19 research outputs found

    Continual Graph Learning

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    Various real-world graphs grow with time, necessitating the research of continual graph learning (CGL), which aims to accommodate new tasks over newly emerged graph data while maintaining the model performance over existing tasks. First, we study the CGL task configurations in different application scenarios and develop a comprehensive Continual Graph Learning Benchmark (CGLB). CGLB contains comprehensive CGL tasks under various experimental settings, as well as a toolkit for developing CGL techniques. Second, we developed a series of CGL techniques: 1) Hierarchical Prototype Networks (HPNs), 2) Sparsified Subgraph Memory (SSM), and 3) Subgraph Episodic Memory (SEM). Hierarchical Prototype Networks (HPNs) is designed to extract basic shareable features and store them into prototypes. In this way, the forgetting problem can be alleviated by knowledge sharing and independently updated prototypes. Next, SSM is a memory-replay based CGL technique, which stores a set of representative historical data from previous tasks to replay while learning new tasks. While topological information is critical in characterizing graph data, existing memory replay based CGL techniques only store individual nodes for replay and do not consider the topological information due to the memory explosion problem. To this end, SSM is designed to sparsify the selected computation graphs into fixed size before storing them into the memory. In this way, we can significantly reduce the memory consumption of a computation subgraph, and for the first time enable GNNs to utilize the explicit topological information for memory replay. Based on SSM, we developed the SEM, which adopts graph Ricci-curvature as the criteria during the computation subgraph sparsification. Finally, in experiments, we study various real-world graph data including social network, citation network, product co-purchasing network, scene graph, and molecule graphs

    Self-Supervised Continual Graph Learning in Adaptive Riemannian Spaces

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    Continual graph learning routinely finds its role in a variety of real-world applications where the graph data with different tasks come sequentially. Despite the success of prior works, it still faces great challenges. On the one hand, existing methods work with the zero-curvature Euclidean space, and largely ignore the fact that curvature varies over the coming graph sequence. On the other hand, continual learners in the literature rely on abundant labels, but labeling graph in practice is particularly hard especially for the continuously emerging graphs on-the-fly. To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose to explore a challenging yet practical problem, the self-supervised continual graph learning in adaptive Riemannian spaces. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised Riemannian Graph Continual Learner (RieGrace). In RieGrace, we first design an Adaptive Riemannian GCN (AdaRGCN), a unified GCN coupled with a neural curvature adapter, so that Riemannian space is shaped by the learnt curvature adaptive to each graph. Then, we present a Label-free Lorentz Distillation approach, in which we create teacher-student AdaRGCN for the graph sequence. The student successively performs intra-distillation from itself and inter-distillation from the teacher so as to consolidate knowledge without catastrophic forgetting. In particular, we propose a theoretically grounded Generalized Lorentz Projection for the contrastive distillation in Riemannian space. Extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets show the superiority of RieGrace, and additionally, we investigate on how curvature changes over the graph sequence.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 2023 (Main Track), 9 pages, 4 figure

    A Topology-aware Graph Coarsening Framework for Continual Graph Learning

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    Continual learning on graphs tackles the problem of training a graph neural network (GNN) where graph data arrive in a streaming fashion and the model tends to forget knowledge from previous tasks when updating with new data. Traditional continual learning strategies such as Experience Replay can be adapted to streaming graphs, however, these methods often face challenges such as inefficiency in preserving graph topology and incapability of capturing the correlation between old and new tasks. To address these challenges, we propose TACO\mathbb{CO}, a (t)opology-(a)ware graph (co)arsening and (co)ntinual learning framework that stores information from previous tasks as a reduced graph. At each time period, this reduced graph expands by combining with a new graph and aligning shared nodes, and then it undergoes a "zoom out" process by reduction to maintain a stable size. We design a graph coarsening algorithm based on node representation proximities to efficiently reduce a graph and preserve topological information. We empirically demonstrate the learning process on the reduced graph can approximate that of the original graph. Our experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework on three real-world datasets using different backbone GNN models

    Continual Learning on Dynamic Graphs via Parameter Isolation

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    Many real-world graph learning tasks require handling dynamic graphs where new nodes and edges emerge. Dynamic graph learning methods commonly suffer from the catastrophic forgetting problem, where knowledge learned for previous graphs is overwritten by updates for new graphs. To alleviate the problem, continual graph learning methods are proposed. However, existing continual graph learning methods aim to learn new patterns and maintain old ones with the same set of parameters of fixed size, and thus face a fundamental tradeoff between both goals. In this paper, we propose Parameter Isolation GNN (PI-GNN) for continual learning on dynamic graphs that circumvents the tradeoff via parameter isolation and expansion. Our motivation lies in that different parameters contribute to learning different graph patterns. Based on the idea, we expand model parameters to continually learn emerging graph patterns. Meanwhile, to effectively preserve knowledge for unaffected patterns, we find parameters that correspond to them via optimization and freeze them to prevent them from being rewritten. Experiments on eight real-world datasets corroborate the effectiveness of PI-GNN compared to state-of-the-art baselines

    Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting in Graph Neural Networks with Experience Replay

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have recently received significant research attention due to their superior performance on a variety of graph-related learning tasks. Most of the current works focus on either static or dynamic graph settings, addressing a single particular task, e.g., node/graph classification, link prediction. In this work, we investigate the question: can GNNs be applied to continuously learning a sequence of tasks? Towards that, we explore the Continual Graph Learning (CGL) paradigm and present the Experience Replay based framework ER-GNN for CGL to alleviate the catastrophic forgetting problem in existing GNNs. ER-GNN stores knowledge from previous tasks as experiences and replays them when learning new tasks to mitigate the catastrophic forgetting issue. We propose three experience node selection strategies: mean of feature, coverage maximization, and influence maximization, to guide the process of selecting experience nodes. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our ER-GNN and shed light on the incremental graph (non-Euclidean) structure learning.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Graph Relation Aware Continual Learning

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    Continual graph learning (CGL) studies the problem of learning from an infinite stream of graph data, consolidating historical knowledge, and generalizing it to the future task. At once, only current graph data are available. Although some recent attempts have been made to handle this task, we still face two potential challenges: 1) most of existing works only manipulate on the intermediate graph embedding and ignore intrinsic properties of graphs. It is non-trivial to differentiate the transferred information across graphs. 2) recent attempts take a parameter-sharing policy to transfer knowledge across time steps or progressively expand new architecture given shifted graph distribution. Learning a single model could loss discriminative information for each graph task while the model expansion scheme suffers from high model complexity. In this paper, we point out that latent relations behind graph edges can be attributed as an invariant factor for the evolving graphs and the statistical information of latent relations evolves. Motivated by this, we design a relation-aware adaptive model, dubbed as RAM-CG, that consists of a relation-discovery modular to explore latent relations behind edges and a task-awareness masking classifier to accounts for the shifted. Extensive experiments show that RAM-CG provides significant 2.2%, 6.9% and 6.6% accuracy improvements over the state-of-the-art results on CitationNet, OGBN-arxiv and TWITCH dataset, respective

    Towards Robust Graph Incremental Learning on Evolving Graphs

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    Incremental learning is a machine learning approach that involves training a model on a sequence of tasks, rather than all tasks at once. This ability to learn incrementally from a stream of tasks is crucial for many real-world applications. However, incremental learning is a challenging problem on graph-structured data, as many graph-related problems involve prediction tasks for each individual node, known as Node-wise Graph Incremental Learning (NGIL). This introduces non-independent and non-identically distributed characteristics in the sample data generation process, making it difficult to maintain the performance of the model as new tasks are added. In this paper, we focus on the inductive NGIL problem, which accounts for the evolution of graph structure (structural shift) induced by emerging tasks. We provide a formal formulation and analysis of the problem, and propose a novel regularization-based technique called Structural-Shift-Risk-Mitigation (SSRM) to mitigate the impact of the structural shift on catastrophic forgetting of the inductive NGIL problem. We show that the structural shift can lead to a shift in the input distribution for the existing tasks, and further lead to an increased risk of catastrophic forgetting. Through comprehensive empirical studies with several benchmark datasets, we demonstrate that our proposed method, Structural-Shift-Risk-Mitigation (SSRM), is flexible and easy to adapt to improve the performance of state-of-the-art GNN incremental learning frameworks in the inductive setting

    Ego-graph Replay based Continual Learning for Misinformation Engagement Prediction

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    CaseGNN: Graph Neural Networks for Legal Case Retrieval with Text-Attributed Graphs

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    Legal case retrieval is an information retrieval task in the legal domain, which aims to retrieve relevant cases with a given query case. Recent research of legal case retrieval mainly relies on traditional bag-of-words models and language models. Although these methods have achieved significant improvement in retrieval accuracy, there are still two challenges: (1) Legal structural information neglect. Previous neural legal case retrieval models mostly encode the unstructured raw text of case into a case representation, which causes the lack of important legal structural information in a case and leads to poor case representation; (2) Lengthy legal text limitation. When using the powerful BERT-based models, there is a limit of input text lengths, which inevitably requires to shorten the input via truncation or division with a loss of legal context information. In this paper, a graph neural networks-based legal case retrieval model, CaseGNN, is developed to tackle these challenges. To effectively utilise the legal structural information during encoding, a case is firstly converted into a Text-Attributed Case Graph (TACG), followed by a designed Edge Graph Attention Layer and a readout function to obtain the case graph representation. The CaseGNN model is optimised with a carefully designed contrastive loss with easy and hard negative sampling. Since the text attributes in the case graph come from individual sentences, the restriction of using language models is further avoided without losing the legal context. Extensive experiments have been conducted on two benchmarks from COLIEE 2022 and COLIEE 2023, which demonstrate that CaseGNN outperforms other state-of-the-art legal case retrieval methods. The code has been released on https://github.com/yanran-tang/CaseGNN