9 research outputs found

    Collaborative Location-Based Mobile Game with Error Detection Algorithm

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    In the recent years, there has been an evolution in game input medium. From just using buttons, players can now interact with games through a wider spectrum of inputs which includes touch screen, camera, light sensor, accelerometer, compass and GPS. This is driven by the availability of these modules and sensors within mobile devices that are omnipresent nowadays. As a result, there has been a creative breakthrough on how games are played today where gaming experience can be made more intuitive and immersive. Localization is one of the input medium where the player’s physical location is used as part of the gameplay. This paper proposes an original gameplay schema that utilizes indoor mobile Wi-Fi localization technique as game input that does not require additional infrastructure. The game takes advantage of the weakness of Wi-Fi localization where environmental influence is significant and makes it part of the gameplay. A simple error detection algorithm is also introduced to maximize the game playability value by balancing game responsiveness and accuracy level

    Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development

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    This paper relates to the problems of designing rich interaction, in the context of multi-player games, that would adequately support communication, control and co-ordination. The aspects of fun and rich experiences, usually required within the entertainment context, are easily overlooked in technologically driven system design. The concepts of a future ubiquitous game can be difficult to comprehend and evaluate in cases where a fully functioning physical prototype is not an option. One solution for the problem is Contextual Virtual Reality Prototyping that adds the missing context to the design simulations. The product can be designed and demonstrated in the corresponding environment, thus making it easier to understand the use-cases of, for example, a mobile device that has various location-dependent features. The main contribution of this research is the design and development approach that supports the creation of rich interaction. The primary emphasis of the approach is to avoid purely technologically driven design and development, but rather to provide a supporting, or even a guiding, approach that focuses on the creative process and conceptual understanding of rich interaction. This conceptually grounded content production-oriented approach to interactive system design is described and evaluated

    Social Intelligence Design 2007. Proceedings Sixth Workshop on Social Intelligence Design

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    A Design Model for using Advanced Multimedia in the Teaching of Photography in The Kingdom of Bahrain.

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    This Study investigates the effectiveness of a new Instructional Design model for using advanced multimedia in the teaching and learning of photography at university level in Kingdom of Bahrain. A preliminary study revealed that the central problems faced by students are learning key technical aspects of photography coupled with insufficient resources and high student teachers ratio. Advanced multimedia was proposed as an effective tool for teaching and learning photography. A critical review and analysis of existing e-learning resources revealed that such technology might help in teaching and learning, especially subjects that need experience with real instruments like cameras. Through reference to the ASSURE model, Laurillard's conversational model, and insights from Steuer's Classification model, the researcher developed a new instructional design model for using advanced multimedia in photography education [AMPE]. This was field tested in University photography teaching. For the evaluation of the AMPE model a mixed-model design was used, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. In a quantitative evaluation, effectiveness in learning was estimated from the student achievement in a test. A comparison of the opinions of the two groups of students in a specially constructed questionnaire measuring their views of the respective teaching and learning methods was also applied. Finally engagement and enjoyment in learning in the two groups of students were also assessed through questionnaire. The participants‘comments, opinions, and suggestions were obtained through open-ended questions in the questionnaire. The study found that advanced multimedia enhances effectiveness, engagement, and enjoyment in learning photography. The instructional model and associated ―virtual camera‖ seems to be a suitable solution for the lack of real cameras in the classroom environment, and can help in the teaching of difficult technical photographic knowledge in an efficient and practical manner.University of Bahrai

    Prijedlog ontološki utemeljenog metodološkog okvira za razvoj više-platformskih mobilnih aplikacija

