25 research outputs found

    Stable subnorms revisited

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    Let A be a finite-dimensional, power-associative algebra over a field F, either R or C, and let S, a subset of A, be closed under scalar multiplication. A real-valued function f defined on S, shall be called a subnorm if f(a) > 0 for all 0 not equal a is an element of S, and f(alpha a) = |alpha| f(a) for all a is an element of S and alpha is an element of F. If in addition, S is closed under raising to powers, then a subnorm f shall be called stable if there exists a constant sigma > 0 so that f(a(m)) less than or equal to sigma f(a)(m) for all a is an element of S and m = 1, 2, 3.... The purpose of this paper is to provide an updated account of our study of stable subnorms on subsets of finite-dimensional, power-associative algebras over F. Our goal is to review and extend several of our results in two previous papers, dealing mostly with continuous subnorms on closed sets

    T-subnorms with strong associated negation: Some properties

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    In this work we investigate t-subnorms M that have strong associated negation. Firstly, we show that such t-subnorms are necessarily t-norms. Following this, we investigate the inter-relationships between different algebraic and analytic properties of such t-subnorms, viz., Archimedeanness, conditional cancellativity, left-continuity, nilpotent elements, etc. In particular, we show that under this setting many of these properties are equivalent. Our investigations lead us to two open problems which are also presented

    Solution to an open problem: A characterization of conditionally cancellative t-subnorms

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    In this work we solve an open problem of U. Höhle (Klement et al. Fuzzy Sets Syst 145:471-479, 2004, Problem 11). We show that the solution gives a characterization of all conditionally cancellative t-subnorms. Further, we give an equivalence condition under which a conditionally cancellative t-subnorm has 1 as its neutral element and hence show that conditionally cancellative t-subnorms whose natural negations are strong are, in fact, t-norms

    Fitting aggregation operators to data

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    Theoretical advances in modelling aggregation of information produced a wide range of aggregation operators, applicable to almost every practical problem. The most important classes of aggregation operators include triangular norms, uninorms, generalised means and OWA operators.With such a variety, an important practical problem has emerged: how to fit the parameters/ weights of these families of aggregation operators to observed data? How to estimate quantitatively whether a given class of operators is suitable as a model in a given practical setting? Aggregation operators are rather special classes of functions, and thus they require specialised regression techniques, which would enforce important theoretical properties, like commutativity or associativity. My presentation will address this issue in detail, and will discuss various regression methods applicable specifically to t-norms, uninorms and generalised means. I will also demonstrate software implementing these regression techniques, which would allow practitioners to paste their data and obtain optimal parameters of the chosen family of operators.<br /

    On an open problem of U. Hohle - A characterization of conditionally cancellative T-subnorms

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    In this work we solve an open problem of U.Höhle [Problem 11, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 145 (2004) 471-479]. We show that the solution gives a characterization of all conditionally cancellative t-subnorms. Further, we give an equivalence condition for a conditionally cancellativite t-subnorm to be a t-norm and hence show that conditionally cancellativite t-subnorms whose natural negations are strong are, in fact, t-norms

    A note on drastic product logic

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    The drastic product D*_D is known to be the smallest tt-norm, since xDy=0x *_D y = 0 whenever x,y<1x, y < 1. This tt-norm is not left-continuous, and hence it does not admit a residuum. So, there are no drastic product tt-norm based many-valued logics, in the sense of [EG01]. However, if we renounce standard completeness, we can study the logic whose semantics is provided by those MTL chains whose monoidal operation is the drastic product. This logic is called S3MTL{\rm S}_{3}{\rm MTL} in [NOG06]. In this note we justify the study of this logic, which we rechristen DP (for drastic product), by means of some interesting properties relating DP and its algebraic semantics to a weakened law of excluded middle, to the Δ\Delta projection operator and to discriminator varieties. We shall show that the category of finite DP-algebras is dually equivalent to a category whose objects are multisets of finite chains. This duality allows us to classify all axiomatic extensions of DP, and to compute the free finitely generated DP-algebras.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Fuzzy Implications: Some Recently Solved Problems

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    In this chapter we discuss some open problems related to fuzzy implications, which have either been completely solved or those for which partial answers are known. In fact, this chapter also contains the answer for one of the open problems, which is hitherto unpublished. The recently solved problems are so chosen to reflect the importance of the problem or the significance of the solution. Finally, some other problems that still remain unsolved are stated for quick reference