3,417 research outputs found

    A Secure Integrated Framework for Fog-Assisted Internet of Things Systems

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    Fog-Assisted Internet of Things (Fog-IoT) systems are deployed in remote and unprotected environments, making them vulnerable to security, privacy, and trust challenges. Existing studies propose security schemes and trust models for these systems. However, mitigation of insider attacks, namely blackhole, sinkhole, sybil, collusion, self-promotion, and privilege escalation, has always been a challenge and mostly carried out by the legitimate nodes. Compared to other studies, this paper proposes a framework featuring attribute-based access control and trust-based behavioural monitoring to address the challenges mentioned above. The proposed framework consists of two components, the security component (SC) and the trust management component (TMC). SC ensures data confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and authorization. TMC evaluates Fog-IoT entities’ performance using a trust model based on a set of QoS and network communication features. Subsequently, trust is embedded as an attribute within SC’s access control policies, ensuring that only trusted entities are granted access to fog resources. Several attacking scenarios, namely DoS, DDoS, probing, and data theft are designed to elaborate on how the change in trust triggers the change in access rights and, therefore, validates the proposed integrated framework’s design principles. The framework is evaluated on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B to benchmark its performance in terms of time and memory complexity. Our results show that both SC and TMC are lightweight and suitable for resource-constrained devices

    “Unblackboxing” Decision Makers’ Interpretations of IS Certifications in the Context of Cloud Service Certifications

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    IS literature has predominantly taken a black box perspective on IS certifications and studied their diverse set of outcomes, such as signaling superior quality and increased customer trust. As a result, there is little understanding about the structure of certifications and its role in decision makers’ evaluations of certifications to achieve these outcomes. However, idiosyncrasies of novel IT services, such as cloud services, create a need for “unblackboxing” certifications and theorizing about their constituting structural building blocks and structural elements, as well as examining key features that might lead to a more favorable evaluation of a certification by decision makers. To advance theory building on certifications, this article develops an empirically grounded typology of certifications’ key structural building blocks and structural elements, and examines how they interpret substantive features within these elements. Using evidence from 20 interviews with decision makers from a wide range of industries in the context of cloud service certifications, we find that a decision maker’s aggregate evaluation of a certification is a function of their interpretations of its features guided by cognitive interpretive schemas along six key structural elements, contrasted with the decision makers’ expectations regarding the certification’s outcomes. This study contributes by conceptualizing the necessary and sufficient elements of certifications, constructing a nascent theory on decision makers’ evaluations of certifications, and illuminating the dynamics between certifications’ structural elements and outcomes as a coevolutionary process. We discuss implications for the certification literature and give managerial advice regarding the factors to consider when designing and evaluating certifications

    Trust engineering framework for software services

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    La presente tesis presenta un marco de trabajo que abarca distintas fases del ciclo de vida de los servicios software y que permite a ingenieros de requisitos, diseñadores y desarrolladores la integración en dichos servicios de modelos de confianza y reputación. En la fase de planificación, proponemos una metodología para evaluar la confianza en proveedores de Cloud antes de decidir si el sistema, o parte de él, se traslada al mismo. En la fase de análisis, ofrecemos una notación para la captura y representación de requisitos de confianza y reputación. Asimismo en esta misma fase, desarrollamos una metodología que permite detectar amenazas internas en un sistema a través de análisis de relaciones de confianza. Para la fase de diseño, proponemos un perfil UML que permite la especificación de modelos de confianza y reputación, lo cual facilita la siguiente fase de implementación, para la que desarrollamos un marco de trabajo que los desarrolladores pueden usar para implementar una amplia variedad de modelos de confianza y reputación. Finalmente, para la fase de verificación en tiempo de ejecución, presentamos un marco de trabajo desarrollado sobre una plataforma de sistemas auto-adaptativos que implementa el paradigma de modelos en tiempo de ejecución. Con dicho marco de trabajo, hacemos posible que los desarrolladores puedan implementar modelos de confianza y reputación, y que puedan usar la información proporcionada por dichos modelos para especificar políticas de reconfiguración en tiempo de ejecución. Esto permite que el sistema se adapte de forma que se mantengan niveles tolerables de confianza y reputación en los componentes de los que consiste. Todo los trabajos anteriores se apoyan sobre un marco conceptual que captura y relaciona entre sí las nociones más relevantes en los dominios de la confianza y la reputación