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    Software development teams are faced with the lack of interoperability during the development of mobile applications for two or more target platforms. The development for second and every other platform means a new project with a need to repeat almost all the phases defined by the chosen methodology but with a narrow possibility of reuse of the already defined artifacts. The existing efforts of professional and scientific community to solve this problem have a similar approach (code once, run everywhere) with similar advantages and drawbacks. Thus, this dissertation aims to propose a different solution and is concerned with: (1) analyzing the methodologies suitable for mobile applications development, (2) observing the implementation of prototype application in order to define artifacts that are created during the development process for two target platforms, (3) semantic description of artifacts and their meaning, and (4) defining unique ontological definition as a base for methodological interoperability. The results of a systematic literature review performed on 6761 primary studies, show that current state-of-the-art literature brings only 22 development methodologies and 7 development approaches which can be identified as eligible for multi-platform mobile applications development. Among these, Mobile-D methodology accompanied with Test Driven Development was chosen and used in the observed development processes for Android and Windows Phone platforms. Total of 71 artifacts were identified and the artifacts reusability level when developing for second target platform was 66.00%. In the last research phase, the artifacts for both platforms were semantically described into a single ontological description comprising 213 classes, 14 object properties and 2213 axioms defined in ALCRIF DL expression sub-language. Having this ontology proved as correct and valid, flexible, reusable and extensible we created the basis for development of an information system to guide the development teams in a more efficient and interoperable process of multiplatform mobile applications development.Razvojni timovi susreću se s problemom neinteroperabilnosti prilikom razvoja aplikacija za dvije ili više mobilnih platformi. Razvoj aplikacije za drugu i svaku sljedeću platformu znači novi projekt u kojem je potrebno ponovno provesti većinu faza definiranih odabranom metodikom razvoja, pri čemu se kreirani artefakti teško ili uopće ponovno ne koriste. Napori profesionalne i znanstvene zajednice za rješenjem ovog problema imaju sličan pristup (kodiraj jednom, koristi svugdje), slične prednosti, ali i zajedničke nedostatke. Stoga ova disertacija navedenom problemu pristupa na nov način i bavi se: (1) analiziranjem metodika pogodnih za razvoj mobilnih aplikacija, (2) promatranjem razvoja prototipne aplikacije u svrhu definiranja artefakata koji nastaju pri razvoju mobilne aplikacije za dvije ciljane platforme, (3) semantičkim opisivanjem definiranih artefakata i njihovih značenja, te (4) definiranjem jedinstvene ontološke definicije kao osnove za metodološku interoperabilnost. Rezultati sustavnog pregleda literature provedenog nad 6761 radom pokazali su da se trenutno u literaturi spominju 22 metodike i 7 pristupa koji su pogodni za razvoj više-platformskih mobilnih aplikacija. Između identificiranih metodika odabrani su Mobile-D metodika i pristup razvoju vođen testiranjem, koji su korišteni pri implementaciji prototipnog rješenja za Android i Windows Phone platformu. Ukupno je identificiran 71 artefakt pri čemu je ponovna iskoristivost artefakata pri razvoju za drugu platformu bila 66.00%. U posljednjoj su fazi istraživanja artefakti semantički opisani u zajedničku ontološku definiciju koja u konačnici sadrži 213 klasa, 14 objektnih svojstava i 2213 aksioma definiranih pomodu ALCRIF-DL jezika izraza. U radu je dokazano da je ontologija valjana, fleksibilna, ponovno iskoristiva i nadogradiva, čime je kreirana osnova za razvoj informacijskog sustava koji bi vodio razvojne timove u efikasnijem i bolje interoperabilnom procesu razvoja više-platformskih mobilnih aplikacija

    Prijedlog ontološki utemeljenog metodološkog okvira za razvoj više-platformskih mobilnih aplikacija

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    Software development teams are faced with the lack of interoperability during the development of mobile applications for two or more target platforms. The development for second and every other platform means a new project with a need to repeat almost all the phases defined by the chosen methodology but with a narrow possibility of reuse of the already defined artifacts. The existing efforts of professional and scientific community to solve this problem have a similar approach (code once, run everywhere) with similar advantages and drawbacks. Thus, this dissertation aims to propose a different solution and is concerned with: (1) analyzing the methodologies suitable for mobile applications development, (2) observing the implementation of prototype application in order to define artifacts that are created during the development process for two target platforms, (3) semantic description of artifacts and their meaning, and (4) defining unique ontological definition as a base for methodological interoperability. The results of a systematic literature review performed on 6761 primary studies, show that current state-of-the-art literature brings only 22 development methodologies and 7 development approaches which can be identified as eligible for multi-platform mobile applications development. Among these, Mobile-D methodology accompanied with Test Driven Development was chosen and used in the observed development processes for Android and Windows Phone platforms. Total of 71 artifacts were identified and the artifacts reusability level when developing for second target platform was 66.00%. In the last research phase, the artifacts for both platforms were semantically described into a single ontological description comprising 213 classes, 14 object properties and 2213 axioms defined in ALCRIF DL expression sub-language. Having this ontology proved as correct and valid, flexible, reusable and extensible we created the basis for development of an information system to guide the development teams in a more efficient and interoperable process of multiplatform mobile applications development.Razvojni timovi susreću se s problemom neinteroperabilnosti prilikom razvoja aplikacija za dvije ili više mobilnih platformi. Razvoj aplikacije za drugu i svaku sljedeću platformu znači novi projekt u kojem je potrebno ponovno provesti većinu faza definiranih odabranom metodikom razvoja, pri čemu se kreirani artefakti teško ili uopće ponovno ne koriste. Napori profesionalne i znanstvene zajednice za rješenjem ovog problema imaju sličan pristup (kodiraj jednom, koristi svugdje), slične prednosti, ali i zajedničke nedostatke. Stoga ova disertacija navedenom problemu pristupa na nov način i bavi se: (1) analiziranjem metodika pogodnih za razvoj mobilnih aplikacija, (2) promatranjem razvoja prototipne aplikacije u svrhu definiranja artefakata koji nastaju pri razvoju mobilne aplikacije za dvije ciljane platforme, (3) semantičkim opisivanjem definiranih artefakata i njihovih značenja, te (4) definiranjem jedinstvene ontološke definicije kao osnove za metodološku interoperabilnost. Rezultati sustavnog pregleda literature provedenog nad 6761 radom pokazali su da se trenutno u literaturi spominju 22 metodike i 7 pristupa koji su pogodni za razvoj više-platformskih mobilnih aplikacija. Između identificiranih metodika odabrani su Mobile-D metodika i pristup razvoju vođen testiranjem, koji su korišteni pri implementaciji prototipnog rješenja za Android i Windows Phone platformu. Ukupno je identificiran 71 artefakt pri čemu je ponovna iskoristivost artefakata pri razvoju za drugu platformu bila 66.00%. U posljednjoj su fazi istraživanja artefakti semantički opisani u zajedničku ontološku definiciju koja u konačnici sadrži 213 klasa, 14 objektnih svojstava i 2213 aksioma definiranih pomodu ALCRIF-DL jezika izraza. U radu je dokazano da je ontologija valjana, fleksibilna, ponovno iskoristiva i nadogradiva, čime je kreirana osnova za razvoj informacijskog sustava koji bi vodio razvojne timove u efikasnijem i bolje interoperabilnom procesu razvoja više-platformskih mobilnih aplikacija

