52,844 research outputs found

    Identification of time-varying systems using multiresolution wavelet models

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    Identification of linear and nonlinear time-varying systems is investigated and a new wavelet model identification algorithm is introduced. By expanding each time-varying coefficient using a multiresolution wavelet expansion, the time-varying problem is reduced to a time invariant problem and the identification reduces to regressor selection and parameter estimation. Several examples are included to illustrate the application of the new algorithm

    Contracting Nonlinear Observers: Convex Optimization and Learning from Data

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    A new approach to design of nonlinear observers (state estimators) is proposed. The main idea is to (i) construct a convex set of dynamical systems which are contracting observers for a particular system, and (ii) optimize over this set for one which minimizes a bound on state-estimation error on a simulated noisy data set. We construct convex sets of continuous-time and discrete-time observers, as well as contracting sampled-data observers for continuous-time systems. Convex bounds for learning are constructed using Lagrangian relaxation. The utility of the proposed methods are verified using numerical simulation.Comment: conference submissio

    3 sampled-data control of nonlinear systems

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    This chapter provides some of the main ideas resulting from recent developments in sampled-data control of nonlinear systems. We have tried to bring the basic parts of the new developments within the comfortable grasp of graduate students. Instead of presenting the more general results that are available in the literature, we opted to present their less general versions that are easier to understand and whose proofs are easier to follow. We note that some of the proofs we present have not appeared in the literature in this simplified form. Hence, we believe that this chapter will serve as an important reference for students and researchers that are willing to learn about this area of research

    Frequency-Domain Analysis of Linear Time-Periodic Systems

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    In this paper, we study convergence of truncated representations of the frequency-response operator of a linear time-periodic system. The frequency-response operator is frequently called the harmonic transfer function. We introduce the concepts of input, output, and skew roll-off. These concepts are related to the decay rates of elements in the harmonic transfer function. A system with high input and output roll-off may be well approximated by a low-dimensional matrix function. A system with high skew roll-off may be represented by an operator with only few diagonals. Furthermore, the roll-off rates are shown to be determined by certain properties of Taylor and Fourier expansions of the periodic systems. Finally, we clarify the connections between the different methods for computing the harmonic transfer function that are suggested in the literature

    Blind Estimation of Multiple Carrier Frequency Offsets

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    Multiple carrier-frequency offsets (CFO) arise in a distributed antenna system, where data are transmitted simultaneously from multiple antennas. In such systems the received signal contains multiple CFOs due to mismatch between the local oscillators of transmitters and receiver. This results in a time-varying rotation of the data constellation, which needs to be compensated for at the receiver before symbol recovery. This paper proposes a new approach for blind CFO estimation and symbol recovery. The received base-band signal is over-sampled, and its polyphase components are used to formulate a virtual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) problem. By applying blind MIMO system estimation techniques, the system response is estimated and used to subsequently transform the multiple CFOs estimation problem into many independent single CFO estimation problems. Furthermore, an initial estimate of the CFO is obtained from the phase of the MIMO system response. The Cramer-Rao Lower bound is also derived, and the large sample performance of the proposed estimator is compared to the bound.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Athens, Greece, September 3-7, 200

    On Reduced Input-Output Dynamic Mode Decomposition

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    The identification of reduced-order models from high-dimensional data is a challenging task, and even more so if the identified system should not only be suitable for a certain data set, but generally approximate the input-output behavior of the data source. In this work, we consider the input-output dynamic mode decomposition method for system identification. We compare excitation approaches for the data-driven identification process and describe an optimization-based stabilization strategy for the identified systems

    Time Delay Estimation from Low Rate Samples: A Union of Subspaces Approach

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    Time delay estimation arises in many applications in which a multipath medium has to be identified from pulses transmitted through the channel. Various approaches have been proposed in the literature to identify time delays introduced by multipath environments. However, these methods either operate on the analog received signal, or require high sampling rates in order to achieve reasonable time resolution. In this paper, our goal is to develop a unified approach to time delay estimation from low rate samples of the output of a multipath channel. Our methods result in perfect recovery of the multipath delays from samples of the channel output at the lowest possible rate, even in the presence of overlapping transmitted pulses. This rate depends only on the number of multipath components and the transmission rate, but not on the bandwidth of the probing signal. In addition, our development allows for a variety of different sampling methods. By properly manipulating the low-rate samples, we show that the time delays can be recovered using the well-known ESPRIT algorithm. Combining results from sampling theory with those obtained in the context of direction of arrival estimation methods, we develop necessary and sufficient conditions on the transmitted pulse and the sampling functions in order to ensure perfect recovery of the channel parameters at the minimal possible rate. Our results can be viewed in a broader context, as a sampling theorem for analog signals defined over an infinite union of subspaces
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