6,593 research outputs found

    Towards a belief revision based adaptive and context sensitive information retrieval system

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    In an adaptive information retrieval (IR) setting, the information seekers' beliefs about which terms are relevant or nonrelevant will naturally fluctuate. This article investigates how the theory of belief revision can be used to model adaptive IR. More specifically, belief revision logic provides a rich representation scheme to formalize retrieval contexts so as to disambiguate vague user queries. In addition, belief revision theory underpins the development of an effective mechanism to revise user profiles in accordance with information seekers' changing information needs. It is argued that information retrieval contexts can be extracted by means of the information-flow text mining method so as to realize a highly autonomous adaptive IR system. The extra bonus of a belief-based IR model is that its retrieval behavior is more predictable and explanatory. Our initial experiments show that the belief-based adaptive IR system is as effective as a classical adaptive IR system. To our best knowledge, this is the first successful implementation and evaluation of a logic-based adaptive IR model which can efficiently process large IR collections

    A pattern mining approach for information filtering systems

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    It is a big challenge to clearly identify the boundary between positive and negative streams for information filtering systems. Several attempts have used negative feedback to solve this challenge; however, there are two issues for using negative relevance feedback to improve the effectiveness of information filtering. The first one is how to select constructive negative samples in order to reduce the space of negative documents. The second issue is how to decide noisy extracted features that should be updated based on the selected negative samples. This paper proposes a pattern mining based approach to select some offenders from the negative documents, where an offender can be used to reduce the side effects of noisy features. It also classifies extracted features (i.e., terms) into three categories: positive specific terms, general terms, and negative specific terms. In this way, multiple revising strategies can be used to update extracted features. An iterative learning algorithm is also proposed to implement this approach on the RCV1 data collection, and substantial experiments show that the proposed approach achieves encouraging performance and the performance is also consistent for adaptive filtering as well

    Automatic domain ontology extraction for context-sensitive opinion mining

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    Automated analysis of the sentiments presented in online consumer feedbacks can facilitate both organizations’ business strategy development and individual consumers’ comparison shopping. Nevertheless, existing opinion mining methods either adopt a context-free sentiment classification approach or rely on a large number of manually annotated training examples to perform context sensitive sentiment classification. Guided by the design science research methodology, we illustrate the design, development, and evaluation of a novel fuzzy domain ontology based contextsensitive opinion mining system. Our novel ontology extraction mechanism underpinned by a variant of Kullback-Leibler divergence can automatically acquire contextual sentiment knowledge across various product domains to improve the sentiment analysis processes. Evaluated based on a benchmark dataset and real consumer reviews collected from Amazon.com, our system shows remarkable performance improvement over the context-free baseline

    Towards a fuzzy domain ontology extraction method for adaptive e-learning

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    With the widespread applications of electronic learning (e-Learning) technologies to education at all levels, increasing number of online educational resources and messages are generated from the corresponding e-Learning environments. Nevertheless, it is quite difficult, if not totally impossible, for instructors to read through and analyze the online messages to predict the progress of their students on the fly. The main contribution of this paper is the illustration of a novel concept map generation mechanism which is underpinned by a fuzzy domain ontology extraction algorithm. The proposed mechanism can automatically construct concept maps based on the messages posted to online discussion forums. By browsing the concept maps, instructors can quickly identify the progress of their students and adjust the pedagogical sequence on the fly. Our initial experimental results reveal that the accuracy and the quality of the automatically generated concept maps are promising. Our research work opens the door to the development and application of intelligent software tools to enhance e-Learning

    An Empirical Study of Online Consumer Review Spam: A Design Science Approach

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    Because of the sheer volume of consumer reviews posted to the Internet, a manual approach for the detection and analysis of fake reviews is not practical. However, automated detection of fake reviews is a very challenging research problem given the fact that fake reviews could just look like legitimate reviews. Guided by the design science research methodology, one of the main contributions of our research work is the development of a novel methodology and an instantiation which can effectively detect untruthful consumer reviews. The results of our experiment confirm that the proposed methodology outperforms other well-known baseline methods for detecting untruthful reviews collected from amazon.com. Above all, the designed artifacts enable us to conduct an econometric analysis to examine the impact of fake reviews on product sales. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical study conducted to analyze the economic impact of fake consumer reviews

    An ontological framework for the formal representation and management of human stress knowledge

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    There is a great deal of information on the topic of human stress which is embedded within numerous papers across various databases. However, this information is stored, retrieved, and used often discretely and dispersedly. As a result, discovery and identification of the links and interrelatedness between different aspects of knowledge on stress is difficult. This restricts the effective search and retrieval of desired information. There is a need to organize this knowledge under a unifying framework, linking and analysing it in mutual combinations so that we can obtain an inclusive view of the related phenomena and new knowledge can emerge. Furthermore, there is a need to establish evidence-based and evolving relationships between the ontology concepts.Previous efforts to classify and organize stress-related phenomena have not been sufficiently inclusive and none of them has considered the use of ontology as an effective facilitating tool for the abovementioned issues.There have also been some research works on the evolution and refinement of ontology concepts and relationships. However, these fail to provide any proposals for an automatic and systematic methodology with the capacity to establish evidence-based/evolving ontology relationships.In response to these needs, we have developed the Human Stress Ontology (HSO), a formal framework which specifies, organizes, and represents the domain knowledge of human stress. This machine-readable knowledge model is likely to help researchers and clinicians find theoretical relationships between different concepts, resulting in a better understanding of the human stress domain and its related areas. The HSO is formalized using OWL language and Protégé tool.With respect to the evolution and evidentiality of ontology relationships in the HSO and other scientific ontologies, we have proposed the Evidence-Based Evolving Ontology (EBEO), a methodology for the refinement and evolution of ontology relationships based on the evidence gleaned from scientific literature. The EBEO is based on the implementation of a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS).Our evaluation results showed that almost all stress-related concepts of the sample articles can be placed under one or more category of the HSO. Nevertheless, there were a number of limitations in this work which need to be addressed in future undertakings.The developed ontology has the potential to be used for different data integration and interoperation purposes in the domain of human stress. It can also be regarded as a foundation for the future development of semantic search engines in the stress domain