    Prijedlog ontološki utemeljenog metodološkog okvira za razvoj više-platformskih mobilnih aplikacija

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    Software development teams are faced with the lack of interoperability during the development of mobile applications for two or more target platforms. The development for second and every other platform means a new project with a need to repeat almost all the phases defined by the chosen methodology but with a narrow possibility of reuse of the already defined artifacts. The existing efforts of professional and scientific community to solve this problem have a similar approach (code once, run everywhere) with similar advantages and drawbacks. Thus, this dissertation aims to propose a different solution and is concerned with: (1) analyzing the methodologies suitable for mobile applications development, (2) observing the implementation of prototype application in order to define artifacts that are created during the development process for two target platforms, (3) semantic description of artifacts and their meaning, and (4) defining unique ontological definition as a base for methodological interoperability. The results of a systematic literature review performed on 6761 primary studies, show that current state-of-the-art literature brings only 22 development methodologies and 7 development approaches which can be identified as eligible for multi-platform mobile applications development. Among these, Mobile-D methodology accompanied with Test Driven Development was chosen and used in the observed development processes for Android and Windows Phone platforms. Total of 71 artifacts were identified and the artifacts reusability level when developing for second target platform was 66.00%. In the last research phase, the artifacts for both platforms were semantically described into a single ontological description comprising 213 classes, 14 object properties and 2213 axioms defined in ALCRIF DL expression sub-language. Having this ontology proved as correct and valid, flexible, reusable and extensible we created the basis for development of an information system to guide the development teams in a more efficient and interoperable process of multiplatform mobile applications development.Razvojni timovi susreću se s problemom neinteroperabilnosti prilikom razvoja aplikacija za dvije ili više mobilnih platformi. Razvoj aplikacije za drugu i svaku sljedeću platformu znači novi projekt u kojem je potrebno ponovno provesti većinu faza definiranih odabranom metodikom razvoja, pri čemu se kreirani artefakti teško ili uopće ponovno ne koriste. Napori profesionalne i znanstvene zajednice za rješenjem ovog problema imaju sličan pristup (kodiraj jednom, koristi svugdje), slične prednosti, ali i zajedničke nedostatke. Stoga ova disertacija navedenom problemu pristupa na nov način i bavi se: (1) analiziranjem metodika pogodnih za razvoj mobilnih aplikacija, (2) promatranjem razvoja prototipne aplikacije u svrhu definiranja artefakata koji nastaju pri razvoju mobilne aplikacije za dvije ciljane platforme, (3) semantičkim opisivanjem definiranih artefakata i njihovih značenja, te (4) definiranjem jedinstvene ontološke definicije kao osnove za metodološku interoperabilnost. Rezultati sustavnog pregleda literature provedenog nad 6761 radom pokazali su da se trenutno u literaturi spominju 22 metodike i 7 pristupa koji su pogodni za razvoj više-platformskih mobilnih aplikacija. Između identificiranih metodika odabrani su Mobile-D metodika i pristup razvoju vođen testiranjem, koji su korišteni pri implementaciji prototipnog rješenja za Android i Windows Phone platformu. Ukupno je identificiran 71 artefakt pri čemu je ponovna iskoristivost artefakata pri razvoju za drugu platformu bila 66.00%. U posljednjoj su fazi istraživanja artefakti semantički opisani u zajedničku ontološku definiciju koja u konačnici sadrži 213 klasa, 14 objektnih svojstava i 2213 aksioma definiranih pomodu ALCRIF-DL jezika izraza. U radu je dokazano da je ontologija valjana, fleksibilna, ponovno iskoristiva i nadogradiva, čime je kreirana osnova za razvoj informacijskog sustava koji bi vodio razvojne timove u efikasnijem i bolje interoperabilnom procesu razvoja više-platformskih mobilnih aplikacija