholding

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    Diabetic Retinopathy is a effect of diabetes. It results abnormalities in the retinal blood vessels. The abnormalities can cause blurry vision and blindness. Automatic retinal blood vessels segmentation on retinal image can detect abnormalities in these blood vessels, actually resulting in faster and more accurate segmentation results. The paper proposed an automatic blood vessel segmentation method that combined Otsu Thresholding with image enhancement techniques. In image enhancement, it combined CLAHE with Top-hat transformation to improve image quality. The study used DRIVE dataset that provided retinal image data. The image data in dataset was generated by the fundus camera. The CLAHE and Top-hat transformation methods were applied to rise the contrast and reduce noise on the image. The images that had good quality could help the segmentation process to find blood vessels in retinal images appropriately by a computer. It improved the performance of the segmentation method for detecting blood vessels in retinal image. Otsu Thresholding was used to segment blood vessel pixels and other pixels as background by local threshold. To evaluation performance of the proposed method, the study has been measured accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. The DRIVE dataset's study results showed that the averages of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values were 94.7%, 72.28%, and 96.87%, respectively. It indicated that the proposed method was successful and well to work on blood vessels segmentation retinal images especially for thick blood vessels