    Cloudarmor: Supporting Reputation-Based Trust Management for Cloud Services

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    Cloud services have become predominant in the current technological era. For the rich set of features provided by cloud services, consumers want to access the services while protecting their privacy. In this kind of environment, protection of cloud services will become a significant problem. So, research has started for a system, which lets the users access cloud services without losing the privacy of their data. Trust management and identity model makes sense in this case. The identity model maintains the authentication and authorization of the components involved in the system and trust-based model provides us with a dynamic way of identifying issues and attacks with the system and take appropriate actions. Further, a trust management-based system provides us with a new set of challenges such as reputation-based attacks, availability of components, and misleading trust feedbacks. Collusion attacks and Sybil attacks form a significant part of these challenges. This paper aims to solve the above problems in a trust management-based model by introducing a credibility model on top of a new trust management model, which addresses these use-cases, and also provides reliability and availability

    SDSF : social-networking trust based distributed data storage and co-operative information fusion.

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    As of 2014, about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day, and 90% of the data in the world was created in the last two years alone. The storage of this data can be on external hard drives, on unused space in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks or using the more currently popular approach of storing in the Cloud. When the users store their data in the Cloud, the entire data is exposed to the administrators of the services who can view and possibly misuse the data. With the growing popularity and usage of Cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox etc., the concerns of privacy and security are increasing. Searching for content or documents, from this distributed stored data, given the rate of data generation, is a big challenge. Information fusion is used to extract information based on the query of the user, and combine the data and learn useful information. This problem is challenging if the data sources are distributed and heterogeneous in nature where the trustworthiness of the documents may be varied. This thesis proposes two innovative solutions to resolve both of these problems. Firstly, to remedy the situation of security and privacy of stored data, we propose an innovative Social-based Distributed Data Storage and Trust based co-operative Information Fusion Framework (SDSF). The main objective is to create a framework that assists in providing a secure storage system while not overloading a single system using a P2P like approach. This framework allows the users to share storage resources among friends and acquaintances without compromising the security or privacy and enjoying all the benefits that the Cloud storage offers. The system fragments the data and encodes it to securely store it on the unused storage capacity of the data owner\u27s friends\u27 resources. The system thus gives a centralized control to the user over the selection of peers to store the data. Secondly, to retrieve the stored distributed data, the proposed system performs the fusion also from distributed sources. The technique uses several algorithms to ensure the correctness of the query that is used to retrieve and combine the data to improve the information fusion accuracy and efficiency for combining the heterogeneous, distributed and massive data on the Cloud for time critical operations. We demonstrate that the retrieved documents are genuine when the trust scores are also used while retrieving the data sources. The thesis makes several research contributions. First, we implement Social Storage using erasure coding. Erasure coding fragments the data, encodes it, and through introduction of redundancy resolves issues resulting from devices failures. Second, we exploit the inherent concept of trust that is embedded in social networks to determine the nodes and build a secure net-work where the fragmented data should be stored since the social network consists of a network of friends, family and acquaintances. The trust between the friends, and availability of the devices allows the user to make an informed choice about where the information should be stored using `k\u27 optimal paths. Thirdly, for the purpose of retrieval of this distributed stored data, we propose information fusion on distributed data using a combination of Enhanced N-grams (to ensure correctness of the query), Semantic Machine Learning (to extract the documents based on the context and not just bag of words and also considering the trust score) and Map Reduce (NSM) Algorithms. Lastly we evaluate the performance of distributed storage of SDSF using era- sure coding and identify the social storage providers based on trust and evaluate their trustworthiness. We also evaluate the performance of our information fusion algorithms in distributed storage systems. Thus, the system using SDSF framework, implements the beneficial features of P2P networks and Cloud storage while avoiding the pitfalls of these systems. The multi-layered encrypting ensures that all other users, including the system administrators cannot decode the stored data. The application of NSM algorithm improves the effectiveness of fusion since large number of genuine documents are retrieved for fusion

    Comprehensive Framework for Selecting Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) Using Meta synthesis Approach

