29 research outputs found

    Spread-out percolation in R^d

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    Let XX be either ZdZ^d or the points of a Poisson process in RdR^d of intensity 1. Given parameters rr and pp, join each pair of points of XX within distance rr independently with probability pp. This is the simplest case of a `spread-out' percolation model studied by Penrose, who showed that, as r→∞r\to\infty, the average degree of the corresponding random graph at the percolation threshold tends to 1, i.e., the percolation threshold and the threshold for criticality of the naturally associated branching process approach one another. Here we show that this result follows immediately from of a general result of the authors on inhomogeneous random graphs.Comment: 9 pages. Title changed. Minor changes to text, including updated references to [3]. To appear in Random Structures and Algorithm

    Synchronization of moving integrate and fire oscillators

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    We present a model of integrate and fire oscillators that move on a plane. The phase of the oscillators evolves linearly in time and when it reaches a threshold value they fire choosing their neighbors according to a certain interaction range. Depending on the velocity of the ballistic motion and the average number of neighbors each oscillator fires to, we identify different regimes shown in a phase diagram. We characterize these regimes by means of novel parameters as the accumulated number of contacted neighbors.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    A short proof of the Harris-Kesten Theorem

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    We give a short proof of the fundamental result that the critical probability for bond percolation in the planar square lattice is equal to 1/2. The lower bound was proved by Harris, who showed in 1960 that percolation does not occur at p=1/2p=1/2. The other, more difficult, bound was proved by Kesten, who showed in 1980 that percolation does occur for any p>1/2p>1/2.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; typos corrected. To appear in the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Societ

    Percolation for D2D networks on street systems

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    We study fundamental characteristics for the connectivity of multi-hop D2D networks. Devices are randomly distributed on street systems and are able to communicate with each other whenever their separation is smaller than some connectivity threshold. We model the street systems as Poisson-Voronoi or Poisson-Delaunay tessellations with varying street lengths. We interpret the existence of adequate D2D connectivity as percolation of the underlying random graph. We derive and compare approximations for the critical device-intensity for percolation, the percolation probability and the graph distance. Our results show that for urban areas, the Poisson Boolean Model gives a very good approximation, while for rural areas, the percolation probability stays far from 1 even far above the percolation threshold

    Disagreement percolation for the hard-sphere model

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    Disagreement percolation connects a Gibbs lattice gas and i.i.d. site percolation on the same lattice such that non-percolation implies uniqueness of the Gibbs measure. This work generalises disagreement percolation to the hard-sphere model and the Boolean model. Non-percolation of the Boolean model implies the uniqueness of the Gibbs measure and exponential decay of pair correlations and finite volume errors. Hence, lower bounds on the critical intensity for percolation of the Boolean model imply lower bounds on the critical activity for a (potential) phase transition. These lower bounds improve upon known bounds obtained by cluster expansion techniques. The proof uses a novel dependent thinning from a Poisson point process to the hard-sphere model, with the thinning probability related to a derivative of the free energy

    Line-of-sight percolation

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    Given ω≥1\omega\ge 1, let Z(ω)2Z^2_{(\omega)} be the graph with vertex set Z2Z^2 in which two vertices are joined if they agree in one coordinate and differ by at most ω\omega in the other. (Thus Z(1)2Z^2_{(1)} is precisely Z2Z^2.) Let pc(ω)p_c(\omega) be the critical probability for site percolation in Z(ω)2Z^2_{(\omega)}. Extending recent results of Frieze, Kleinberg, Ravi and Debany, we show that \lim_{\omega\to\infty} \omega\pc(\omega)=\log(3/2). We also prove analogues of this result on the nn-by-nn grid and in higher dimensions, the latter involving interesting connections to Gilbert's continuum percolation model. To prove our results, we explore the component of the origin in a certain non-standard way, and show that this exploration is well approximated by a certain branching random walk.Comment: Revised and expanded (section 2.3 added). To appear in Combinatorics, Probability and Computing. 27 pages, 4 figure