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    IntroductionNowadays, cloud computing has attracted the attention of many organizations. So many of them tend to make their business more agile by using flexible cloud services. Currently, the number of cloud service providers is increasing. In this regard, choosing the most suitable cloud service provider based on the criteria according to the conditions of the service consumer will be considered one of the most important challenges. Relying on previous studies and using a meta-synthesis approach, this research comprehensively searches past researches and provides a comprehensive framework of factors affecting the choice of cloud service providers including 4 main categories and 10 sub-areas. Then, using the opinions of experts who were selected purposefully and using the snowball method, and using the Lawshe validation method, the framework is finalized.Research Question(s)This research aims to complete the results of previous studies and answer the following questions with a systematic review of the subject literature:-What are the components of the comprehensive framework for choosing cloud service providers?-What are the effective criteria to choose a cloud service provider?-What is the selected framework of effective factors? Literature ReviewMany researchers have looked at the problem of choosing the best CSP from different aspects and have tried to provide a solution in this field. In this regard, we can refer to "Tang and Liu" (2015) who proposed a model called "FAGI" which defines the choice of a trusted CSP through four dimensions: security functions, auditability, management capability, and Interactivity helps. "Kong et al." (2013) presented an optimization algorithm based on graph theory to facilitate CSP selection. Some researchers have also provided a framework for CSP selection, such as "Gash" (2015) who provides a framework called "SelCSP" with the combination of trustworthiness and competence to estimate the risk of interaction. "Brendvall and Vidyarthi" (2014) suggest that in order to choose the best cloud service provider, a customer must first identify the indicators related to the level of service quality related to him and then evaluate different providers. Some researchers have focused on using different techniques for selection. For example: "Supraya et al." (2016) use the MCDM method to rank based on infrastructure parameters (agility, financial, efficiency, security, and ease of use). They investigate the mechanisms of cloud service recommender systems and divide them into four main categories and their techniques in four features of scalability, accessibility, accuracy, and trustIn this research, it has been tried to use the models and variables of the subject literature in developing a comprehensive framework. The codes, concepts, and categories related to the choice of cloud service providers are extracted from previous studies, and a comprehensive framework of the factors influencing the choice of cloud service providers is presented using the meta-composite method. MethodologyIn this research, based on the "Sandusky and Barroso" meta-composite qualitative research method, which is more general, a systematic review of the research literature was conducted, and the codes in the research literature were extracted. Then the codes, categories, and finally the proposed model are formed. The seven-step method of "Sandusky and Barroso" consists of: formulation of the research question, systematic review of the subject literature, search and selection of suitable articles, extraction of article information, analysis and synthesis of qualitative findings, quality control, and presentation of findings. Lawshe validation method has been used to validate the research findings. ResultsIn the meta-synthesis method, all the factors extracted from previous studies are considered as codes and concepts are obtained from the collection of these codes. Using the opinion of experts and considering the concept of each of these codes, codes with similar concepts were placed next to each other and new concepts were formed. This procedure was repeated in converting the concepts into categories and the proposed framework was identified. This framework consists of 27 codes, 10 concepts, and 4 categories (Table 1).Table 1: Codes, concepts, and categories extracted from the sourcescategoryConceptCodeNo.TrustSecurityHardware Security1Network Security2Software Security3Confidentiality4Control5Guarantee and AssuranceAccessibility6Stability7Facing ThreatsTechnical Risk8Center for Security Measures9TechnologyEfficiencyService Delivery Efficiency10Interactivity11Hardware and Network InfrastructureConfiguration and Change12Capacity (Memory, CPU, Disk)13Functionality Flexibility14Usability15Accuracy16Service Response Time17Ease of use18ManagerialMaintenanceEducation and Awareness19Customer Communication Channels20StrategicLegal Issues21Data Analysis22Service Level Agreement23CommercialCustomer SatisfactionResponsiveness24Customer Feedback25CostSubscription Fee26Implementation Cost27The lack of a common framework for evaluating cloud service providers is compounded by the fact that no two providers are the same, so that this issue complicates the process of choosing the right provider for each organization. Figure 1 shows the proposed comprehensive framework including 4 categories and 10 concepts covering the issue of choosing cloud service providers. These factors are useful in determining the provider that best matches the personal and organizational needs of the service recipient. The main categories are: trust building, technology, management, and business, which will be explained in the following.Figure 1: Cloud service provider selection framework 5- ConclusionBy comprehensively examining the factors affecting the choice, this research introduces specific areas such as trust building, technology, management, and business as the main areas of cloud service provider selection and add to the previous areas. The category of building trust between the customer, and the cloud service provider is of particular importance. In this research, the concepts related to trust building are: security (including hardware security, network security, software security, confidentiality and control), (availability, stability and stability), and facing threats (technical risk). In 36% of the articles, the concept of trust is mentioned, but in each study, only a limited number of factors affecting this category are discussed. This research takes a comprehensive look at the category of technology, the concepts of productivity (including service delivery efficiency, interactivity), hardware and network infrastructure (including configuration and repair, capacity (memory, processor, disk)), and performance (including flexibility, usability, accuracy of operation, service response time, ease of use). Considering the variety of services on different cloud platforms, service recipients must ensure that the provision of services is managed easily and in the shortest possible time by the cloud provider. The commercial aspect of service delivery deals with the two concepts of customer satisfaction (including responsiveness, customer feedback) and service rates (including: subscription cost and implementation cost), which are of interest to many businesses. The results of this research will help the decision makers of using the cloud space (both organizational managers and cloud customers) in choosing the best cloud service provider to have a comprehensive view of the effective factors before choosing and plan according to their needs

    Cloud adoption and cyber security in public organizations: an empirical investigation on Norwegian municipalities

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    The public sector in Norway, particularly municipalities, is currently transforming through the adoption of cloud solutions. This multiple case study investigates cloud adoption and is security challenges that come along with it. The objective is to identify the security challenges that cloud solutions present and techniques or strategies that can be used to mitigate these security challenges. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) provided valuable insights into the prevalent challenges and associated mitigation techniques in cloud adoption. The thesis also uses a qualitative approach using Semi-Structured Interviews (SSI) to gather insight into informants’ experiences regarding cloud adoption and its security challenges. The study’s empirical data is based on interviews with six different Norwegian municipalities, providing a unique and broad perspective. The analysis of the empirical findings, combined with the literature, reveals several security challenges and mitigation techniques in adopting cloud solutions. The security challenges encompass organizational, environmental, legal, and technical aspects of cloud adoption in the municipality. Based on the findings, it is recommended that Norwegian municipalities act on these issues to ensure a more secure transition to cloud solutions

    Towards Bayesian-Based Trust Management for Insider Attacks in Healthcare Software-Defined Networks

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    © 2004-2012 IEEE. The medical industry is increasingly digitalized and Internet-connected (e.g., Internet of Medical Things), and when deployed in an Internet of Medical Things environment, software-defined networks (SDNs) allow the decoupling of network control from the data plane. There is no debate among security experts that the security of Internet-enabled medical devices is crucial, and an ongoing threat vector is insider attacks. In this paper, we focus on the identification of insider attacks in healthcare SDNs. Specifically, we survey stakeholders from 12 healthcare organizations (i.e., two hospitals and two clinics in Hong Kong, two hospitals and two clinics in Singapore, and two hospitals and two clinics in China). Based on the survey findings, we develop a trust-based approach based on Bayesian inference to figure out malicious devices in a healthcare environment. Experimental results in either a simulated and a real-world network environment demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our proposed approach regarding the detection of malicious healthcare devices, i.e., our approach could decrease the trust values of malicious devices faster than similar approaches

    Toward a Trust Evaluation Mechanism for in the Social Internet of Things

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    In the blooming era of the Internet of Things (IoT), trust has been accepted as a vital factor for provisioning secure, reliable, seamless communications and services. However, a large number of challenges have been unsolved yet due to the ambiguity of the concept of trust as well as the variety of divergent trust models in different contexts. In this research, we augment the trust concept, the trust definition and provide a general conceptual model in the context of the Social IoT (SIoT) environment by breaking down all attributes influencing trust. Then, we propose a trust evaluation model called REK comprised of the triad Reputation, Experience and Knowledge trust indicators (TIs). The REK model covers multi-dimensional aspects of trust by incorporating heterogeneous information from direct observation (as Knowledge TI), personal experiences (as Experience TI) to global opinions (as Reputation TI). The associated evaluation models for the three TIs are also proposed and provisioned. We then come up with an aggregation mechanism for deriving trust values as the final outcome of the REK evaluation model. We believe this article offers better understandings on trust as well as provides several prospective approaches for the trust evaluation in the SIoT environment